Alright this will be longish but worth reading for the lulz, so my friend who was a film major at a film school here (called Capilano University) in North Vancouver hooks me up with some work on the set of a Christmas movie filming around the area called Deck The Halls with Broderick and Danny DeVito. I've done extra work, etc. so I thought 'why not'. So on the 3rd day of being on set, I had yet to meet Broderick but actually met DeVito who was, and I can vouch, the NICEST DUDE EVER. He was polite, funny, and literally talked to almost everyone on set...crew, you name it. I saw him tossing cheese slices at some crew in the catering tent, a jokester. Awesome dude. Anyways, I was helping one of the crew with rounding up some camera cables on abouuuut, the 3rd-ish day on set. My friend Zack who got me on the set (he's the one who works on Fringe now, you might've seen pics I've posted from on set, that's how I get on lol) was a PA (prod. assistant, basically crap gopher work). The scene was a snowball fight between Broderick and DeVito so my friend's job was literally to stand by with a portable hair dryer, warming a roll of paper towels so he could hand them to the actors after the take (sounds weak but it was cold as hell, at night, and like 20 takes in...I can imagine your hands would be numb as hell).

So he's sitting there warming the paper towels, but lo and behold it was the Head PA's job originally, a guy who's been on movies with Broderick and a bunch of the crew before, but HE had to go do something else so he handed the shit to Zack. After the scene wraps the first take, Zack runs up, 'here you go Mr. DeVito' and I'm literally 20 ft. away. 'Thanks kid.' He runs to Broderick. 'Here you are, Mr. Broderick.' Broderick literally spins around to face him, grabs Zack by the neck of his shirt, and literally inches from his face, screams WHO THE MOTHERFUCK ARE YOU. WHO ARE YOU. My friend obviously freezes and probably shits himself as Broderick literally screamed it as loud as possible. You could hear it across town. '...uh, uh I'm Zack, I'm a PA. I'm part of the crew, uh uh...' Broderick screams again. WHO. THE. FUCK. ARE. YOU. YOU'RE FIRED. And lets him go. He was literally screaming at the top of his lungs, it was nuts. His face was red. Some of the crew rush in, including the Asst. Director and my friend's murmuring to them 'Don't fire me please! I work here! I have a staff badge. I'm a PA' etc. etc.

A few handlers help Broderick away, probably to his trailer like he's fuckin' Bono from U2 being led to his helicopter or some friend's shitting his pants. The Asst. Director tells him (again I can hear it all) 'Don't worry, that's just him. You can't look at him in the eye unless he knows you or he's worked with you on set before, you'll be fine.' My friend Zack is like 'w.t.f.' He continues to tell Zack that after Broderick made all his money, he was vacationing in Ireland and killed a lady and her mom in a head on car wreck (we had never known this up to that point, again this was like...early 2005ish? Before the times of Wikipedia or IMDB) and ever since he was sort kilter so to speak.

So yeah, he might be sane NOW, but I saw this happen. He was deeply, deeply insane. For the rest of the shoot he would come off as a completely normal human, but apparently everyone, and now including my friend and I, knew that he's actually probably a lunatic. And don't get me started on Kristin Davis (from Sex and The City) who played Broderick's wife and the day she wouldn't come out of her trailer until someone brought her cotton candy. Seriously. A full grown woman who wouldn't work until someone brought her cotton candy. Cotton. Candy. Fuckssakes.