Has anyone else listened to their incredibly ambitious Color Spectrum collection of EP's that was released this year? I'd never listened to these guys before this but I'm absolutely in love with this collection. It's basically a 36 track concept album released in nine parts, each corresponding to a different color. Here's a link on Amazon:


The really cool thing is each of the colors (albums) has a very distinct sound which gives the entire album this very sprawling feel of someone going on a journey. It definitely gives you the impression of someone living a life and slowly coming to terms with the harsh world they've been born into. It starts off extremely venomous, and chaotic, and after that each album seems to slowly lighten up a bit and explore different themes of self-discovery and varying levels of acceptance. The first reviewer on Amazon does an excellent job of describing it, so I recommend you give that review a read if this sounds at all interesting to you.