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Thread: The little things that scare/depress you.

  1. #1
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    The little things that scare/depress you.

    We seem to have anger and happiness covered, so I thought of making a thread like this based on fear and sadness. I'll start with the following. I'll make it at least 10 things for now. I suppose you can also include shame and worry in this thread as well, since they are both also very connected to fear.

    1. Getting lost.

    2. The thought of being run over from crossing the street at the wrong place and time.

    3. The thought of running over people by accident and crashing into things, since this is also connected to the horrors of prison, aside from the thought of having to live your life knowing that you've killed somebody or a group of people.

    4. Being wrong, and making blunders.

    5. Saying the wrong thing and getting into a fight afterwards. I'm always afraid of making enemies.

    6. Failing an exam.

    7. Being on people's bad sides, especially if they're among friends and family.

    8. Being a failure in all levels.

    9. Looking stupid.

    10. The thought of getting bullied and mugged, and just flat-out getting my ass kicked.
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 09-29-2013 at 10:08 PM.

  2. #2
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    1. Death (Like, it's a problem.)

    2. The depressing parts about aging.

    3. Cockroaches

    4. Occasional OCDish thoughts about poison/toxic things.

    5. Republicans.

    6. Incuriosity/ignorance.

    7. My lack of experience/constant getting older.

  3. #3
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    ^I have a Death problem too.
    Ever since I was 15 I haven't gone a day without thinking about it a lot. It's kind of sad b/c I feel like it keeps me out of the moment, in a weird way though I appreciate everything a lot more. Like I love life so much and thats why I never want to let it go. Im very uncomfortable with how much I relate to Voldemort though......My fear of death is pretty extreme..
    Last edited by littlemonkey613; 09-30-2013 at 02:12 AM.

  4. #4
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    I went to bed around 4am Sunday morning, woke up around noon. Didn't get out of bed until 4pm, and that was only to slide into the bathtub for an hour.
    That said, I was reading in the tub, which made me happy.

    This one. But the rest at times:

  5. #5
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    i can get into this thread. especially as a venting place for the little things that really make me sad. today's example: overweight woman gets on the train this morning before everyone gets off. beelines for a seat, cutting off an old man with a cane. proceeds to open her dripping-with-fat breakfast sandwich (already a no-no on the train), drops her napkin.

    not only does she notice the dropped napkin, but she proceeds to kick it under the seat.

    shit like that doesn't really anger me so much as makes me really, really depressed.

  6. #6
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    I fear I might have this.
    I see a neurologist next week.

  7. #7
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    otherwise, i hate those damn house centipedes with a firey passion:

    i always shriek like a little girl when i see one. they're so god damn fast.

    also have an (ir)rational fear/fascination with sharks and deep sea critters...

  8. #8
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    What scares me? Pretty much everything. Here's a short list:

    1. Being judge by others
    2. Being laughed at
    3. Looking stupid
    4. Getting lost in an unknown place
    5. Going to new places
    6. Going to places I already know but where I had a bad experience
    7. Going to the library to borrow books because the guy behind the counter keeps making comments on the books I borrow (last time, he said I had a man's taste in books)
    8. Paying for something with my debit card and having it not working
    9. Answering the door (I never do it unless I know who it is)
    10. Answering the phone (same as the door)
    11. All existing bugs
    12. My mom dying
    13. Other important people in my life dying
    14. My cat dying
    15. Eating in public
    16. Speaking in public
    17. Having to ask for help on anything
    18. Being late
    19. Forgetting stuff
    20 During winter, slipping and falling.

    I'll think of something else later. As for what makes me sad:

    Everything related to animal abuse. I see dead animals on the side of the road that were obviously hit by a car and I cry.
    Everything related to child abuse.
    Not being able to help everyone who needs it as much as I want to.

  9. #9
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    The fact that I'm 26 and haven't played a show with a band in 6 years. I'm only getting older but I have no time with my job (which I hate) and everything else in my life. I know people say to "make time"....but it's really hard to do that sometimes.

    I just miss playing music sometimes.


  10. #10
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    Perhaps this can also include awkward things, since awkward things can be little, while making you fearful, considering how awkwardness preys on our insecurities.

    Whenever I forget my watch before going to a school or work setting, not just because it could increase my chances of arriving late, but just knowing that I normally couldn't take out my iPod or cell-phone without pissing off a boss or a teacher, even if it's to just check out the time.

    And I see that I've been beaten to the mentions of roaches and house centipedes. I'll also include slugs, worms, bees, hornets, wasps, and spiders to that list as well.
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 09-30-2013 at 02:54 PM.

