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Thread: Trump 2017: Year Zero

  1. #511
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai
    Gagging and demonizing the free press for reporting news that he deems unfavorable out of spite, and smearing any criticism with the insinuation that the outlet is "fake" or not legitimate. Pathological and intentional distortion of the truth, especially in matters regarding his stature, authority, and personal greatness. Ordering the EPA, government employed scientists, and national parks to censor their communications with the public, press, and social media. Rallying his supporters around xenophobic scaremongering and demonizing of the "other" while projecting jingoistic appeals to hyper-nationalism. Glorifying masculinity by aligning with alt-right propagandists who codify their language to mock opposition for lacking in manliness. Appealing to the notion of a lost "golden era" and hyperbolically bemoaning the broken, destitute state of the country - condensed into his campaign slogan. His endorsement of torture techniques, "going after the families," "kick their ass," "make our military so strong nobody will mess with us," and "bomb the shit out of them" project strength through violence and force. Speaking to outlets, critics, and politicians in a lecturing but threatening tone. Assigning people to positions of power that have conflicts of interest with corporate entities. Framing himself as a victim of persecution from the elite (ironically) and a corrupt political system that is united against him, whereas he is the only answer that can save the country from sure destruction. He endears himself as an outsider voice of the downtrodden common man, bolstering his candidacy by referencing his success as a business man beholden to no one as an iconic cult leader. Framing his campaign in a theatrical, ostentatious showboating manner. Shaming and purging political players that he perceives as disloyal. Defining his campaign as a movement. Nationalistic praise of the military. Defending authoritarian overreach by the police in a manner that denotes patriotic pride. Insisting upon absolute hyper-loyalty to the state as a leading priority. Did you catch his scaremongering hyper-nationalist inauguration speech? Really, "American carnage?" Questioning the authority of the law to assess him fairly due to him being persecuted and treated with bias. Use of superlative rhetoric to either demonize or glorify everything.

    Some of those things there are just aspects that note a characteristic similarity when taking in the full picture of this administration, but some would be conventional and visible in other political groups when isolated. Really though, the most damning hallmark, and the only one you'd need to answer your question, is the silencing/delegitimizing of the press and the gag order for all government agencies.
    99% of what you listed isn't fascist. The gag order is the only thing I find legitimately concerning and I don't understand why president even should have such power to begin with. I don't see how is Trump silencing the press, you mean how he refuse to answer the question of one CNN reporter? Please, he can take questions from whoever he likes. His rhetoric about fake news is just PR, he's trying to safe face, divert attention to something other than him. I could go on and on. Just stop it with these hyperboles, it's ridiculous. You don't know what fascism is if you think Trump is fascist. He's many things, but not that.

  2. #512
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    Emoting in the middle of the street and then going home isn't going to change anything.
    That is one of the most dismissive bullshit things I've ever read on the internet.

    Do you hold the same contempt for the million man march, or MLK's march on Washington in 63? Is peaceful protest ineffectual or something? Do we have to break shit to matter? At the very least, the women's march on Washington was referenced as a key point in Feinstein's insistence to delay the approval of Sessions, so that's something at least, right?
    Last edited by Jinsai; 01-26-2017 at 02:58 PM.

  3. #513
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    Quote Originally Posted by telee.kom View Post
    99% of what you listed isn't fascist. The gag order is the only thing I find legitimately concerning and I don't understand why president even should have such power to begin with. I don't see how is Trump silencing the press, you mean how he refuse to answer the question of one CNN reporter? Please, he can take questions from whoever he likes. His rhetoric about fake news is just PR, he's trying to safe face, divert attention to something other than him. I could go on and on. Just stop it with these hyperboles, it's ridiculous. You don't know what fascism is if you think Trump is fascist. He's many things, but not that.
    Jesus, he's only been in office 6 days, but at least we're agreeing that there's a fascist tone to putting a gag order on tax-payer-funded government agencies prohibiting them from speaking to the public or press. If you think it's not at all fascist to attack a present news outlet, call them illegitimate "fake news," and then shush them when they ask for a counterpoint, you're working with a strict literalist-expectations rule-book when it comes to fascism. We're not about to repeat the 30s verbatim; times have changed. "When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross."

