I've noticed a trend that's a little worrying, where when an allegation comes out about someone, people are prepared to abandon their fandom 100%... and then when charges are dropped, no evidence of wrongdoing was found, etc., people go, "phew" like the allegations never happened.

I think we need to learn to be more nuanced in our thinking. First of all, if you find out an artist you like did some shady stuff, you can disavow the person, but you can also still have a relationship with the art they've made. J.K. Rowling may be a shitty TERF, but Harry Potter has had such an impact on so many of our lives that it doesn't belong to her anymore; it belongs to all of us.

And the reverse is also true. If several women come forward and accuse someone of misconduct, that in itself is telling. Charges and investigations being dropped doesn't mean it didn't happen, and more importantly, regardless of what actually happened, if several people come forward to speak out against someone, they almost certainly did something to deserve it. Yes, there are fringe cases where the accusers are just lying to get attention or money, but when several people speak out, it makes the allegations entirely more likely to be true (or at the very least to have some amount of truth to them).

So anyway, all I'm saying is we need to learn to be okay with things being complicated. There isn't some binary list where someone is either 100% cancelled and we need to disown everything they've every worked on or they're 100% clean and everything is fine and they've never done anything wrong. If you walk away from this news cycle feeling like Till Lindemann is totally free and clear (and I'm not saying anyone here is saying that), you're probably learning the wrong lessons.