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Thread: The Playstation Thread

  1. #211
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    Eh with the way Sony is behind the blu-ray thing I'd be surprised if it doesn't have a disc drive.

    I think the most exciting prospect about the system that I heard was the ability to just press the power button to get back into a game and not have to wait through load times. I want to see the Watch Dogs footage, my browser wonked out when they were showing it so I missed it.

  2. #212
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    I'm sold just based on InFamous... some of my favorite games... but I'm going to miss Cole. a lot. The fact that InFamous and Watch Dogs were the highlights doesn't surprise me. In the span of a console generation there will be lots of games and to see 2 - 3 that I like before the thing is out is relatively promising...

    That capcom game that blatantly rips off dark souls really sold the graphics too.

  3. #213
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    For me personally I'll be 24 next month. I didn't get my PS3 till 2009, and after I got all the games I really truly wanted everything else was a letdown. Until something just blows me away this current generation just might be my last. Watch_Dogs looks nice, but that's not worth the price of a console Sony or Microsoft.

    Edit: Watch_Dog is for everything 360, PS3, Wii U and PS4.
    Last edited by Iran_Ed; 02-20-2013 at 07:32 PM. Reason: New info

  4. #214
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iran_Ed View Post
    For me personally I'll be 24 next month. I didn't get my PS3 till 2009, and after I got all the games I really truly wanted everything else was a letdown. Until something just blows me away this current generation just might be my last. Watch_Dogs looks nice, but that's not worth the price of a console Sony or Microsoft.

    Edit: Watch_Dog is for everything 360, PS3, Wii U and PS4.
    So because nothing blew you away in their first announcement of the system, you are contemplating throwing games out all together? Everything looked great, and these are only demos/techdemos.. this is just a tip of what we will see to come in the near future. Once the developers find a way over the years to utilize the systems full power, we will get even better games than what they are showing us now.

    My favorite happened to be The Witness. It reminds me of a Flower, or Journey type game.

  5. #215
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    I also liked and was looking forward to The Witness (edit: it reminded me of Myst). Although it's disappointing it's only going to end up on PS4 console. I'm not real thrilled by what I saw (so far) with PS4. It felt like this "event" jumped the gun a bit as I don't think I'm getting the full picture of what this next console can really do. To be fair, it is really just an announcement and not a run down of full capability. I'm not closing judgment yet.

  6. #216
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    Yeah so it is going to have a disc drive.

  7. #217
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    Quote Originally Posted by Self.Destructive.Pattern View Post
    So because nothing blew you away in their first announcement of the system, you are contemplating throwing games out all together? Everything looked great, and these are only demos/techdemos.. this is just a tip of what we will see to come in the near future. Once the developers find a way over the years to utilize the systems full power, we will get even better games than what they are showing us now.

    My favorite happened to be The Witness. It reminds me of a Flower, or Journey type game.
    No, I mean gaming in general. It just doesn't excite me the way it used to. Blockbuster games and and most disc based game aren't my type. The uprising of downloadable indie games in the last few years has been wonderful for me. Journey last year was the type of game I've always wanted to play since I was a child. You should find that thread and read about the 10 minute sob fest I had after I played it. I can't justify buying a new console just to play downloaded games. The only known thing on the horizon I have any interest in is The Last Guardian and that's in limbo. I'll buy a PS4 for that experience, but not at whatever the launch price could end up being. I might just buy a Vita and be done with it.

  8. #218
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maury View Post

    Yeah so it is going to have a disc drive.
    Where did this come from?

  9. #219
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    Re: The Playstation Thread

    They would be insane not to include a disc drive. Gamestop would take a massive hit, and I don't see them doing that. I gotta say, I'm pretty lukewarm about the whole thing. Watch dogs looks amazing though. I kinda wish they would've divulged a bit more, like a price tag.

    I'm on the fence. Can you even pre order/reserve consoles? I was originally saying "hell no". But after some of the videos, I changed my tune, a little. I need more facts before considering throwing out all that money.

  10. #220
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piko View Post
    Gamestop would take a massive hit, and I don't see them doing that
    Gamestop and used games are in gaming company's cross-hairs. To be destroyed at any cost.

  11. #221
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    If im not mistaken, this makes the machine 32 times more powerful than ps3? Before setting aside memory for insanity level video and streaming capabilities?

  12. #222
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    Why no console today? From the head of SONY: 'We had to keep something new for later. Otherwise you'd get bored.'

    Fair enough...

  13. #223
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    I think thats really the best answer he could have given unless it wasb shockingly honest in some way.

  14. #224
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    Quote Originally Posted by Self.Destructive.Pattern View Post
    Where did this come from?
    I got it from's Games forums, but it's pretty much everywhere now. for example

  15. #225
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    More stuff:

  16. #226
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    I'm gonna start saving for one of these now, but only as a back-up. The system sounds pretty interesting, and the launch games are inticing as fuck. Watch Dogs AND a new Infamous? Those alone would keep me entertained for a while. But I'm not fully sold on it quite yet.

    I may end up doing what I did with the PS3: Hold out until a new Metal Gear release turns me on to buying a whole new console. :P
    Last edited by ImTheWiseJanitor; 02-20-2013 at 10:19 PM.

  17. #227
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    I'm not so concerned with not having seen what the actual PS4 looks like as i am with not getting important generation changing making or breaking info like whether or not single player disc based games that have no multiplayer or internet bells and whistles being pigeon holed into always being online, paid subscription for said connection, anti-used games etc.

