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Thread: X-Men: Apocalypse (try not to act like twats)

  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Blaileen View Post
    I've been an X-men fan for about 20 years, so I'm confident I'll enjoy Apocalypse. However, don't like what I am reading in these early reviews:
    My university friend who works in animated movies (the recent 'Ratchet & Clank', etc) has a buddy who works for Cineplex, so he got to see an advance screening and we actually talked about it last night. His opinion was along the same lines, though perhaps not quite as negative. He said that it was a bit bloated, and a lot to take in.

  2. #32
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    X-Men! X-Men! This is the day! This is the day!


  3. #33
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    Hate all you want but I fucking LOVED it. It was everything my childhood growing up on the animated series wanted. My only grievances were Apocalypse just basically talking 3/4 of the movie and Psylocke not getting any real dialogue.


    Pretty sure I messed my pants during the 3 minute Jean Grey scene. I mean how does this movie get the Phoenix right with 3 minutes where Last Stand wasted an entire movie NOT even showing the Phoenix. Damn I was dying.

  4. #34
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    So they showed the cosmic entity or Dark Phoenix?

  5. #35
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    I mean, I'm not saying I STOLE anything...but I PROBABLY FUCKING STOLE SOMETHING, lol.


  6. #36
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    As a film, I thought it was... bad... the pacing was kinda off, stuff just seemed to happen, then be cut away from with little consequence... buuuut I bloody enjoyed myself watching it, it was like the kids tv show, only bigger and had Fassbender being awesome, characters had charm, it looked great. So I give it a thumbs up. It didn't feel as original as First Class or Days of Future Past, which really went a long way to make me enjoy the series again, and I can see why lots of people are ragging on it, but eh, I liked it more than Civil War. So nerr.

  7. #37
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    It's actually a pretty fun watch a lot of the time but it is also loaded with baffling bad calls.

    It's definitely bloated and the bulk of the bloat comes from the fact that this is essentially two different movies with two different plots and villains. There's a plot about rescuing students from Stryker, which weirdly follows many of the same beats from X2 and the there's the Apocalypse plot.
    Time is spent developing Magneto, Cyclops,Jean Grey, and Quicksilver, and everyone else doesn't particularly have a character arc. The problem is that we've already seen a couple of magneto arcs, and so they pull a cheap, left field stunt to give him another one. It's actually good to watch and Fassbinder does a great job, but it does crowd the film. Quicksilver has amazing moments again, but they stop him well short of being properly developed.

    Apocalypse himself is a big problem, seemingly the writers deemed him uninteresting enough to really e,pore what makes him tick. It's astonishing to me that they went through all of shooting without anyone calling out how shitty his costume is. At one point they had him in a cloak.... they should have stuck to that. Several serious moments with apocalypse garnered laughter from the audience because of how goofy he is.

    As much as the PLOT is a mess the movie still has a ton of great scenes that are great to watch and what you came for. Nightcrawler is actually in a substantial part of the movie and has a decently sized role. Storm, Psylock and Angel have very small roles, and Psylock's outfit is just embarrassing. There are two spectacular Quicksilver sequence, and the escape from Stryker prison is thrilling to watch. Michael Fassbinder, magneto, his powers, still translate to the screen incredibly and that's great.

    So the movie is really great to watch but we are at a point where the continuity is really being strange, and the ages of people kind of don't make sense. I think the series desperately needs to get past changing of guard type situations and come up with a team and just move forward. I think future movies should just pick one or two characters and relationships to focus on, probably not Magneto, Professor X, Mystique, or Wolverine. Too much of this movie was wasted on mystique and beast, who had nothing to contribute. I think mystique shapeshifted just one time.

    I actually usually hate Cyclops, because he's a bit of a one note character and never adds much and his powers are kind of boring, but they made him pretty interesting in this one, and I geninety enjoyed watchin him.

    So there's a lot of great stuff about this cheese awful movie. Apocalypse's powers are totally awesome to watch, but all of his plot is garbage and every time the movie focused on a side plot or someone else it hit the right notes from First Class and Days of Future Past.

  8. #38
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    I'd give it 2 out of 5.

    Baffling character motivations and the climax of the movie felt like it belonged to X-Men Origins: Wolverine.

    While I was watching one of the action sequences I remembered how seamlessly Cap America Civil War handled several important characters fighting simultaneously, and here it felt very dated and something I would've expected 10-15 years ago.

    So yes, very disappointed, especially that there was a great movie in there, if it was only made with more care. So many problems with this movie.

    That said I still enjoyed watching it, even if I rolled my eyes the whole time.

  9. #39
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    Haven't seen the flick yet, but I wish THIS was how Apocalypse looked. This was an alternate design:

  10. #40
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    LOL, I literally got caught trying to steal Jean Grey next at the same theater tonight, but she was bolted down by about 20 wingnuts so I was busted midway through. But the GOOD news is they thought I was looking for my cellphone down there and I'm halfway towards unscrewing her for NEXT time, w00t!

