Fuck every Pirates movie made after the second one, won't watch any more
Fuck every single Michael Bay transformers film after the first
Jurassic World fucking sucked
Terminator 3 sucked
Terminator Salvation sucked
Terminator Genisys probably sucked, I didn't watch it
Alien Resurrection is nothing less than punishment from cruel unknowable gods
Prometheus was fucking garbage
Alien Covenant is Prometheus 2 and is also fucking dogshit
Fuck AvP and fuck AvP2
Not one of the fucking Mummy movies was any good or in any way memorable
Fuck the people who want to make Beetlejuice 2
Fuck the fetid walking piles of human dogshit who consider the fucking NOTION of Labyrinth fucking goddamned Two
Fuck the Hobbit films
Fuck this
Fuck that
Fuck everything
It's all dogshit
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

Predators was kinda good actually