    You know the things console gamers really should be giving a shit about.
    Last edited by thelastdisciple; 02-20-2013 at 11:58 PM.

  18. #228
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    I'm pretty freaking pumped. The controller is so slick (I have teh boner)...the tech specs are really promising. Um...sign me up.

    Probably launch day if Battlefield 4 is out for it by the time of its release.

    The last system I got giddy about was PS2 (I was off playing music during PS3), so this is just fun for me. I hope the system itself looks goofy and/or unpredictable.

    Last edited by Amaro; 02-20-2013 at 10:58 PM.

  19. #229
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    i know its wierd they didn't show the box, but if they ONLY showed the box it would have been a lot worse...

  20. #230
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    Jesus, it's got every gimmick from each other system tacked onto it.

  21. #231
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    at least they have clarified the used games rumors etc:

    and good for them.

    Also the new Killzone game is a launch title :
    Which is good.. I liked Killzone 2 a whole lot.. I didn't like 3 that much, but look.. they added more colours!

    That future cityscape is begging for Mirrors Edge 2... just saying..
    Last edited by liquidcalm; 02-21-2013 at 06:37 AM. Reason: more babble

  22. #232
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    Figures they're making the new Infamous a launch title, it's gonna be so hard for me to not buy the PS4 at launch just for that damn game. Considering I still have a bunch of PS3 games I've bought and haven't played and just bought a new 360 cause my second one crapped out, I'm going to do my best to hold off on the new generation of consoles for as long as possible. This thing looks like it's going to be crazy powerful though.

  23. #233
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    PlayStation 4 owners will be able to play the system offline, a Sony executive has confirmed.

    Well that's a relief, along with the clarification against used games.

  24. #234
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    Re: The Playstation Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    i know its wierd they didn't show the box, but if they ONLY showed the box it would have been a lot worse...
    I mostly find it weird since the whole point of the announcement was "look at this! Come buy it!". I honestly believe they don't have a finalized design yet. Which would explain the lack of what the console looks like. Assuming by E3, we'll see it and probably get a hands-on.

    And yes, it's insanely powerful. I might suck it up and reserve one. If I can pay it off until launch, all could be OK, financially.

  25. #235
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    I will pick one up, just not at launch. I will wait till there are a good amount of games. This seems like a cool system. Cant wait to see what MS has in store for its next console as well.

    Gaming FTW!

  26. #236
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    Quote Originally Posted by kdrcraig View Post
    Figures they're making the new Infamous a launch title, it's gonna be so hard for me to not buy the PS4 at launch just for that damn game. Considering I still have a bunch of PS3 games I've bought and haven't played and just bought a new 360 cause my second one crapped out, I'm going to do my best to hold off on the new generation of consoles for as long as possible. This thing looks like it's going to be crazy powerful though.
    I'm sorta in the same boat. I have plenty of games I haven't played yet or haven't touched in a long time and still need to finish. But I'm thinking that since there aren't a whole lot of games (that I'm interested in) coming out between now and the holidays, I may work on the games I already have and hold off on buying some new (or even used) games for a few months, maybe start buying up the digital versions of the ones I have as they become free or cheap. Hell, I can get all the Assassin's Creed games (before AC3) in digital format for like, what, 30 bucks or something? Not to mention I have at least 40 digital games that I've played and enjoyed just from PS Plus giveaways. The transition to the PS4 will be smooth-ish for me, just a little inconvenient. But PS Plus really helps. If Sony keeps that service up, I'll gladly fork over 50 bucks a year.

    And it's not like I'm selling my PS3 if I get a PS4. I'll still have that around. I'll just have my PS2, 3, and 4 all together on the entertainment center, heh. :P

  27. #237
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alrea View Post
    And it's not like I'm selling my PS3 if I get a PS4. I'll still have that around. I'll just have my PS2, 3, and 4 all together on the entertainment center, heh. :P
    Once I get these new consoles I'm gonna have to buy a new entertainment center just to hold them all.

  28. #238
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    Confirmed now that it will play used games. And it does require an online connection. Huzaah.

  29. #239
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    Quote Originally Posted by kdrcraig View Post
    Once I get these new consoles I'm gonna have to buy a new entertainment center just to hold them all.
    I'm really thinking about it. I have 4 consoles that I kinda swap in and out from the top of my dresser every few feeks when I feel like it, it'd be nice just to have something to put everything on and not have to switch things out. Maybe someday, because I plan on getting a Wii U in the future, and maybe even the new Xbox way down the line, but only after a price-cut or two. just sucks that there's no backwards compatibility with PS3 games. How hard would it possibly be to make that happen? Don't they know how many more people would buy one if they could play their (soon to be old) PS3 games?

    Screw it. I'm gonna disassemble my PS2, 3, and 4 and build myself a mega-station that houses all four consoles. In a plywood shell. YOUR MOVE, SONY.

  30. #240
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alrea View Post just sucks that there's no backwards compatibility with PS3 games. How hard would it possibly be to make that happen? Don't they know how many more people would buy one if they could play their (soon to be old) PS3 games?
    I heard somewhere that they said eventually the PS4 will be able to stream PS3 games, not sure if there's any truth to that. But I agree, new consoles should always be backwards compatible with the previous generation. Apparently Sony/Microsoft do not agree.

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