D.C. is losing hard to Marvel right now with the films. They are getting their ass kicked bad year in and year out. Even with the disappointments of the recent Amazing Spiderman films, it's still better than what Man of Steel had to offer.

The Nolan Batman trilogy will go down in history as the best of the decade, and possibly the best comic book movies ever mostly due to the greatness of Batman Begins and The Dark Knight. You can hate on Dark Knight Rises I guess but you can't complain about The Dark Knight, it really is a brilliant film.

I hated Man of Steel. Zack Synder has no idea what he's doing with the whole Michael Bay type crap action, explosions, camera zoom in crap, and the whole Jesus complex around Superman. I hated Man of Steel mostly cause the writing was so fucking bad. We don't really learn anything about Clark as a character except that he is the messiah cause we're constantly reminded over and over and over how he's so God like. The only one that had any kind of character was Louis Lane played by Amy Adams (I swear, this chick throws herself in anything that appears as if it will get her an Oscar nomination) and I didn't even like her.

And all the ideas spinning for the Batman/Superman movie sound horrible. People freaked about Ben Affleck being in it, but I'm sure that will be the least of the problem since Zack Synder don't know how to write a plot. I'm totally lost at this point when it comes to interest.

You know what would make a good D.C. movie? One where the main character is a villain. Do a movie about Lex Luthor or Deathstroke. I think this would be awesome, you could even have them lose at the end of the movie or get killed and it would still work out and make a good story. It would be fun to see a conflicting story to the audience in weather they want to root for the villain or not who is the main character, you could even portray them in a positive light sometimes like how mafia themed films always have this factor. It would build up for a good movie I believe.