The first Bioshock was amazing, i sat and played that one straight for hours on end for something like 5 hours a night.....fell in love with the aesthetics of the city, all the brass and Jules Verne-20,000 leagues under the sea kind of style, the old timey music ooo just loved it, i found every audio tape, upgraded all weapons fully, hacked practically every device that i could. I loved so much that you could take the bathysphere and back track to the past areas to get the audio journals that might have been missed. Had a lot of fun finishing the story campaign.

I was so full of adrenaline and a high from that game i immediately went and got the second one, a discounted limited edition for 35 dollars no less with the vinyl and cd soundtracks, art book and posters. Started up the game and maybe got half way through it and i still have yet to finish it for some reason :S

Think i overindulged in the first game and just completely lost interest or motivation to keep playing the sequel, i haven't touched it for months... i really hope i can revisit the game and get some of that enjoyment back as Infinite definitely looks like a MUST play and i wouldn't want to leave Bioshock 2 still waiting in the wind if decide on playing Infinite.