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Thread: Indecision 2012

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    Indecision 2012

    Don't let the date fool you, it's always an election year in America. Let the blood sport commentary begin!

    Herman Cain just dropped out of the 2012 Republican run for nomination. He will be missed, because he was hilariously stupid.

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    Oh crap you beat me by 5 minutes. I'll go get rid of mine now

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    It happens. Copy your post over!
    Last edited by Magtig; 12-03-2011 at 02:26 PM. Reason: To change my font for consistent branding.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magtig View Post
    Herman Cain just dropped out of the 2012 Republican run for nomination. He will be missed, because he was hilariously stupid.
    The fact that that guy was a frontrunner speaks volumes about how stupid a lot of the people in this country are. If you didn't know any better, you would think his entire campaign was an SNL skit (and, if Rachel Maddow is right, it effectively was).

    The minute you flip-flop on an issue in the middle of an interview, in a two minute window, your campaign should effectively be over. Seriously. That's insane. That's absolutely insane.
    Last edited by theruiner; 12-03-2011 at 03:08 PM.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by theruiner View Post
    The fact that that guy was a frontrunner speaks volumes about how stupid a lot of the people in this country are. If you didn't know any better, you would think his entire campaign was an SNL skit (and, if Rachel Maddow is right, it effectively was).

    The minute you flip-flop on an issue in the middle of an interview, in a two minute window, your campaign should effectively be over. Seriously. That's insane. That's absolutely insane.
    It seems a number of people are jumping on board this whole "I'm not an elitist politician" bandwagon, so I guess if you stick to your guns on an issue it makes you an elitist? I prefer some sort of elitism in my politicians, if I wanted an everyday citizen I'd run myself (figuratively, someone would get hurt if I tried to run for public office). Out if the current batch Romeny and Gringritch I think have the best chance of being a "real" candidate, Bachmann is just comedy material/ a mouth piece. Though with how moronic Cain carried himself in interviews, I might be surprised at what people take as "acceptable". I also wonder if the occupy movement will have any bearing on the election, it's a group that's disgruntled and I imagine will be politically active, so someone should try to get their vote.

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    I find it amusing how none of the Reds are electible even by Red standards. The front runners so far I guess come down to Romney and Gingrich, right? But Romney's a Mormon, which makes him difficult to elect, especially for those guys, and Gingrich is known for making a fool of himself from time to time.

    Also I feel like Obama is going rather strong at the moment. 2011 was a very successful year for him and a very UNsuccessful year for republicans. Congress really got nothing done, and just muddled up the political process more than ever. Is there really any competition?

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    I think the way that Romney's religion is being used as a cudgel is disgusting. As a former Mormon I have huge beef with that religion, but prejudice is prejudice. Romney should be called out for his lack of principles, not which set of fairy tales he believes in (or claims to).

    Obama makes me want to the throw up at least half the time, but that's a lot less than the Republican candidates. Honestly I'd rather have Hillary as president at this point, if only for the fact that Bill is her husband. It's not that I think she can't do things because of her gender or anything, it's that every time I see Bill talk he has a concise and effective strategy to get the economy back on track. Basically, I want his know-how and planning. He seems to understand the economy more than any other politician I've seen, and he's actually good at negotiating.

    Also, if this is true, Obama could have a really hard time with his own base.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magtig View Post
    I think the way that Romney's religion is being used as a cudgel is disgusting. As a former Mormon I have huge beef with that religion, but prejudice is prejudice. Romney should be called out for his lack of principles, not which set of fairy tales he believes in (or claims to).
    I agree with you completely on this. On the other hand, we live in a reality where that, even after all of the things that are really bad about him, is what's going to keep him from office.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Magtig View Post
    I think the way that Romney's religion is being used as a cudgel is disgusting. As a former Mormon I have huge beef with that religion, but prejudice is prejudice. Romney should be called out for his lack of principles, not which set of fairy tales he believes in (or claims to).
    I'm betting his full on Mormon. Got a giant temple built on top of a hill in the town he lived in.

