Honestly, the thing that baffled me the most was when Apocalypse launches ALL the freakin' nukes in the world... into outer space?!
I mean, those could have done what he was trying to get Magneto to do at the end... I laughed out loud when the rockets just kept going into space... I assumed that they were deployed to bring on the... wait for it... to bring on the apocalypse!

I rolled my eyes a LOT while watching this movie. Another thing that bothered me is that nothing had any real consequence in regards to the overall story of the X-Men. They even rebuild the school in what seems like minutes (like, the plumbing and electricity and everything will work after they flip the debris back together?) Even Magneto is let back into the school after nearly destroying the planet!

What the Marvel guys got right is that each of the individual movies push forward the overall world of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. If you look at phase one, with Nick Fury leading the SHIELD, it is all gone now, it doesn't feel so stale. I feel like if you skip Apocalypse and come back for the movie that will come next you'd be fine. The status quo will be the same.

(or not! You won't know how the professor lost his hair!!!!)

So yes, I think there is room for criticism when it comes to this movie.

That said, I would never criticise someone for being enthusiastic about a movie, god knows, there are several ones that nobody else on the planet liked just me.