Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
Be sure to download and play the demo guys, it allows you to get in game exclusive items if you have the save file on your console when you begin the actual game itself. Demo is out on Valentine's Day.

I did this (reluctantly) and you should too, more exclusive in game items can be gotten from this game on facebook:


This game is such a money pit and DLC whore it's ridiculous. I find it rather nauseating to annoyance levels everywhere.

Either way, stoked about my Collector's Edition on the 6th. That shit is sold the fuck out, glad I pre-ordered it. This is what pre-ordering is truly for.
Ooh, thanks for the heads-up! Was definitely playing the demo, but that's a nice bonus!

Definitely kicking myself for not pre-ordering the Collector's Edition when it was still in stock. I remember pre-ordering the Collector's Edition for ME2 months in advance, almost by chance while I was getting another game, and thinking "Man, kinda silly I'm pre-ordering so far in advance... not like it'll sell out any time soon." Joke's on me this time! On the upside, I'm saving some loot, and the normal edition will actually look nice on the shelf with the other games. I figure any GREAT DLC will be made available to anyone and won't be 100% exclusive to the deluxe version. On top of that, now that there's the huge/amazing/much deserved "Art of the Mass Effect Universe" book, it kinda makes the art book that comes with the ME3 redundant. Still, I definitely underestimated the popularity of this game somehow.

Anyway, I'm pretty sure Mass Effect 3 will be the greatest game ever. All these new videos from Bioware have me ridiculously excited. Also, "fuck you" to anyone who said multiplayer was a bad idea (no one on this board) - the multiplayer looks AMAZING. I wanna fuck shit up as an Asari!! I'm going through Mass Effect 2 again as my bitchy raven-haired, Gina Gerson-look-alike Shepard on Hardcore and having a blast. Wish I started on Insanity though, as it's one of my 3-4 achievements I'm missing.

Also, I'm very, very happy Liara seems to have a major role in 3. She's definitely one of my favorite characters and the Shadow Broker story took her to new heights.