    Quote Originally Posted by Magtig View Post
    Obama makes me want to the throw up at least half the time, but that's a lot less than the Republican candidates.
    Cracks me up that liberals thought he was more liberal then he actually is. If he can win re-election, I got to believe he'll actually get something done. Talk about being dealt the shittiest situation since..... Carter.

    Quote Originally Posted by Magtig View Post
    Honestly I'd rather have Hillary as president at this point, if only for the fact that Bill is her husband. It's not that I think she can't do things because of her gender or anything,it's that every time I see Bill talk he has a concise and effective strategy to get the economy back on track. Basically, I want his know-how and planning. He seems to understand the economy more than any other politician I've seen, and he's actually good at negotiating.
    OK, Bill Clinton has never ever ever been called concise. When he spoke at the democratic convention in 1988 he went on for 30 minutes. To your point, Clinton says "the best social program is a good job." We gotta get some of those fast.

    I wish we could hear more about this Huntsman guy.

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    George Romney was Governor of my state (Michigan) when I was a kid and it's weird but I didn't even know he was Mormon until his kid Mitt ran for President, heh, weird.

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    I'm waiting for Sarah Palin to throw in her hat about two weeks before the first primary. She's letting all the regular faces get tired and boring to the people who watch tv, and their weaknesses and shortcomings are coming out while she sits there not facing any scrutiny. By the time it happens, everyone and their mom is gonna be talking about her crazy last minute effort and not about anyone else.

  12. #12
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    I think she's running out of time to register. It might already be too late in some states.

    I think, at the end of the day, it's going to either be Romney or Gingrich at this point. And I think Obama is going to get reelected.
    Last edited by theruiner; 12-04-2011 at 03:48 PM. Reason: Grammar fail!

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    Quote Originally Posted by theruiner View Post
    I think she's running out of time to register. It might already be too late in some states.

    I think, at the end of the day, it's going to either be Romney or Gingrich at this point. And I think Obama is going to get reelected.
    Perhaps, but we'll see how much bullshit can be stirred up, either way Obama is going to get trouble from the repubs even if he's reelected. Romney did(or maybe he still does) have a stronger following here, but after saying that the auto companies should have gone bankrupt, he pissed off a bunch of people. Though this could have gotten him cudos in other states, I haven't looked up to see how it effected his popularity nationwide. Though I think he's a little too "moderate" for the tea party.Which leaves Gingrich as the strongest candidate, I haven't seen him in a debate yet, but if he plays his cards right he could start a major shit storm.

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    A couple of years ago, I saw Newt walking into a men's room at the airport in Chicago. One of his little "aides" ran in behind him. He has a gigantic head - on par with the size of Ted Kennedy's.

    As Barney Frank said when he announced he wasn't going to run for re-election, Gingrich's nomination would be the best thing for the democratic party. Too bad the dem's need more then themselves to get Obama re-elected.

    I'm wondering what voter turn out will be like.

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    Quote Originally Posted by waffel View Post
    Which leaves Gingrich as the strongest candidate, I haven't seen him in a debate yet, but if he plays his cards right he could start a major shit storm.
    Have you not watched any of the 100 GOP debates over the past two months? He's been at most of them, usually standing off to the side and saying nothing of much importance.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Corvus T. Cosmonaut View Post
    Have you not watched any of the 100 GOP debates over the past two months? He's been at most of them, usually standing off to the side and saying nothing of much importance.
    As I said, I haven't seen him in a debate, my schedule has been crazy so I either couldn't watch them or forgot(I'll remedy this soon). If what you say is true, I then (based off my knowledge as of right now) think it might come down to Perry or Romney, if he can convince people to over look his religion. Most of what I've seen has been crazy talk from the candidates, but I'll have to take time and dig up more info on them. Though really any of the candidates could cause Obama some grief.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dra508 View Post
    I'm betting his full on Mormon. Got a giant temple built on top of a hill in the town he lived in.
    He's also talked a lot about separation of church and state. It might just be strategic, but he seems to believe in it. He understand that it protects his writes, unlike many protestant republicans who see it as a barrier that prevents them from doing what they want.

