Last night was great, but I needed a little time to process everything. A friend of mine and I made a two and a half hour drive for the show. We got there super early, and tooled around town for a while. When we finally made it to the venue we were only about 15 people from the door in the presale line. Waiting in line for a signed poster was unexpected, but no worries. It was nice to meet @UninTY , @ThinkIcouldburn , and @jessamineny . I'm Glad I could help you with the extra ticket @jessamineny ! I really enjoyed the live set. I like the EP, and the album, but seeing them live made it all seem more real. I feel that I will have a deeper appreciation for this music from now on. I really envy people who were able to catch multiple dates on this tour. I'm also sad for those who can't catch even one. This was something special. It's difficult to explain, and it must be seen live to understand. I tried not to complain about anything from last night, but I do have to point out the rudeness from parts of the crowd. There was a interesting mix of fans, people wanting to try something new, and clueless mouth breathers. Somehow I found myself surrounded by people with no concert etiquette for the last half of the set. There were people having LOUD conversations about menial bullshit during the quietest parts of the songs. As the music became louder they would increase the volume of their voices as if the music was inconveniencing them. Another group of jerks were arguing about how many more drinks one had over the other during Strings and Attractors. There was a shrill woman behind me that was told at one point to shut up. Her response was, "it's okay; they already played my favorite song!" Last but not least, at the encore a man who looked and smelled homeless popped up next to me. No exaggeration, he was smoking crack. Crack. Literally he was squatting down on the floor, taking a hit from a stem, getting up and wigging out for a bit, three minutes later, squat, repeat. . . There were more crowd assholes, but I digress. . . All that aside It was great night, and a fun trip.