    These are characteristic hallmarks of fascism; shared aspects that typify fascist regimes. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and is named Donald, it's probably a duck.

    But, for the sake of debate, please clarify what you think fascism is. You're just telling people what it isn't. It's easy to say "no, that's wrong" and then not offer what you believe to be correct.

  4. #514
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    just look at the number of posts in this thread that say: something needs to happen but the left is failing horribly at everything. That's all you need really.

    What's your solution? Keep waiting for the left to pull their head out of their ass on their own volition?
    You're a fucking bummer man.

  5. #515
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    Why are Democrats approving his picks?

    Have impeachment proceedings begun yet, and if not, why not?

  6. #516
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    Trump wants to put a 20% tax on all imports from Mexico to pay for the wall.

    So it looks like you guys are gonna pay twice for that wall.

  7. #517
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    What in the hell are you even trying to infer here? Would you like me to post a ridiculous nonsense counter-argument on Reddit to demonstrate how ridiculous you were/are?

    And that made no fucking sense.
    You cried about something that is
    - a legit procedure
    - got someone in the midst of it who's on the side of Trump

    You try to dismiss something because it comes from reddit, to fuel your conspiracy-theories instead. You'd quite literally dig a hole on the ground and put your head in it, so you can keep spreading your mania, that people are out to get your people.

  8. #518
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deepvoid View Post
    Trump wants to put a 20% tax on all imports from Mexico to pay for the wall.

    So it looks like you guys are gonna pay twice for that wall.

    You can arrest the press. You can silence science. You can repress women. You can waste tens of billions of dollars on something that will never work.

    But so help me god, if this goes from $1.69 to $2.03, I am going to lose my shit.

  9. #519
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    Quote Originally Posted by Volband View Post
    You cried about something that is
    - a legit procedure
    - got someone in the midst of it who's on the side of Trump

    You try to dismiss something because it comes from reddit, to fuel your conspiracy-theories instead. You'd quite literally dig a hole on the ground and put your head in it, so you can keep spreading your mania, that people are out to get your people.
    What in the holy fuck are you even attempting to say?

  10. #520
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    need to make sure these aren't alternative facts but that wall just raised your taxes 20% bitch tiny hands bitch sez, thanks "suckers"

  11. #521
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    ok i was wrong i think Mexico will pay for the wall I think after one year of a trump presidency Mexico will pay to keep US citizens out of Mexico

  12. #522
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  13. #523
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    Quote Originally Posted by Louie_Cypher View Post

  14. #524
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    I wonder how long it will be until I can go one whole day without thinking about Donald Trump.

    I used to have that all the time. With Obama, Bush, I'd have days where I was reading all this political stuff, talking to people about politics, writing things, organizing, doing lots of activism shit, etc, but then I'd also have days where I just wasn't in the mood and did something else. Watched movies, joked around, played video games, whatever. I used to take little breaks from politics.

    Now it's like it's always at forefront of my mind. Every goddamn day there's some new statement, some idiotic tweet, a new executive order, or just a new dimension of the nightmare that hogs up all my attention. It's like Donald Trump just moved into my brain and will not leave. And so I recently found myself thinking "Wow...How long has it been since I went a whole day without having even one single thought about Donald Trump, even just a little bit?" It's probably been at least year, probably more. A whole year of thinking about Donald Trump every fucking day. Talk about a recipe for anxiety. I wonder how long it'll be. Is it honestly gonna be like this for the next four years?? Is it gonna be trump, trump, trump, every fucking day??? I don't think I can take it. Every time I check the news he's hogging up the top four articles.

    I think we need to start Trump holidays, maybe make it a weekly thing, just for the sake of everyone's sanity. One whole day where there's not a single Trump article in the news, no mention of him AT ALL for the entire day. Everybody just goes about their days doing normal things like normal people, trying to pretend for one day that the country isn't being managed by self-worshiping douchebag who's showing signs of early dementia.
    Last edited by Mantra; 01-26-2017 at 05:46 PM.

  15. #525
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mantra View Post
    I wonder how long it will be until I can go one whole day without thinking about Donald Trump.