  11. #11
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    I really thought it was worth bumping for this because I really take it to heart.

    Making posts that are far too personal on ETS, or posts that make me look stupid due to being too obvious or negligent, especially when they come across as really stupid questions. I'm terribly sorry for those off moments. I really take the delete function as a very merciful gift bestowed upon me on ETS.

    I also have a constant fear of getting in trouble.
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 10-02-2013 at 02:02 PM.

  12. #12
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    My stupidity will be the end of me one day.
    I constantly miss key details, make mistakes, stumble along in a haze of assumptions instead of actually checking. I blame others and whine about things rather than going and sorting out the problem.
    I make errors of judgment, clouded by my ego and sense of victimization, clinging to a comforting belief that the "world isn't fair."
    I seek out pleasure, bliss, and annihilation in food, art, music, porn, literature, shopping...instead of doing the work I should be doing, or learning and bettering myself.
    I give up too soon, lack focus and get bored fast, leaving projects strewn and unfinished, and wallow in my own failure and lack of achievement.
    I am unable to control my appetite, or my emotions. I give into anger and hate and jealousy.

    And here I am again: venting, into a void.

  13. #13
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    Echoing what a few other people here have said, death. Big time.

  14. #14
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    Life without any fear is boring. I try to do something that scares the shit out of me as often as possible.

  15. #15
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    Dying alone.
    (Living alone, too.)

  16. #16
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    Those are two are among those fears I understand the most, since even if money wasn't an issue with living alone and dying alone, old age can sometimes find a way to torment you if you're careless and/or unlucky. I suppose you could say that I have a fear of old age too. Even the thought of not being able to walk again in old age is frightening enough. No wonder why I just block that out of my mind.

    Oh yes, and even though I have my doubts of it, the very concept of Hell is another thing that scares and depresses me on many levels simultaneously.
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 10-03-2013 at 08:20 AM.

  17. #17
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    I just thought I'd bump this just to add that expressing myself whenever I'm sad, angry, or even joking around sometimes makes me scared and depressed. I could also see how this could very-well belong in the Mental Health Thread, but I thought of using this one for now.

    Being angry/sad scares me because I'm afraid I might get in trouble and get hurt, or doing something very stupid, reckless, regrettable and irreversible.

    As for joking around, it's because I sometimes can't tell the difference between a harmless joke and somebody going in for the kill. (Verbally/typographically speaking that is. And it's also certainly a hell lot harder differentiate such things on the Internet sometimes.) And if it's not about me being attacked, or my fear of getting attacked, the same also goes for myself, since I can run the risk of pushing somebody's buttons for little to no good reason, and that's obviously never cool. Perhaps I should just stick to staying on the sidelines and leave the jokes to the professionals.

    Anyway, I'm still trying to work this out, and hope to still get better at not making those same mistakes over and over again.

    Oh, and for the record, I'm talking about the kind of joking around that's like an April Fool's joke that also sort of looks like a diss.
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 12-04-2013 at 08:12 AM.

  18. #18
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    This seemed to be the only thread for me to place this post because it actually depresses me far more than it'll ever anger me. I also have no room to talk in this matter, and will admit that I've been guilty of complaining a lot in my lifetime.

    As for what I'm talking about, people that literally complain all the time. I mean like 24/7/365 in real life and all over the Internet post after post, and rant after rant in real life. It can obviously get infuriating, but it can also be extremely depressing and draining, as I even catch myself feeling very sorry for them. I'm no saint when it comes to this, but I've learned that sometimes or even lots of times that complaining can be very shameful and unnecessary, especially when it's done frequently. I even find expressing anger and sadness shameful. It's no wonder why people mock those emotions, and complaints also make one an even bigger target for conflict and/or ridicule.

    This isn't to say that there are never and valid reasons for complaining and negative emotions though, but there are people out there that will even go as far as to complain about every little thing, every single day, or week of the year. Some of them are also cruel, rude, belligerent, and ill-tempered to the point that their attitudes are usually insufferable if not already melancholy. I wouldn't want to have anything to do with people like that. If it's not about fighting, they're definitely highly likely to make an attempt to manipulate your emotions so that they can walk all over you and have you do their bidding.

    If I was guilty of this at any point on ETS for any moment, and I sure I've been in some ways, I definitely apologize for it. I just need more self-control and self-awareness, and should've only posted when I was in a good mood. (And yes, I definitely see the irony of posting and using this very thread to say that as it is a downer thread, and can be a downer thread, but I also just wanted to get it out of my system, and out there on ETS.)
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 02-28-2014 at 03:08 AM.

