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Thread: Work

  1. #481
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    @allegate - She’s going through a divorce, and she may be attracted to the positive attention right now, even though it’s at work and breaks some rules. I’m only suggesting this because it kinda happened to me. What you see as creepy stalky might actually be something different, e.g. they may be texting each other, she may be sharing stuff with him, he may be thinking he’s helping her, she may actually like the “help,” etc. Tread lightly before inserting yourself into the situation. She knows where to go if she needs him to stop.
    Last edited by allegro; 12-05-2020 at 11:33 AM. Reason: Fixed word

  2. #482
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    Had a user call up because his laptop wasn't connecting to his docking station.

    Solution: I had him turn on his laptop.

  3. #483
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    Lol. It’s not all old people. I had to train attorneys and admins for years. Amazing how many of them thought the CD drive was a convenient cup holder. I’m not kidding.

  4. #484
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Lol. It’s not all old people. I had to train attorneys and admins for years. Amazing how many of them thought the CD drive was a convenient cup holder. I’m not kidding.
    Some of the cali users who conveniently have the same last name as the VP in the branch man...
    You can tell they’re a nepotized smooth brain immediately when every sentence has an upward inflection.

  5. #485
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    I don't know if I've specifically said where I work other than a general position, I can't get more specific. But suffice to say that it really sucks to find out that my boss is so bad that people across the country are calling for his removal these past couple of days.

  6. #486
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    Beta release tomorrow. Are we ready? Fuck and no, we're not. Security concerns should probably​ be brought up more than three days before the release.

  7. #487
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    Found out yesterday that my position is in the process of being downgraded on a national level. This is after also finding out that all of the positions I could potentially promote into were upgraded out of promotion range.

    The good part of this is that my bosses started to immediately brainstorm how to keep me from leaving so I must be doing something right.

  8. #488
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    Fingers crossed!

  9. #489
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    Found out yesterday that my position actually isn't being downgraded - it's being removed and the duties are being distributed to the supervisors and other positions - but my supervisors are instead offering me a promotion to a different position. A position that has a further promotion in a year, even.

    I just talked to someone who went roughly the same route (admin to this) and he said it's a very complementary job path and that the skills are very useful from one to the other. I'm pretty excited TBH, especially since up until this point I was pretty much dead in the water as far as promotions go. There was a slew of work done in the summer of 2019 that put all of the positions out of reach of me and that meant if I wanted to get more money, I had to leave. This is better because I get to keep the awesome bosses and coworkers. Win/win/win I guess.

    I guess it helps that the place I wanted to go to didn't even offer me an interview for any of the positions that were open a few months ago. On top of that the people that they did hire that I have to deal with? I have to help them from time to time. Always fun.

  10. #490
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    My direct supervisor a couple of weeks ago: It's almost review time and if I was doing yours right now it wouldn't be good*

    My direct supervisor last week: [Director] and I think it's time to start making the case for you to be reclassified as Assistant Director.


    *He wasn't wrong. I was essentially dropping the ball on everything in my life from about mid-December until close to the end of January.

  11. #491
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    A coworker and I have been good friends outside of work for about 8 years now. We hang out, text constantly, gone to concerts together, yadda yadda yadda.
    At work we were on the same level and agreed on most things about how the way things were running. A couple of months ago, she got promoted to one level above me. Everything was fine until a couple of weeks ago an incident happened, and I called her out on it in front of our boss. She gets very emotional about everything and lets her emotions control her decision making at work too - which is very frustrating to deal with. She doesn't know how to manage things appropriately. So because I called her out, to this day she hasn't texted me, totally ignoring me on social media, etc.

    I've dropped subtle hints that I don't care about what happened anymore and want to move on, but she hasn't responded to any of them. She only communicates with me when necessary during work about work related things.

    Is the friendship dead? Some say, instead of the subtle hints, I should just flat out talk to her - but then there's the stubborn part in me (yes, I acknowledge it) that she's 10 years older than me and should know better. This is stupid high school shit and I hate it.

  12. #492
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    In a strange twist of events, my job suddenly doesn't suck as much. Management hired someone with more experience, which has freed me up to do more work in an area I like. It's kind of a downgrade for me in position, but I get to keep the salary I negotiated at the beginning of the year.
    The bonus was they had to free up salary, so they let go of a guy on the team who was a complete dick.
    Last edited by Magnetic; 04-06-2021 at 12:33 PM.

