After seeing how the live production works, I think the emphasis on the visuals/effects and the band being shrouded was intentional. This way, with the focus on the effects, TR doesn't stand out as much from anybody else on stage, they can downplay that perception of "Trent's band with his wife & friends." Sure there's moments where Mariqueen or Trent stand out, but those are more vocal cues than anything else.

(Emphasis on random for the next thoughts)
I'm glad they're playing The Believers, I've always thought that was the most interesting track on the first EP.
When they're all jamming during The Loop Closes, I have flashbacks to La Mer from AATCHB.
Love the live arrangements, but I think there's too many spaces filled with "ooohhhhhhhh" or "aaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh" as filler. I know they're only 3 shows in but I hope that gets tightened up.