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    We can't let an old fart who thinks financially-poor 9 year olds should work as school janitors run our country.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tea View Post
    We can't let an old fart who thinks financially-poor 9 year olds should work as school janitors run our country.

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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    George Romney was Governor of my state (Michigan) when I was a kid and it's weird but I didn't even know he was Mormon until his kid Mitt ran for President, heh, weird.
    Yeah, I wasn't aware of that either. I guess my parents didn't care about it since I never heard them say anything. My dad is usually one to voice his opinion from time to time on how he thinks the governor is doing.

    I just saw campaign ad from Perry and I would like to share it with you fine folks.

    There is so much wrong with this, and it's only 30 seconds long.

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    "There's something wrong when gays can serve openly in our military." Wow. Just let that sink in for a second.

    Yeah, that whole ad is just wrong in so many ways.

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    Quote Originally Posted by theruiner View Post
    "There's something wrong when gays can serve openly in our military." Wow. Just let that sink in for a second.

    Yeah, that whole ad is just wrong in so many ways.
    But hey, at least he's not ashamed to admit he's in the majority when it comes to faith in this country. What a brave, brave man.

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    I'll be voting for any of them over Obama, maybe we can take the Senate this time too, that would be great.

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    Yeah, that's what we need is a Republican senate and one of these freaks running our country.

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    I would say that ya, that's exactly what we need. Your boy had his shot, he's been total shit, even his own supporters are starting to realize it, and now it's time to move on. Even when you had both the Senate and the House you couldn't accomplish much of anything other than you're wonderful Obamacare, which is already causing my healthcare costs to increase, I thought it was going to make everything free?

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    Quote Originally Posted by 50 Volt Phantom View Post
    I would say that ya, that's exactly what we need. Your boy had his shot, he's been total shit, even his own supporters are starting to realize it, and now it's time to move on. Even when you had both the Senate and the House you couldn't accomplish much of anything other than you're wonderful Obamacare, which is already causing my healthcare costs to increase, I thought it was going to make everything free?
    It's hard to get things done when half of Congress votes no out of spite.

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    Quote Originally Posted by 50 Volt Phantom View Post
    Even when you had both the Senate and the House you couldn't accomplish much of anything other than you're wonderful Obamacare, which is already causing my healthcare costs to increase, I thought it was going to make everything free?
    I smell a troll.

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    Quote Originally Posted by 50 Volt Phantom View Post
    I would say that ya, that's exactly what we need. Your boy had his shot, he's been total shit, even his own supporters are starting to realize it, and now it's time to move on. Even when you had both the Senate and the House you couldn't accomplish much of anything other than you're wonderful Obamacare, which is already causing my healthcare costs to increase, I thought it was going to make everything free?
    And the solution is to send us back to the dark ages?

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by theruiner View Post
    I smell a troll.
    Why? Because I'm referring to the healthcare bill that Obama championed as Obamacare and simply regurgitating the stupid crap that it's supporters claimed? No you see Obamacare is the correct name for the healthcare bill, it forever connects him to it, and if it can't be repealed and ends up being a bigger failure than it's already shaping up to be then he can wear it proudly around his neck.

    Eskimo, if our debt situation can't be solved, and it simply won't be under a spending whore like Obama, then this country will revert back to the dark ages simply by tearing itself apart. The middle class that he has crushed will become more and more unsettled, the poor will stay poor and probably get poorer, and the rich will leave altogether.

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    Quote Originally Posted by 50 Volt Phantom View Post
    Why? Because I'm referring to the healthcare bill that Obama championed as Obamacare and simply regurgitating the stupid crap that it's supporters claimed?
    No, because what you said about Obama's healthcare plan was one of the most uninformed things I've ever read. If you really believe that Obama, or his supporters, claimed "everyone's healthcare would be free" then you really need to start paying attention to the news and the world around you. And by news, I don't mean Fox.

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