    I used to have that all the time. With Obama, Bush, I'd have days where I was reading all this political stuff, talking to people about politics, writing things, organizing, doing lots of activism shit, etc, but then I'd also have days where I just wasn't in the mood and did something else. Watched movies, joked around, played video games, whatever. I used to take little breaks from politics.
    I installed a filter to replace his last name with "Tiny Hands". As childish and immature as it is, it honestly helps with the barrage of news coverage. Any little thing I can do to make it less stressful is worth it to me.

  16. #526
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  17. #527
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  18. #528
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    here is some humor tp lighten things up

  19. #529
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    I like how they used an orange kitten for the picture.

  20. #530
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    Quote Originally Posted by Louie_Cypher View Post
    here is some humor tp lighten things up
    Goddamnit, I can't laugh at that. I'm genuinely afraid that this whole administration will end up being hacked and irreversible damage will be done as a result.

  21. #531
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    What in the holy fuck are you even attempting to say?
    Nothing bud, keep up with the alternative facts. In the meantime, I am channeling my energy for you, because I can't even imagine what 3rd world conditions you must be going through ever since last November.

    Finding good anti-trump memes while doing your best to trigger yourself into a constant, plastic state of anger and fear sounds like no easy task. I bet you still have the same rights, the same house, the same salary with the same prices at your local grocery, the same family since Trump became president-elect. I bet nothing in your life has changed, other than you chasing yourself in this endless state of madness. I bet you have absolutely no idea how the actual things which will matter in your life (ie. healthcare) will be sorted out, you just know it will be fucking terrible.

    Despite all of this, you sound like someone who just got evicted, had his family deported, got fired because opposes the leadership and facing trial for possibly 10 years in jail.

    Oh, I just read you already concluded that you are in fact living in Nazi Germany now. Damn dude, you should give a speech to a bunch of undecided voters. Nothing could end badly!

  22. #532
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    Only true Trek dorks will get this:

  23. #533
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  24. #534
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    Sean Spicer and five Trump family members are registered to vote in two states:

  25. #535
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    Quote Originally Posted by Volband View Post
    Nothing bud, keep up with the alternative facts.

    In the meantime, I am channeling my energy for you, because I can't even imagine what 3rd world conditions you must be going through ever since last November
    Trump won the election in November. He just became president a week ago. Already he is charging full-speed ahead with his bullshit agenda. But no, we aren't living with the repercussions yet. I suggest you catch up on Schoolhouse Rock if you're confused why people are concerned about this foreplay stage of the relationship.

    Finding good anti-trump memes

    while doing your best to trigger yourself into a constant, plastic state of anger and fear sounds like no easy task.
    No, it sucks, but given that you don't live here it's cute to hear you weigh in on that aspect.

    I bet you still have the same rights, the same house, the same salary with the same prices at your local grocery, the same family since Trump became president-elect. I bet nothing in your life has changed, other than you chasing yourself in this endless state of madness. I bet you have absolutely no idea how the actual things which will matter in your life (ie. healthcare) will be sorted out, you just know it will be fucking terrible.
    I'm personally not on the ACA, so no, things aren't going to change dramatically for me personally.

    I have many friends who are on the ACA and they're looking at a shitty situation, but who am I to stop your dumb ass from laughing at them while they suffer from a situation that in no way impacts you? Also, you're apparently a total asshole and you should get that looked at.

    Despite all of this, you sound like someone who just got evicted, had his family deported, got fired because opposes the leadership and facing trial for possibly 10 years in jail.
    One more time... The effects of what Trump is setting into motion are horrifying, and fuck your indifference towards people who might be concerned about the future. Again, he's been president for barely a week, and already he's gearing up to fuck millions of Americans, but why should we care right? We haven't been fucked YET, so why bother paying attention to the incoming, clearly stated fucking?

    If someone put a gun to your head and cocked the trigger, would you be saying "hahaha, oh well, this guy hasn't shot me yet?"

    Oh, I just read you already concluded that you are in fact living in Nazi Germany now. Damn dude, you should give a speech to a bunch of undecided voters. Nothing could end badly!
    No, I'm just pointing out similarities between fascist regimes. I think you're confusing me with Donald Trump

    I never said we're living in Nazi Germany.