  19. #19
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  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by marodi View Post
    What scares me? Pretty much everything. Here's a short list:

    1. Being judge by others
    2. Being laughed at
    3. Looking stupid
    4. Getting lost in an unknown place
    5. Going to new places
    6. Going to places I already know but where I had a bad experience

    8. Paying for something with my debit card and having it not working
    9. Answering the door (I never do it unless I know who it is)
    10. Answering the phone (same as the door)
    11. All existing bugs
    12. My mom dying
    13. Other important people in my life dying

    15. Eating in public
    16. Speaking in public
    17. Having to ask for help on anything
    18. Being late
    19. Forgetting stuff
    20 During winter, slipping and falling.
    basically all of this. Plus spiders.
    And I'm scared of the thought of never having children, which also makes me sad. Very sad. I'll be 34 in august, so I get the feeling that I'm running out of time.
    So I guess I'm also scared of getting old.

  21. #21
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    Stop being pussies!

  22. #22
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    I don't mean to argue, but it really does seem like it's more acceptable to display happiness and even anger over fear and sadness. I can actually understand that though, as anger usually doesn't leave people appearing or being feeble, cowardly, and shameful when compared to fear and sadness. However, I could also see how anger can also make somebody appear or even become feeble, cowardly, and shameful, so I guess it depends. Then again, negative emotions always carry negative vibes and situations with them anyway.
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 03-06-2014 at 01:36 PM.

  23. #23
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    Being forgotten.

  24. #24
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    Loneliness. It's one of the hardest forms of depression for me to explain. It's definitely not always easy to understand, as it really does seem to be among the more complex and confusing forms of depression. It literally feels cold sometimes.
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 03-07-2014 at 03:22 AM.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kris View Post
    Loneliness. It's one of the hardest forms of depression for me to explain. It's definitely not always easy to understand, as it really does seem to be among the more complex and confusing forms of depression. It literally feels cold sometimes.
    I totally get you and along with a fear of being forgotten, loneliness is right up there for me. How come we don't live closer together?

  26. #26
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    Thank you for the compliment as it was rather flattering. And yeah, why don't we? Enormous distances are so stupid sometimes.

    And to add to the topic, people that are never afraid or almost never afraid to make enemies. Don't get me wrong, sometimes it's great to not be afraid of making enemies, but sometimes you never know just how much of a threat somebody could turn into once they become angry, loathsome, argumentative, and insulting to you, or just end up showing and giving you their bad side in general, especially when you didn't do anything wrong to that person. It doesn't even have to be an act of physically brutal/fatal violence either. Words also have a destructive power and danger of their own.

    I've also noticed that people that are never afraid or almost never afraid to make enemies are also great at making themselves the enemy, while being untrustworthy and obnoxious, reckless instigators every which way for little to no good reason. This isn't to say that there are people that aren't afraid of making enemies for noble reasons such as standing up for themselves, doing the right thing, or defending their family and friends though, but I've also seen the dark side of that lack of fear far too many times, and even one time is far too many.
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 03-08-2014 at 05:57 PM.

  27. #27
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    1. the ocean. i've gotten my feet wet on both u.s. coasts, but i would never go knee deep or spend any significant time on a beach.

    2. dogs. all dogs. not scared of them, but have a hypersensitive love for them. all of them. it's beyond depressing.

    3. working retail when i turn 35.

    4. watching old people eat.

  28. #28
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    1: Loss

    2: Change

    3: Lonliness

    4: Dying before I have made a significant (on some scale) contribution to the society in which I live, in a non-monetary sense.

  29. #29
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    Like some of the rest of you, i go through phases of having a semi-irrational, all consuming fear of death, my own death.

    My parents are getting older, and i can get tearful thinking about losing my mother, which WILL happen eventually.

    The healthcare issue honestly makes my fucking blood boil. I want universal healthcare in the US just like we have in the rest of the civilized world. My girlfriend and I SERIOUSLY looked in to moving to canada, but they don't want us.

    But most of all, i fear abandonment and loneliness.
    That's why i'm who treats me like utter shit...i'm actually afraid to even talk to her, because she says hurtful things to me. Everyone in the relationship thread has tried to talk me into leaving her.
    I know i should, but i am so scared of being hurt, of being alone.
    I'm pretty damn good looking (and vain , ) and i've got the long haired musician thing going, plus i'm very well read and book smart. I guess what i'm trying to say is that i have absolutely no trouble finding beautiful women to share my life and bed.
    But i don't think i can handle breaking up.

    I also fear that she doesn't love me anymore.

  30. #30
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    Yes, but your self-respect is worth more than fear of being alone.

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