Wow, incredible, sentient! I can't wait till I get to that point.

Last weekend was my first 5k, and I managed to do exactly my goal time - 35 minutes. They really hook you up after the run, they gave us bananas and little Jamba Juice samplers of some mango banana concoction, I guess for a sugar boost. I ran it with two friends, and we had a few other friends come to support us afterwards. Just standing around in the cool air, stretching and talking, with a hundred other people who'd just finished a 5k with me, was the happiest I remember feeling in a long time. It's like this weird runner's solidarity. (And also endorphins?) Although I do have to admit my ego was bruised a bit when an 8-year-old girl in what appeared to be a purple ballerina suit sans tutu managed to pass me up at the very end. I had no idea kids were allowed to do long distance runs and I'm not even sure that's healthy.

This weekend I've got a 5 mile run with one of the friends who was at the 5k with me. Should be no problem, but I don't know what the terrain's gonna be like.