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Thread: The DC Extended Universe Thread

  1. #451
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    Sounds like the animated movie, Assault on Arkham is the superior suicide squad film.
    I think I'll wait for the film to be released on Bluray and watch the unrated directors cut or, whatever they name it cut, of the film and just re-watch Assault on Arkham in the meantime.

  2. #452
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    Quote Originally Posted by ManBurning View Post
    Maybe it was the fact that I set the bar sooooo low, that I came out thoroughly impressed. *shrugs*
    I'm a master at suspending disbelief, or at least I thought I was. I forgive A LOT when seeing movies like this. When a movie is so down the street of 'these idiots watching this won't care' and tosses something at you in practically every other scene that is pure garbage...after a certain point I cave, lol.

  3. #453
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    Quote Originally Posted by Exocet View Post
    Alan Moore went to court to get the studio to remove his name from the Watchmen
    That really means fuck-all because he famously doesn't want any of his work ever adapted and refuses to watch any of the movies based on his work whatsoever, at all, because he's generally a crazy asshole. A brilliant one, but nonetheless. I really don't think someone's opinion on a movie that they did not see counts for literally anything.
    @october_midnight I planned on sitting this movie out but that description is almost fabulously bad.

  4. #454
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    Make of this what you will...

  5. #455
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    So uh ... Jared Leto is seeming awfully pissed.

    Having seen lists of what they cut when it comes to his scenes, it's a pretty insane list. I'm definitely not going to bother seeing this one at all unless it's on HBO one day or something. Pretty much everything in the trailers that stood out to me isn't even in it. I get that you cut a thing here or a thing there but to have a large amount of shots in your trailers not even be in the film is ... just downright lying, basically.

  6. #456
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    I really wish Leto would just go full Joker costume/makeup for a while. That I would respect.

  7. #457
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    Saw it. This movie is bad. Its a bad movie. It is a movie of the bad variety.

    But I was entertained. I didn't grow up reading superhero comics, so I'm not close to these movies. All I'm expecting is to see some guys in silly suits fight each other with expensive fx, so I'm usually entertained by the bad ones. And its probably not as bad as some critics say; its not complete garbage.

    But it is actually bad, any way you look at it. Reminded me of the Mario Bros. movie, oddly. It looks drab, the plot is very forgettable, the action is boring, the editing is messy, and it feels like too many producers are giving their input and the director is trying to please them all. The dialog is trying too hard to be edgy and comes off like a high school kid who just suddenly started dressing like a metalhead.

    But what worked? The cast. Will Smith was alright; it was nice seeing him try to fit into an ensemble. Harley Quinn is as good as you'd expect,but her best scenes are in the trailers, so you've seen the good bits already. Jai Courtney was actually interesting; I think letting him use his Aussie accent frees him up. Jared Leto was great in the seven-ish minutes he was onscreen, even with his Insane Clown Posse tattoos. They really should have put him in more. They probably paid him millions for like two days of work.

    Would I recommend it? If you're a casual moviegoer, you may get to be dully entertained for a few hours, or you may be bored. I actually think Batman v. Superman is better than this, so if you didn't like that, don't see this. If you're Suicide Squad superfan no. 1,avoid this like the plague because you may blow your brains out afterward. Or go in fully expecting heresy against your comic and brace yourself. Or convince yourself its good and sign a petition against Rotten tomatoes(yes, they're actually doing that). In any case, this is gonna open big, then fall off very quick. I think DC/Warners should hire better directors and writers and let the leash off of them a bit. Focus more on making a good movie and less on what they think would make money.
    Last edited by Millionaire; 08-05-2016 at 05:20 PM.

  8. #458
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    Quote Originally Posted by kleiner352 View Post
    So uh ... Jared Leto is seeming awfully pissed.

    Having seen lists of what they cut when it comes to his scenes, it's a pretty insane list. I'm definitely not going to bother seeing this one at all unless it's on HBO one day or something. Pretty much everything in the trailers that stood out to me isn't even in it. I get that you cut a thing here or a thing there but to have a large amount of shots in your trailers not even be in the film is ... just downright lying, basically.
    it's one thing to be pissed but his comments are extremely fucked up and over the line considering what happened to his predecessor.

  9. #459
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    It was a fun movie. The cast did great. I think for an attempt to bring the suicide squad on screen they did well.

    Funny how people are complaining about humor ruining scenes, when that is what marvel does best no?

  10. #460
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    Quote Originally Posted by october_midnight View Post
    Make of this what you will...

    This is exactly what I don't want The Joker associated with.