  13. #493
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    Quote Originally Posted by ickyvicky View Post
    A coworker and I have been good friends outside of work for about 8 years now. We hang out, text constantly, gone to concerts together, yadda yadda yadda.
    At work we were on the same level and agreed on most things about how the way things were running. A couple of months ago, she got promoted to one level above me. Everything was fine until a couple of weeks ago an incident happened, and I called her out on it in front of our boss. She gets very emotional about everything and lets her emotions control her decision making at work too - which is very frustrating to deal with. She doesn't know how to manage things appropriately. So because I called her out, to this day she hasn't texted me, totally ignoring me on social media, etc.

    I've dropped subtle hints that I don't care about what happened anymore and want to move on, but she hasn't responded to any of them. She only communicates with me when necessary during work about work related things.

    Is the friendship dead? Some say, instead of the subtle hints, I should just flat out talk to her - but then there's the stubborn part in me (yes, I acknowledge it) that she's 10 years older than me and should know better. This is stupid high school shit and I hate it.
    For the last 16 years my direct supervisor has been someone I've known since I was 12. (Oddly enough he has been my supervisor despite the fact each of our roles have changed with the company no less than three times.) It's definitely a tricky thing and there have been times where something has happed with work that has made us not talk for a few days. In all cases, we have been able to move beyond stuff. The individual in your story may just not be able to do it.

  14. #494
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    @Archive_Reports I posted that beginning of March - she's still not talking to me, only work related stuff. Even my birthday passed, nothing. I've dropped a couple more hints, still nothing. I'm at the point now where I'm like "I said what I said" and I'm going to stand by it. Whatever, I don't care anymore - life's too short to stress about bullshit.

  15. #495
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    So the position that my supervisors told me they wanted me to apply for was just approved for hiring. Now it just needs to be "created" in the computer system and put out for hire. I am the person who does both of those things for my division but I cannot do that because it would be a conflict of interest if I did. Instead, I have to get everything together right up to the point of actually doing it and then give it to someone else and stand over their shoulder and watch them so that they push the correct buttons. woo.

    Gotta get that dust off the ol' resume. That said, reading the position description is even more daunting than it was before. I know how to do the job I'm doing now. I've been doing it for over a decade in various positions, I have a lot of institutional knowledge here. This new thing, it's really fucking new. The only thing keeping me from hyperventilating is that both of them said they had utmost faith in me and that they both said they would not let me fail.

    Now if one of them up and leaves in six months I'm going to burn his house down. Fair warning to both of them!

    Side note: a position here was upgraded nationally to a higher pay grade. For some reason we cannot legally give the promotion to the person who is currently in the position so we had to advertise it and he had to 'compete' for it. We limited it to people who work in the office (which makes zero sense because of the aforementioned legal thing but whatever, rules) and when all was said and done...he did not make the cut. (Someone who was not in the office did though?) Very funny on all sides. Turns out the moron didn't turn in the correct paperwork and screwed up his resume. Do you know how stupid you have to be do to one of those things, let alone both of them?

    He was talking to me yesterday and he had the utter gall to be mad at HR for the way this turned out.

  16. #496
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah K View Post
    My direct supervisor a couple of weeks ago: It's almost review time and if I was doing yours right now it wouldn't be good*

    My direct supervisor last week: [Director] and I think it's time to start making the case for you to be reclassified as Assistant Director.


    *He wasn't wrong. I was essentially dropping the ball on everything in my life from about mid-December until close to the end of January.
    Sorry for the late quote, but you gave me a flashback to the meeting I had with my shitty boss right after the interview for the job I have now. Apparently they liked me so much they called him immediately for a reference because I literally walked from the interview back to my desk and had only been sitting there for a couple minutes when he called me into his office and asked me to shut the door. When I did and sat down, he told me that he just got the phone call for a reference and asked me when the interview was. Shocked (very shocked) I played it off and said a day or so prior during lunch.

    He then said "I have to be honest with you, if this was even a month ago I wouldn't have given you a very good recommendation." which floored me because, really? You hate me, I hate you. you know I've hated working for you ever since you didn't get the promotion you wanted and you've taken it out on me and everyone else in the office. (side note: everyone in the office but for one person had a mental breakdown at some point after he came back) And why would you ever say an employee is terrible? just lie and say I'm the best fucking whatever you've ever seen so you can get rid of me if that's the issue. Blew my mind.

    Argh. Bleeding it out from time to time, maybe it helps.

    PS - I learned a couples months into the job that it turns out that I was the only person who made it to the interview process so maybe it wasn't that they liked me "so much" as I was the only qualified applicant. oh well, either way I work 3.0 miles from my front door now and have two amazing bosses.