    We also sneaked into the 1:30 am 4DX showing after the 2D showing we actually bought tickets for and OMFG IT'S AS AMAZEBALLS AS FUCK. Honestly, the 4DX Captain America: Civil War I sneaked into last week was better integrated (pun intended), but that's no kind of bad review for THIS one. It's really actually a shame that it still has such strong competition in theaters. I can KIND OF get with some of the complaints but the biggest problem seems to be that comic movie bastards are spoiled fucking brats these days and can't appreciate the awesomeness they've been served anymore unless it's an unmitigated 10/10 experience.

    Don't be mistaken, this is a FUCKING AWESOME X-Men movie!


  11. #41
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    @Wretchedest Serious non-sarcasm question--Are you unfamiliar with Psylocke? That's how she looks. I just wish she had more to do.

    It was fun overall. I liked the ending. But yeah, it's all over the place.

  12. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swykk View Post
    @Wretchedest Serious non-sarcasm question--Are you unfamiliar with Psylocke? That's how she looks. I just wish she had more to do.

    It was fun overall. I liked the ending. But yeah, it's all over the place.
    I am familiar with Psylocke, and that her look in this movie is near exact, but I don't think the movie HAVE to translate every costume to the screen, and I think Psylocke here is case and point. It looks awful in live action

  13. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    I am familiar with Psylocke, and that her look in this movie is near exact, but I don't think the movie HAVE to translate every costume to the screen, and I think Psylocke here is case and point. It looks awful in live action
    i just find this funny cause I'm a gay male who basically mentally masturbated to how AWESOME Psylocke looked in this movie. I mean shit I'm pretty sure this is my lock (no pun intended) to my Halloween costume this year. I do wish they would have given her more to do/ speaking parts/ really explain why the evil glare at the end about Apocalypse. I was a little confused as to whether she was working for him of her own free will or mentally controlled.

  14. #44
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    There's literally a scene where Apocalypse takes time to make sure Archangel is fully covered in armor, and sculpt him a chest plate that doesn't resemble anything I've ever seen any incarnation of him where, and in the mean time Psylocke is sitting right there not even wearing pants.

  15. #45
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    This was two hours of really-great action scenes interspersed with incredible levels of cheese and a completely unnecessary sidetrack into the Weapon facility for the purposes of continuing Logan's story along.

    If they'd had any sense, they could have, in a completely post-credits scene, shown that Apocalypse & Magneto's shenanigans resulted in damages to the place that permit Weapon X to escape in the fashion we saw. But no, gotta drag it out and make sure the audience knows he got some of his mind back. Sigh.

    The movie was just a mess. I think it succeeded a little more often than it failed, but not by much. Magneto wasn't necessary to this film at all, and Pooky could have been so much more imposing. Wasn't all awful though. I enjoyed Cyclops (for once!), Caliban, Nightcrawler and Archangel a fair ton.

  16. #46
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    There is one scene that resumes well the cons and pros of this film: Magneto stopping Apocalypse by planting two huge steel beams in the form of a gigantic X.

    It's a "HECK YES, X FOR X-MEN; GO MAGS!" moment and at the same time it's unbelievably cheesy.

    It's a great pop-corn movie. I enjoyed Quicksilver's scenes, Nightcrawler, Jean Grey and Moira (that's because I have a girl crush on Rose Byrne) . I was more than happy that finally someone recognized that Professor X is a badass mofo; so much so the the big bad wants Charles' power because it's so incredibly, well, powerful ( I so wish they would do the Onslaught storyline but I don't think it'll happen anytime soon). Oscar Isaac did well as Apocalypse also.

    However I feel like Angel, Storm, Psylocke and Jubilee were there because... unknown reasons? I didn't care for them, they felt like cardboard cutouts.

    I loved loved loved the Wolverine scene. It was better than the entirety of Origins.

    In short: very flawed movie, it's all over the place but strangely, it's enjoyable.

    Side note: I want a Quicksilver movie instead of the Gambit one with Chanel Totem.

  17. #47
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    Hugh Jackman's cameo as Weapon X was THE SHIT.

    Even though they kinda missed a trick by NOT fully replicating his helmet-visor look from Barry Windsor-Smith's artwork, his ONE MINUTE of screentime was just as perfectly, quintessentially "of Wolverine" as his "GO FUCK YOURSELF" line from X-Men: First Class, lol.