    Last edited by Jinsai; 01-27-2017 at 01:24 AM.

  26. #536
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    Quote Originally Posted by Volband View Post
    I bet you still have the same rights, the same house, the same salary with the same prices at your local grocery, the same family since Trump became president-elect. I bet nothing in your life has changed, other than you chasing yourself in this endless state of madness. I bet you have absolutely no idea how the actual things which will matter in your life (ie. healthcare) will be sorted out, you just know it will be fucking terrible.
    I for one am likely to lose my insurance, and it will be a struggle to get a new one unless pre-existing conditions are covered. Several friends were directly affected by the freezing of all EPA grants. My partner's job search was slashed by the halt of all government hiring. Oh, and one of the president's top advisers - who created the alt-right's favorite fake news website - is now waging a war against centuries-old journalism outlets (literally calling the media "the opposition party"), and 45's fans BELIEVE HIM. But no, working to dismantle the free press and push your objectively false agenda via what is now essentially State Media isn't fucking terrifying at all. ever get the feeling that someone is just too stupid to realize how stupid they are?

  27. #537
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    @Jinsai okay, that's a solid meme.

    Discussing the future and trying to find ways to negate the negative effects is great, but you are at the point where if you wake up in the morning and stumble into your table, you come here and cry about how Trump out it there to assassinate you.

    Once again, look at the 4 journalists incident. Let's ignore kettling, and one of them not even being against Trump, and let's assume you are right, those 4 guys were eyed by Trump's people and they told the police to jail their ass asap. 1 billion other journalists still reported the news, and they continue to do so because you can't just blackmail the media in a democracy in 2017.

    And ACA had many critics, isn't that right? I mean, if ACA served the interest of everyone, no one would'ee voted for Trump. But that's as far as I can go, as the healthcare system of the USA is way beyond me.
    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post ever get the feeling that someone is just too stupid to realize how stupid they are?
    Stop making jabs at the salty Democrats.

  28. #538
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    No conflicts of interest whatsoever! none. period.

    Last edited by baudolino; 01-27-2017 at 08:48 AM.

  29. #539
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mantra View Post
    I wonder how long it will be until I can go one whole day without thinking about Donald Trump.

    I used to have that all the time. With Obama, Bush, I'd have days where I was reading all this political stuff, talking to people about politics, writing things, organizing, doing lots of activism shit, etc, but then I'd also have days where I just wasn't in the mood and did something else. Watched movies, joked around, played video games, whatever. I used to take little breaks from politics.

    Now it's like it's always at forefront of my mind. Every goddamn day there's some new statement, some idiotic tweet, a new executive order, or just a new dimension of the nightmare that hogs up all my attention. It's like Donald Trump just moved into my brain and will not leave. And so I recently found myself thinking "Wow...How long has it been since I went a whole day without having even one single thought about Donald Trump, even just a little bit?" It's probably been at least year, probably more. A whole year of thinking about Donald Trump every fucking day. Talk about a recipe for anxiety. I wonder how long it'll be. Is it honestly gonna be like this for the next four years?? Is it gonna be trump, trump, trump, every fucking day??? I don't think I can take it. Every time I check the news he's hogging up the top four articles.

    I think we need to start Trump holidays, maybe make it a weekly thing, just for the sake of everyone's sanity. One whole day where there's not a single Trump article in the news, no mention of him AT ALL for the entire day. Everybody just goes about their days doing normal things like normal people, trying to pretend for one day that the country isn't being managed by self-worshiping douchebag who's showing signs of early dementia.
    My wife even mentioned to me (and she's not a political person at all) that she can't check anything except sports without seeing something. I told her even that was compromised because of Steve Kerr and Mark Cuban and Tom fucking Brady.

  30. #540
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    i think he managed that TWICE in one day.


    And not covered, for a good period of time on Tuesday, trump fucked up his security settings again and allowed anyone to tag him in a photo. I'm sure with the right photo you could cause him to initiate WW3
    Trump had the potus account tied to gmail:

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