  11. #461
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    Quote Originally Posted by Conan The Barbarian View Post
    that is what marvel does best
    That's the thing, right there -- it's what Marvel does best, not DC. And with Marvel, it feels very natural -- Iron Man was a really, really funny movie, but it never seemed forced. It just was. Then Avengers 2 came along and it felt over the top and irritating, how much every character was just yet another Joss Whedon quipping machine, and everyone complained about it. They don't really get a free pass on humor, they just use it properly most of the time, so everyone applauds it.

    If humor's in the DNA of something, then it should be funny. But if it's not, and it's added in to appease crowds or forced in some way, it often comes off as inauthentic and obtrusive. It's like having that friend who makes everyone laugh all the time or having that friend who makes really inappropriate jokes at all the wrong times, Michael Scott style.

  12. #462
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    Saw the movie on Thursday night.
    I actually thought it was okay. Not great, but better than Batman VS Superman. Just my opinion.
    I still think DC and Warner Bros need to get on the same page about how the do the whole universe thing though.

  13. #463
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    This movie IS the mess people claim! it is a multifaceted, detailed, deep disaster. perhaps worst of all, every thing to understand about that disaster could be understood in its first act, which is at least entertaining. After that, it commits the sin of being boring.

    After the movie sets up its plot and characters, the movie just proceeds to: Not have a plot. it actually reminded me of the Mortal Kombat movie where, after the characers get together, the movie is just one fight scene after another until it just simply ends. The Mortal Kombat movie benefits from those scenes being fun to watch in a variety of ways, and so it's cheese is watchable.

    But Suicide Squad is frequently cringe worthy, and it's so fucking good at hitting the wrong note. Like all of the times a scene will stop for a comment about Harley Quinn's butt, not the only moment of overwrought sexualization. Also, the character of Killer Croc, who's make up design doesn't work as a creative choice and also simply doesn't honor what I re member about the character, but most importantly a bunch of jokes about him possibly being black or something? Racial and cultural appopriation and off color joking are a trademark of this movie. One Mexican character is frequently referred to the others as "Ese," can you do that??? I'm not an expert, but it seemed incorrect.

    The entire direction of the Joker is also strange. Leto has a good performance, but his characterization as a guy who just owns a bunch of seedy gambling houses and strip club is completely jarring. If I take a step back, I can't say that it objectively didn't work, but it is a fucking weird ass choice. I liked when he could come off as a genuinely creepy, manipulative and abusive boyfriend. Perhaps the first time I've actually HATED the Joker. That's to his credit.

    Aside from those characterizations which are broader artistic choices, you can see where there is some potential for cool interactions with these characters and their ground level view of people like Batman and the Joker. it's just unfortunate that the opportunity it is wasted on this aimless plot.

    and it's been said already, but there were too many cooks in this kitchen. this movie has insanely violent shifts in tone. from one moment with it s poppy graphics and tongue in cheek humor to a jump cut to disturbing scenes of prisoner abuse. Sentimental moments about families interspersed with dark humor. it's actually exhausting AND most importantly, I was just over it an hour before it ended, and that un2atchability is its worst offense.

    but that speaks to another major problem, which is that none of the people we are rooting for deserve to win, even if they ARE played by Will Smith. Heads up: If Batman is compelled to lock you up, you probably should not be allowed to talk to your children. Harley Quinn just wants to get back to the Joker, but as she's a Stockholm syndrome abuse victim, it's not a great outcome to hope for.

  14. #464
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    also: theRe is a running joke in this movie that is absolutely shamelessly and obviously ripped off from Deadpool almost point for point, I couldnt even believe it

  15. #465
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    but that speaks to another major problem, which is that none of the people we are rooting for deserve to win, even if they ARE played by Will Smith. Heads up: If Batman is compelled to lock you up, you probably should not be allowed to talk to your children. Harley Quinn just wants to get back to the Joker, but as she's a Stockholm syndrome abuse victim, it's not a great outcome to hope for.
    My gripes (or dirty, guilty pleasures) from the film's flawed plot and its clusterfuck of opposing styles aside, this is actually my main complaint. These characters are the anti-heroes in this film. But in the larger DC universe, they're really bad and malevolent people, to greater or lesser degrees. It's dangerous as a matter of plot device to have audiences basically rooting for these characters in one film and then ostensibly hoping they're thwarted by Batman in the next.

  16. #466
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    Post credit scene sounds completely stupid and pointless...