    At the 4DX screening I sneaked into the absolute BEST moment was when Logan was slashing away on a kill-crazy, berserker rampage and, RIGHT when it cut to the blood splattering all over the wall, my pal and I and EVERYONE ELSE in the theater caught a generous spritz of bloody, hot wetness spraying RIGHT in our faces. It was pretty late in the movie (and my 2nd 4DX movie, fwiw), so I'm sure we ALL thought we'd already seen it all, but as soon as that happened we both turned and glared at each other with completely lost-in-the-moment and NO FUCKING WAY, dumbstruck expressions frozen on our faces, all but JUMPING UP AND DOWN AND CHEERING IN THE AISLES while wiping away our unexpected tears of pure, unadultered, fanboy joygasm-goodness.

    PG-13 or not, I swear, fucking THAT was THE BEST WOLVERINE EVER, goddamned LEAGUES better than any other movie's captured him yet.



  18. #48
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    I feel like several of the things in this movie that got teased or relegated to the background have been treated that way before. Like Jubilee? Didn't even use her powers and definitely just a cameo, again. For the third time? At some point you gotta deliver what's promised, X Men.

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  20. #50
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    I enjoyed it immensely. Yeah, sure, it has a lot of storytelling problems, but none of them detracted from the experience for me. It was a great time at the movies. I could pick it apart and criticize its many flaws, but, for now, I think I'll just stick with the sweet taste it left me. It was the X-Men movie I always wanted to see.

  21. #51
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    Well this was a rambling, pointless wad of shit. What a total misstep after DOFP.

    Also Singer is a creep.

  22. #52
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    "Total misstep"



    I'm ESPECIALLY curious because I'm about to go see it YET AGAIN and would LOVE a chance to review it with YOUR considerations on mind.

    100% serious here.
    Last edited by Hazekiah; 06-04-2016 at 01:58 AM.

  23. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazekiah View Post

    also, is there a big budget action movie you didn't love?

  24. #54
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    OMFG, there are TONS of 'em! I just don't go out of my way to troll shit I don't care about so you won't hear about that stuff as much as the movies I enjoyed. But since you asked, X-Men: The Last Stand and X-Men Origins: Wolverine leap to mind. And even THOSE pieces of shit had some redeeming qualities, fwiw.

    Ironic that you troll me for PROOF! in one thread while citing a bullshit claim against Singer in another. And it's his personal life far as his movies are concerned idgaf. I like Roman Polanski's movies too, what of it? For that matter, age-of-consent laws are about as fluid as they come (pun intended) and extortionist lawsuits are a dime-a-dozen once anyone gets enough money it's worth the gamble. But HEY I wasn't there and don't know what actually happened so w/e, it's their problem and not mine.

    I'll just be over here enjoying all these awesome Singer-verse X-Men movies, thankyouverymuch.

  25. #55
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    How is the claim about Singer "bullshit," and how is it that what he does in his personal life exempt him from being a "creep?"

    I like Roman Polanski's movies. He's also a creep.

    I'm not "trolling you for PROOF!!" I'm asking a question because it seems like not only do you like every single big budget action movie, they're all "HOLY SHIT FUCKING WOW OH MY FUCKING GODDDDDDD I CAN'T EVEN WOW WOW WOW WOW THE BEST SHIT EVER!!!!! HOW do people not love this and realize the critics are dumb! LOLWTF?!"

    And, come on, there was nothing redeeming about X-Men Origins Wolverine.

  26. #56
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    Wait, we ARE talking about the same accusations, right? Because I'm talking about the questionable allegations brought against Singer by the guy whose cases got dismissed and who didn't accept $100,000 because it just wasn't enough somehow and lost his representation in the process. And the fact that it's personal overrides the allegations of his creepiness insofar as we weren't there and neither of us knows wtf really did or did not happen.

    But my larger point was that I simply don't give a fuck. The movies stand on their own.

    And there was PLENTY of good stuff in X-Men Origins: Wolverine, don't be so obstinate. The young Logan intro. The opening credits sequence. Jackman himself. Schreiber's turn as Sabertooth. Reynolds' pre-surgery Wade Wilson. Hell, even the Three Mile Island mutant research base idea was a cool idea. Fuck, what's-his-face as Gambit was almost serviceable enough.

    That movie had LOTS of potential and well-executed elements, it just shit the bed royally with everything else.

  27. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazekiah View Post
    Wait, we ARE talking about the same accusations, right? Because I'm talking about the questionable allegations brought against Singer by the guy whose cases got dismissed and who didn't accept $100,000 because it just wasn't enough somehow and lost his representation in the process. And the fact that it's personal overrides the allegations of his creepiness insofar as we weren't there and neither of us knows wtf really did or did not happen.
    Wait, because someone refused to be bought out in a settlement over a molestation charge, that makes them somehow... what? It's not the only charge though, so yeah, it's possible we could be talking bout a different case.

    But my larger point was that I simply don't give a fuck. The movies stand on their own.
    Cool, you don't care whether or not he's a "creep," not sure why you asked then...

