Quote Originally Posted by kleiner352 View Post
Louie's new abortion bit was one of the funniest I've ever seen on the subject and managed to really confidently walk the line between offending both sides while still remaining consistent in its own absurd way. The Christian calendar bit, the Magic Mike and wanting a boyfriend bit, the Elizabethean parlor game bit -- all so good. The man just doesn't seem to have a bad special in him.

I think I overall preferred Age of Spin to the Texas special when it comes to Chappelle, but I thoroughly loved both. Spin was more "thoughtful" and challenging material while Texas was more just outrageous joke after joke and reminded me more of his earlier specials. I'm very excited for whatever his third is gonna be.
as usual, you said everything I would have said, but more eloquently. The Louis CK special is SO good. one of my personal heroes.