Quote Originally Posted by tremolo View Post
I did say that victims had a choice on how to react to the aggression, I didn't say it was their fault for being abused.
Here's another quote from you:

What I am saying is that there are alternatives and other ways, but I do understand the victim's course of action (as in sucking the attorney's dick), because these abusive situations are complex, mostly because of the huge mindfuck that the aggressor plays on their victims.

Maybe you get it now???? Or are you still burying your head in the sand here?

I don't know how you jump from "the victim has a choice" to "HE'S BLAMING THE VICTIM! HE'S BLAMING THE VICTIM!!! EDUCATE YOURSELF, CATCH UP!"
Maybe you should re-read what you wrote up there, where you quite literally and specifically BLAMED THE VICTIM.

You can't just call something by a different name and expect it to no longer be awful. You're saying ignorant things. You need to stop saying ignorant things.