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Thread: Arrival

  1. #1
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    I just came home from seeing Arrival. I thought it was really clever, I really expected to see a different movie. It's everything but what you would expect from alien invasion movie. I'm not sure I would even call it a sci-fi, because that's not what this film was all about in its core. It is very slow paced in its first half, maybe little too much for my taste. It is definitely a recommendation for me, although it's not for everyone and I'm really interested how it will do in a box office. I have some minor gripes, but it is an definitely an experience worth checking out. And also I need to think about this a bit more, because there is a lot to think about.

  2. #2
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    Hands down my favorite movie of the year. If you have any interest in seeing it, do yourself a favor, go and catch it now. Don't read about it, don't listen to people talking about it, don't watch the trailer, just go and see the film. The less you know, the better.

    And no, it's not the usual "they're not spacemen, but us/something we created/caused/something that created/caused us" twist, I promise. They are bona fide aliens and they are great. Especially if Spoiler: you're still sad about not getting that Year Zero series. If it wasn't based on a short story, I'd swear this was inspired by The Warning.

    See it, guys, it's worth it.

  3. #3
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    I loved it. Between this and Sicario, Denis Villeneuve is fast becoming a top director of thoughtful work. If this is any indication of what he does for Blade Runner 2049, then I would regard it as the film I am most looking forward to see next year.

  4. #4
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    I watched it last night, and I absolutely loved it! It was very smart and emotionally charged, and I have a soft spot for linguistics based sci-fi/horror (a completely different tone, but Pontypool is in this rare category and another excellent movie). Highly recommended!

    Quote Originally Posted by telee.kom View Post
    I'm not sure I would even call it a sci-fi, because that's not what this film was all about in its core.
    Good sci-fi is rarely about what's on the surface, and yes, it is definitely a science fiction movie. The genre has a lot of amazing, deep works that are worth exploring! This movie reminded me of Childhood's End by Arthur C Clarke (the novel; I haven't seen the TV series), explored a couple of similar themes.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by hellospaceboy View Post
    This movie reminded me of Childhood's End by Arthur C Clarke (the novel; I haven't seen the TV series), explored a couple of similar themes.
    I'm looking forward to this film. I'm a huge Clarke fan and thought the TV version of Childhood's End was a big disappointment but had some real potential.

    I'm anxiously awaiting the long-discussed, rumored film version of Rendezvous With Rama.

  6. #6
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    Movie was incredible. If you haven't seen it you should really make the effort to see it, one of the best movies I seen in the theaters in a long time. - The use of Max Richer- on the nature of daylight was done perfect and brought me to tears. Good for him, he deserves the exposure.

  7. #7
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    It's amazing, just an hour ago left the cinema, walking home and looking at people passing by, thinking: "they have no fucking idea".
    Right now just typing these letters here feels awkward.

  8. #8
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    Watched this last night. Certainly exceeded my high expectations. I'm going to pick up Ted Chiang's collection Stories of Your Life and Others. Some high praise for Ted Chiang and his sci-fi tales:

    This anthology contains Ted Chiang's The Merchant and the Alchemist's Gate. The anthology is a lot more affordable than the limited hardcover going for $473 to $2,121 on Amazon.
    2&keywords=the+merchant+and+the+alchemist%27s+ga te

    A lot of raving 4 and 5 star reviews for that story:

    Lastly, here's an article Chiang wrote for The New Yorker:

  9. #9
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    I think Arrival deserves much better box office than this http://www.boxofficemojo.com/movies/?id=arrival2016.htm . Maybe it will pick up the pace in the awards season?

  10. #10
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    So fucking pumped for this. Going to see this on saturday.

    My body is ready.

  11. #11
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    Well-budgeted, original sci-fi films for adults are a risk that studios rarely take in the current era, sadly, and Oscar's traditional ignoring of the genre doesn't help matters. At least it's likely to break even.

  12. #12
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    Fun fact: it's called "The first contact" over here. :-) I liked its minimalism, everything looked perfectly... normal? And I was wondering about "I am not THINKING using WORDS, right?" years ago myself, so I should have loved it, but... not really, did not impress me as much as I'd liked it to. Solid 7/10.
    PS: No, language does not affect thinking that much.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vertigo View Post
    Well-budgeted, original sci-fi films for adults are a risk that studios rarely take in the current era
    Uhuh. For that reason alone it's worth going out and seeing Arrival. Personally though I thought it was slightly overrated in reviews. It IS a very good film, and I want to see much more like this. Especially when Hollywood can't even get good fun dumb sci-fi right (did you SEE Independence Day 2?). But yeah, it was far from life changing. I wish I'd heard a bit less about it beforehand so I might have been more surprised. I did enjoy the bit at the beginning though when Amy Adams got the TV in a lecture theatre to work straight away - probably the most unrealistic part of the film.

