Everything I am about to say has already been said in one form or another in this thread about the show, but i'll post point form notes on my experience anyway...

-The festival environment is not for me, and if it wasn't for NIN, I wouldn't have gone, they were the sole reason for attending lolla. I've never liked festivals before, and this was a reminder on why I shouldn't bother with them.
-Copy of A was spectacular, I had no idea what to expect as I never watched the footage from the other shows yet, I taped that song on video and watched it a few times in my hotel already, it's a really awesome song! Also, when Sanctified came on, I thought it was another new song as well. I didn't recognize it until the lyrics started, that was really cool to hear that reworked version as well.

-Near the end of the set when the singles section started I found myself kinda bored and saying "ok enough with the singles, let's get some new/rare songs played" and YES, I do realize it was a festival setting and should have been expecting a set like this. But with that said...
-NIN was worth it though, total highlight of the trip. Had alot of fun, and it was a nice "warm up" gig before the Tension shows start. I have a feeling i'll be enjoying those ALOT more, just would have liked to hear more new songs than what they played.

Someone also wrote here (forget who, not gonna go back to find the quote) that even a song that is played alot that you are bored of gets played after you not hearing it for a while, it kinda sounds good again. This was the case with HLAH. I haven't heard that song probably in 4 years or so (the last time they played live) as I always go out of my way to change it or avoid it if it comes on, but it actually felt nice and refreshing to hear it again live after not hearing it for so long. Wish I could say the same about Closer, but I was sad to see that back in the mix. And yeah, yeah... someone already wrote, you're not gonna hear deep cuts at a festival, it's totally true.

That's my 2 cent review of the show, which actually turned out to be more like $4.35, but it's all good! Next show is Vegas nights 1 and 2 in November, really stoked for those!!