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Thread: Fringe

  1. #91
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    That episode just bugged the hell out of me. The way I see it is that everything that happened before Peter disappeared would've still happened but he just wouldn't have been there. The stuff that he was involved with obviously would've happened differently but that plane should've already went down or arrived safely before he came back. The Gold timeline didn't jump back in time when he vanished, it just continued on from there like he never existed. I guess maybe I just didn't think about the effects of that like you did and the show runners apparently wanted me to, I just figured what happened before that happened and we were continuing on from there. When that plane showed up again it just seemed lame to me, like they didn't have an idea for that episode so they did it over again, probably doesn't help that I think the whole idea of Jones wanting to start another race by turning everyone into freakish animal hybrids is incredibly stupid.

    Edit: None of my friends watch this show so I have no one to talk/bitch to about the things that piss me off about this show so I come on here and vent about it from time to time. Sorry if I'm bringing you guys down with my idiocy at all. My brain latches on to certain things that I don't like and I just can't let them go.
    Last edited by kdrcraig; 05-03-2012 at 06:01 PM.

  2. #92
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    I wish we were in the original blue/red timeline still so that what happened in tonight's episode actually made some sense.

    I guess after they finish the series next season I'll sit down and watch them all again.
    Last edited by Lutz; 05-05-2012 at 02:56 AM.

  3. #93
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    Spoiler: Did one half of Jones' face disintegrate because he was cut in half in a previous season (and a different timeline)?

    I'd like to know why the Observers felt the need to control the past. I guess the fascinating guest star is going to explain it to us soon, but someone must be trying to change the timeline and that's what the Observers want to prevent. I guess it's the guest star.

    I like how the different threads of the show are coming together now. The writing of the show is miraculous in my opinion. I don't think that it all makes sense but the show is constantly trying to stetch the limits of narratives that can be shown on television.

  4. #94
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    Just watched the first part of the finale and all my mind is able to bring up is 'ghkxshhtfcgy'!? Incredible!
    Last edited by profane; 05-05-2012 at 06:25 PM.

  5. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by ambergris View Post
    I'd like to know why the Observers felt the need to control the past.
    I thought what they were originally trying to intimate by having the observers be from the future was that it was a self contained future that stemmed completely from Walter inventing and then using the technology to cross universes. Walter's research was then carried on by blue Olivia's daughter which leads to the time travel technology that is used by the observers. In effect it then becomes a red herring when we see September witnessing the moment Walternate fails to find the cure for Peter because he is actually there to distract Walternate which then enables the observers timeline.

    That would have made sense because it carries on the main themes of a broken timeline self perpetuating itself.

  6. #96
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    I'm not sure if the last 10 minutes of that episode were completely ridiculous or awesome, this show loses its mind sometimes. I dug it though, just got really weird there at the end. Spoiler: Olivia playing rock 'em sock 'em robots with Peter

  7. #97
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    well back in whatever past season/timeline Olivia was able to levitate and control objects, she is just re-discovering that skill she
    "forgot" when Peter disappeared and now applying it to people.

  8. #98
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    Quote Originally Posted by kdrcraig View Post
    That episode just bugged the hell out of me. The way I see it is that everything that happened before Peter disappeared would've still happened but he just wouldn't have been there. The stuff that he was involved with obviously would've happened differently but that plane should've already went down or arrived safely before he came back. The Gold timeline didn't jump back in time when he vanished, it just continued on from there like he never existed. I guess maybe I just didn't think about the effects of that like you did and the show runners apparently wanted me to, I just figured what happened before that happened and we were continuing on from there. When that plane showed up again it just seemed lame to me, like they didn't have an idea for that episode so they did it over again, probably doesn't help that I think the whole idea of Jones wanting to start another race by turning everyone into freakish animal hybrids is incredibly stupid.
    I understand what you're saying, but I don't think it is as simple as that. Everything can't just be the same, except without Peter, because everyone that knew him has to have new memories. It should follow, then, that their new memories reflect an entirely new series of events from the lake on. Every one of these events would alter the course of history for everyone involved. As someone suggested, it's the butterfly effect.

    Edit: None of my friends watch this show so I have no one to talk/bitch to about the things that piss me off about this show so I come on here and vent about it from time to time. Sorry if I'm bringing you guys down with my idiocy at all. My brain latches on to certain things that I don't like and I just can't let them go.
    No worries, I enjoy discussing the show. I am just trying to figure out why you are stuck on this one issue and try to help you resolve it, if possible.

    As for the most recent episode, it seems to me that only person that would have a dramatic enough impact for Bowie to be working for would be Spoiler: Belly, so I wasn't surprised at all by the reveal. I thought it was pretty obvious that Bowie was the bishop being referred to immediately, but he clearly didn't realize that. I was pretty impressed with how badass Astrid was at the end. I was indifferent by what happened next because Spoiler: I'm sure she doesn't die, as we saw her in the future. Unless that doesn't actually connect with what we are being shown now, but that would be pretty lame of them to do.
    Last edited by Goldfoot; 05-10-2012 at 12:09 AM.

  9. #99
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    ^Unless he was working for Ninalternate.