    And there was PLENTY of good stuff in X-Men Origins: Wolverine, don't be so obstinate. The young Logan intro. The opening credits sequence. Jackman himself. Schreiber's turn as Sabertooth. Reynolds' pre-surgery Wade Wilson. Hell, even the Three Mile Island mutant research base idea was a cool idea. Fuck, what's-his-face as Gambit was almost serviceable enough.
    No, the movie sucked, I'm not even going to argue why (why bother?!), but if "Jackman himself" is one of the selling points, I don't know what else I need to (or could) say in defense of the point. The movie was astonishingly bad.

    That movie had LOTS of potential and well-executed elements, it just shit the bed royally with everything else.
    potential is not a good quality. The upcoming IT movie potentially could be great, but it probably won't be. That isn't a point in its favor ultimately though. In fact, good wasted potential is a knock on quality. It's like saying "well, you had all this great source material, and you fucked it up."

    Your over-exuberant enthusiasm for this genre is endearing, but ultimately exhausting. Nobody is trolling you if they ask if you have any kind of filter. You just shared some anecdote about how you snuck into a theater with a handle of vodka and basically theater jumped from 10 am until 2 am, and ultimately woke up on the sidewalk too burned to watch the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie again... as if it was some awesome war wound to be proud of. You really think someone asking you if you have a barometer for good or bad is some form of trolling at that point? You said you were sad that you only got to see The Force Awakens (a movie I enjoyed) about thirty times in the theater. You have a lot of really unbelievable anecdotes, but I can buy the ones where you spend 12+ hours in a theater watching the same movie over and over again. I just don't buy your appraisal of how anyone else in attendance views anything as accurate.

  28. #58
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    I only asked because I momentarily thought we were actually talking about the goddamned movies themselves in the fucking movie subforum and I thought it might actually have some bearing on the subject, ffs. Silly fucking ME, eh?

    And we were debating the potential merits of the Wolverine origin movie rather than judging it overall. It had worthwhile moments, and Hugh Jackman's performance was among them. Try keeping up or don't even bother. Likewise, the "potential" to which I referred was not only the source material but the possibility that the positive elements I listed could have added up to a better movie. JMFC. So fucking tedious.

    I honestly don't fucking care what you think about my life or my theater-going habits. I simply report what actually happened. And, yeah. It IS kind of a "war wound" and I AM kinda proud. Like I said, "GOOD TIMES." It was a motherfucker and I had a blast! Why wouldn't I be proud?

    That said, it's worth noting that I WAS NOT "too burned out" to watch the new TMNT movie again. Saw it twice already, in fact! I just needed a break, although the sidewalk WAS quite restful and comfy. I'll get right back at it today, don't worry! Unless I go finish that bottle of vodka at Labyrinth in a park instead, w00t. Because that's an option too and probably WAY cheaper.

    We'll see!

    Either way, I'm gonna see ALL those movies as much as I please and if that's such a goddamned problem for you then I kindly invite you to gfy once again.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    some anecdote about how you snuck into a theater with a handle of vodka and basically theater jumped from 10 am until 2 am, and ultimately woke up on the sidewalk too burned to watch the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie again... as if it was some awesome war wound to be proud of.
    In all fairness that reads like my life. Sure, back when I was 17 in high school, but still...

  30. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazekiah View Post
    To start I'd point towards exhibits a,b, & c. Psylocke, Angel & Storm.

    a - I don't recall Psylocke doing anything of any importance whatsoever they did a good job of making her look like she does in the comics and then they gave her nothing to do, I don't recall her even having a spoken line.

    b - Angel, while they tried to stay true to the "spirit" of this comics arc, the story just does not work when under this much compression.

    c - Storm, comics Storm is awesome, movie version(s) have always lacked though this version is the best yet. (this is very faint praise) the movies have always seemed to skip over the "goddess" era of storm - and this one is no different - launching directly into mohawk & leather storm.

    to sum up, all 3 were just bloat, added nothing to the overall story, had zero meaningful interactions with anything else really.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hazekiah View Post
    "Total misstep"...HOW???
    Lets say I'm Apocalypse, I've this giant freaking pyramid which is apparently central to my whole plan of dominating the next 4000 years or so, boy I hope 2 idiots with mallets don't come and knock the whole freaking thing down... perhaps someday I'll devise planet sized super weapons where they only have one weakness - an access shaft that runs directly to the core of the device...

    As far as Apocalypse in general, I still have very limited ideas about exactly what Apocalypse's capabilities, powers and motivations were.

    or perhaps the typical angry mob, smart enough not to bring any metal around when they attempted to ambush Magneto, but of course nobody asked if *He* might be carrying metal. to be fair I'm unclear of the magnetic properties of gold necklaces but that seemed kinda sketchy as well.


    This was just a bad film, it was well acted, and had some great moments, but ultimately ended up being far less than the sum of it's parts. i'd love to love this movie, but i cannot.

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