  17. #497
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    JFC. That's insane. I hope you get out and on to better things.

  18. #498
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    He then said "I have to be honest with you, if this was even a month ago I wouldn't have given you a very good recommendation."
    This is such bullshit.

    Everyone knows that you only confirm that a person worked there, when, and their salary; any additional information puts the company at risk for litigation. Lots of it. So companies put policies in place (unless the companies have idiots for lawyers) decades ago, instituting the “confirm only and otherwise stfu” policy.

    He was just being an asshole.

    In. Sarah’s case, I believe her direct supervisor was actually trying to help her improve.
    Last edited by allegro; 04-15-2021 at 07:14 AM.

  19. #499
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magnetic View Post
    JFC. That's insane. I hope you get out and on to better things.
    to be fair I made it more complicated than it needed to be by double posting. I am well clear of that man going on three years now.

    OTOH, he did eventually get the promotion he wanted and was in charge of a national program that he was in no way qualified for. AND he was even given a bump in pay that he also wasn't qualified for since he didn't have the time in service for it and only asked for it on a whim. He liked to brag about that.

    Then I found out that he was further 'promoted' to a position in Chicago. Weird, that's where his daughters and grandkids live...how nice for him.
    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    This is such bullshit.

    Everyone knows that you only confirm that a person worked there, when, and their salary; any additional information puts the company at risk for litigation. Lots of it. So companies put policies in place (unless the companies have idiots for lawyers) decades ago, instituting the “confirm only and otherwise stfu” policy.

    He was just being an asshole.

    In. Sarah’s case, I believe her direct supervisor was actually trying to help her improve.
    Yeah, I know but I believe he actually would because his assistant director did and they would wield the lawyers like a cudgel.

    and I agree about Sarah, I was only doing the ritualistic bleeding out of bad memories.

  20. #500
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    Does anybody else find that WFH is this weird mix of 'I never want to go back into the office again, I love working from home' and 'I hate not having anybody to speak to during the day other than my dog'?

    Was always such a social person but now I feel like being alone all day is making me antisocial.

  21. #501
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    It isn't so much being in an office, but it's the goddamned commute. I don't want to waste an hour of my life every day sitting in my car.

  22. #502
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magnetic View Post
    It isn't so much being in an office, but it's the goddamned commute. I don't want to waste an hour of my life every day sitting in my car.
    The best solution to this is bicycle. Instantly turning your wasted hour into an exercise.

  23. #503
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    Quote Originally Posted by fillow View Post
    The best solution to this is bicycle. Instantly turning your wasted hour into an exercise.
    Where I live it's consistently 30-34C from March to November. Turning up to an office building drenched in sweat where it's business casual is not gonna work.

    Not to mention I'm not hugely a fan of breathing in exhaust fumes.

  24. #504
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    Understandable. We have a small gym with shower room in our building, otherwise I wouldn't bother riding as well.

  25. #505
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magnetic View Post
    Where I live it's consistently 30-34C from March to November. Turning up to an office building drenched in sweat where it's business casual is not gonna work.

    Not to mention I'm not hugely a fan of breathing in exhaust fumes.
    Florida and you use non-'Murican units...highly sus.

    When I worked in Portland I'd ride my bike ~75% of the year rain or shine but it helped that there was, as @ mentions, a small gym with a shower there and they also provided towels, lockers, and a covered bike storage. Did I mention this was Portland? I figured that as long as it was above freezing and wasn't too windy - I had two bridges I needed to cross and didn't want to end up on the wrong side of that - then I would be fine.

    My ride to work now is 3.0 miles exactly so I don't bother with all that. I only ride when it's nice or only sprinkling because it's not at all worth the trouble to get all kitted out for a sub fifteen minute ride. It takes longer to get dressed than it would to ride!

  26. #506
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    My commute has been much better since everyone is not back yet. Less accidents, less traffic jams. Would normally take me an hour, now it only takes 35-40 minutes tops. Everyone stay home, lol.

  27. #507
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    Florida and you use non-'Murican units...highly sus.
    I was replying to someone who is in Belarus, so I know to adapt. Learned a thing or two living the UK for so long.

  28. #508
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    and you're accommodating to Europeans.

  29. #509
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    Lack of basic communication and people maybe throwing me under the bus for either something that did or did not happen (amazingly unclear) is going to drive me nuts.

  30. #510
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    on a slightly different track here:

    anyone have experience with MS Project? or maybe with a series of training videos that would be a great starting point for learning the software? I feel like it would be a big help to my business line so I asked for a license and I have a Dummies book but I'm not getting anything really useful from it.

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