  10. #100
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    Quote Originally Posted by Goldfoot View Post
    No worries, I enjoy discussing the show. I am just trying to figure out why you are stuck on this one issue and try to help you resolve it, if possible.
    Eh I just thought it was stupid when I watched it, it was a combination of the plane and then the animal hybrids, I just thought all of it was stupid. I did enjoy the last two episodes so I don't even care anymore. For the last couple seasons this show has been spitting out a few episodes in a row I'll love and then one I just hate, then repeats. I've come this far so I'm sticking with it, just annoys me sometimes.

    Spoiler: If they can't get Nimoy to come back for season 5 I really hope they wrap up him being the main bad guy in the finale or next season isn't really going to work Then again, who knows what kind of crazy shit will happen this week.

  11. #101
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    Uncoordinated eyes creepy as HELL!

    Well, that was fun. So, I guess the final season will be all about the Observers?

  12. #102
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    That's what it's looking like. This season turned out pretty good, really liked the last few episodes

  13. #103
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    Very messy season... 2 new parallel universes, the underwhelming story arc of David Robert Jones, the final revelations... They did not play it safe and I think that it was worth it, but I can easily see how people give up on it.

  14. #104
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    I was really excited by the first part of the finale. Reason: Leonard Nemoy. The second part left me heavily underwhelmed. It sometimes seemed rushed and the parts that obviously were meant to be shocking weren't shocking at all to me. And if I were to be really honest to myself I'd have to say this whole season was quite underwhelming. But I believe (or want to) that the final season will be awesome.

  15. #105
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    I really liked the 2 part season finale. Parts of this season bugged me a bit, but I let it go when I reminded myself that this season is kind of a reboot using tropes from earlier seasons. Not a full reboot obviously, but when we found out Peter was already home, we kind of just had to take it for what its worth that the original red and blue universes just did not matter much anymore, if at all. As the viewer we just got to understand more of what was happening than the characters experiencing the events could - which is really kind of a neat idea. I view season 4 as very long aside.

    I like the season finale enough that I do think it could have been a solid enough end to the show, but I am reallllly fucking glad we will get a season 5 that will have a clear direction now that everything from the first 2 universes is solved and the new 2 universes are resolved in a way that only leaves us with one to worry about.

    I do think the reason 'Etta will be so important to stopping the observers is that she will be able to reopen the bridge and the other side will help our side fight them. Which would be a really fantastic conclusion to/reinterpretation of the universal war story.

    I am going to miss the fuck out of this show.

  16. #106
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    Quote Originally Posted by profane View Post
    I was really excited by the first part of the finale. Reason: Leonard Nemoy. The second part left me heavily underwhelmed. It sometimes seemed rushed and the parts that obviously were meant to be shocking weren't shocking at all to me. And if I were to be really honest to myself I'd have to say this whole season was quite underwhelming. But I believe (or want to) that the final season will be awesome.
    While I was a bit underwhelmed by the story as well I think this season has really proven that the real reason we watch this show is because the characters are so strong.

  17. #107
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  18. #108
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    While Lincoln leaving kind of sucks, It's not really that big of a deal. He already went to the other side which may or may not be a part of the last season. But moreover, the show is about Olivia, Peter, and Walter. Everyone else is just helping to set the scene.

  19. #109
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    Oh my goodness.

    Also, rumblings of cast members saying that a feature movie in the future is 'not out of the question'...

  20. #110
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    the next season is fast approaching, They are coming and I am excited!

  21. #111
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    I'm a lot more excited for this final season than I thought I would be after not liking last season very much. Really interested to see how everything ends.

  22. #112
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    Oh fuck.

  23. #113
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    interesting site that jst makes season four seem even more complicated

  24. #114
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    Heeey Fringe!

    Nice little ending in the new episode. Seemed a little off but it was a nice touch.

    Also, I find it funny that they chose a blatantly Soviet-looking uniform for the regime's police. OK, we got it, it's oppresive, ooh!
    Last edited by Alexandros; 09-29-2012 at 04:46 AM.

  25. #115
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    Lots of references to Three Colours Blue in this weeks episode.

  26. #116
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    First two episodes have been pretty meh. I'm sure they're just setting stuff up but there's only 11 episodes left, let's get this shit going.

  27. #117
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    just watched last week's. i kept thinking "they're turning into ents!"

  28. #118
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    These first three episodes have felt pretty slow and pointless for it being the last season

    Spoiler: Walter has the plan in his head and we need this weird piece of tech to get it. Scratch that, Walter put the plan on like 8 VHS tapes and we have to find them to get the plan. Bark people and a mysterious crystal in a gold mine

    It's really disappointing me. After not liking last season I was hoping they'd cut all the bullshit and really end it on a high note, so far it's anything but that.

  29. #119
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    Quote Originally Posted by kdrcraig View Post
    These first three episodes have felt pretty slow and pointless for it being the last season

    Spoiler: Walter has the plan in his head and we need this weird piece of tech to get it. Scratch that, Walter put the plan on like 8 VHS tapes and we have to find them to get the plan. Bark people and a mysterious crystal in a gold mine

    It's really disappointing me. After not liking last season I was hoping they'd cut all the bullshit and really end it on a high note, so far it's anything but that.
    Spoiler: No, even better than VHS tapes: Beta-Max tapes. With unreliable tracking and a higher tendency to decay with age. Beta-Max: The future of home video.

  30. #120
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    And finding all the pieces of the machine and putting them together has been used to death already in previous seasons.

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