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    I enjoyed this tonight. If they were trying to keep the twist (for lack of a better word) a secret, they telegraph at least some aspects of it by continually flashing to the daughter. Maybe should have done that a bit less.

    Amy Adams is lifting some serious weight here. She basically has to carry the whole film. She is the focus big time. Renner is good too though.

    I'm too rigid & logical to entertain the ideas presented as possible, but it was still a very smart & clever idea to consider.

    This thing was shot beautifully too. Love how it looks, and sounds for that matter as well.

  16. #16
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    One of my favorite moments in the film was the scene of Louise's arrival (hehe) at the landing site, the one shot from the helicopter. So beautifully shot. I was totally in the same helicopter at that moment.

  17. #17
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    Yes. Her nerves and awe were captured well.

    The scene where her & Renner first enter the ship was great too. They were completely disoriented, and we felt it too.

    Just realized why the aliens communicated with circles. Im dumb.

  18. #18
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    I was a little bit let down after having read so much about it, but god damn I really loved the music and sound design of this. what an amazing journey and I really loved how the awe and excitement was presented in a way I haven't seen it in an alien movie in a long time.

  19. #19
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    Really good. After having watched the trailer and after the first rave reviews started coming in (and hinting that there was a "twist" somewhere), I consciously avoided anything Arrival related, and I'm glad I did. I can see why someone would be let down after all the hype. Arrival never really takes off spectacularly, it's more of a slow buildup to a certain kind of resolution (but not an absolute one). Which is absolutely fine, I'm just saying one should not expect a jaw dropping experience.

    Having said that, the way this move handles the whole contact scenario, the mixed fear/nervousness/awe it creates for the prospect of alien contact and the actual communication that happens is one of the best portrayals I have seen. Cinematography is great, while the sound design and soundtrack are excellent and really support the film's atmosphere.

  20. #20
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    I thought Charlie Sheen was an odd choice for casting........joking

    Arrival 2016, I really liked this movie, I thought it was well written and a new dynamic on the genre. My only beef with the film was casting Amy Adams just doesn't do it for me, as an actress her delivery is too deadpan, she is not one of my favorite actresses but even she couldn't fuck up this movie. Now watch now that I have bitched about her she will win the best actress Oscar.

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    My opinion, she's a great actress and has been continually robbed at the big show. She's not even nominated this year.

  22. #22
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    Finally had a chance to watch the movie last night and it was a trip.

    The part I disliked about the film was the middle where Hawkeye's character just started narrating the part of the movie they decided not to film. "Let's just have Exposition Man start talking for about five minutes and show random scenes."

    I'm not sure why she got the language better than anyone else. The Chinese and Russians both came away with "weapon" before she did though, but I wonder if it goes back to her "ask what's his face what the Sanskirt word for war is" and how she turns out to be the only one who was able to see beyond "weapon" to "language".

    Yeah, btw - spoilers.

    The aliens also didn't just travel, they appeared and disappeared. I remember thinking it weird that no one talked about tracking them to where the ships ended up, they were just there. And I do wish the film would have said more about the looting situation, it was all a little too...not medical...sterile, that's the word. It wasn't a very dirty movie.

    The most unbelievable thing was the people allowed to just call outside of camp and the soldiers watching videos. The whole thing is secret-level clearance and that's how secure it is? I get that it had to be there to setup the whole bomb thing but come on. And even then it was like the command knew immediately what was going on. "Oh, those soldiers are against us now, shoot first and ask questions later."

    Finally, I think the part that I disagreed with the most was where she tells Hawkeye that their kid is going to die. No, don't do that. Unless it's winning lottery numbers, don't share the future.

  23. #23
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    find the whole idea of communication fascinating especially with civilizations or beings more advanced than us there is something called the forma paradox which is basically that even if the universe is densely populated. but that that two civilizations arriving at tech same time to travel the vast distances to meet each other makes it pretty remote. a lot of it has to due with social given again the distance traveled then would have to have some form of entertainment what wold that be like there music. and the craziest religion what if more advanced missionaries arrived and it was like the Spanish did the north America aboriginal cultures anyways really like the movie and how it was done.

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