  17. #467
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    Quote Originally Posted by joplinpicasso View Post
    My gripes (or dirty, guilty pleasures) from the film's flawed plot and its clusterfuck of opposing styles aside, this is actually my main complaint. These characters are the anti-heroes in this film. But in the larger DC universe, they're really bad and malevolent people, to greater or lesser degrees. It's dangerous as a matter of plot device to have audiences basically rooting for these characters in one film and then ostensibly hoping they're thwarted by Batman in the next.
    I think that the fundamental element of the concept, that a group of otherwise horrible villains, must team up to be the heroes for once, is valid and compelling. But it is also challenging and here is lost to the elaborate Web of awful things that make up this movie.

    The two things the story needs to do are:
    1. Convince the audience that these villains are the only people who can do the job.
    2. Give the villain a compelling reason to do that job.

    Suicide Squad hand waves both of those ideas. Amanda Waller running around trying to put the team together on principal is baffling flimsy, I'm never convinced that, in a world with The Flash and Batman, we need Killer Croc to save us from any thing. The movie, in its baffling deep awfulness, agrees with me, as it is this very thing that causes problems, and if Waller never set out to do this, we wouldn't have a villain. Furthermore the justification for the Suicide Squad doing anything is that, as we are frequently reminded, they will die if they dont.

    There is enough in place here to have done something right. Harley Quinn could be compelled to do something to save the world if it meant not losing the Joker, and right there you have a complex and interesting plot: Harley Quinn trying to save the world that the Joker has been trying to destroy, and having to learn her way away from this man who treats her like shit. Could've been a really powerful comic book movis that way, and yet we had to wade through this patriarchal, demographic driven mud.

  18. #468
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    might as well be consistent:

  19. #469
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    This guy seems to like it.

  20. #470
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    ‘Suicide Squad’ Super Tuesday Not Only An August Record, But Also Beats ‘Civil War’

  21. #471
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    it's a superhero movie with no real competition and it did well on a Tuesday, I guess that's one way to spin it.

  22. #472
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    Quote Originally Posted by mfte View Post
    This guy seems to like it.

    Kevin Smith's "movie reviews" are worthless. He puts a positive spin on almost everything. He's a politician in the political arena of Hollywood.

  23. #473
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    Quote Originally Posted by kleiner352 View Post
    If humor's in the DNA of something, then it should be funny. But if it's not, and it's added in to appease crowds or forced in some way, it often comes off as inauthentic and obtrusive.
    I finally saw this, and had a blast, but am admittedly still figuring out how I feel about it overall. I definitely liked BvS more, and that's one of the only things I can say for certain. That, and I wish there was more Joker, because it's so clear that Leto took a deep dive into the character. Even though the trailers (and press) made his separation & periphery from the Squad obvious, his absence is still a bummer. Looking forward to the deleted scenes.

    However: the humor didn't bother me, and that's because most of it came from Harley.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bruce Timm
    I think bottom line the most important thing about her is that she’s funny. One way or the other regardless of what her backstory is, or whether she’s in an abusive relationship with the Joker, or if she’s off on her own, or hanging out with Poison Ivy, or whether she’s a villain or a hero. I think bottomline her stories always have to be fun, if not flat out hilarious (but that would be even better). That’s one of the things I like about the current comic. They understand that, they’re not treating her as another angsty bizarre superhero type character. She’s really weird and funny and kind of chaotic.

    Again, I'm still figuring out how I feel about Suicide Squad, but if that's not the co-creator of Harley Quinn saying humor is in her DNA, I don't know what is.

  24. #474
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    I enjoyed watching this hot mess. The editing was weird, but I don't understand people's complaint about not having enough Joker: I though there was plenty of him in there. Almost too much. His and Harley's relationship was very problematic. On one hand, thy didn't chicken out and actually showed the Joker manipulating/turning her into his girlfriend. On the other hand, they showed it, but never addressed it. I kinda wish they just made them lovers, so we could've rooted for them to reunited.


    The BIG problem with this movie was the terrible third act!!! Holy shit! Worst movie villain in years, very flat and crappy and generic. This is 2016, we can't be fed this "destroying the world while dancing around a beam of CGI" shit. Fuckin' X-Men Apocalypse had the same plot, and they're 15 years behind on what is acceptable in a big budget fare. I take that back. The 2002 Spider-Man managed to have an interesting and complex villain! So WTF happened here? This shit makes me furious, because this is where I feel like the filmmakers look down on the audience. It's a 13 year old child's idea of a good story, and comic have long surpassed this kinda shit.

    What makes it even more baffling is that the character that turns out to be the villain (trying not to spoil it) had pretty great reason to take revenge and go after people who wronged him/her. But no. Let's just build a fuckin' machine...


    That said, I did enjoy the movie, had a lot of potential. Too bad the studio second guessed the filmmakers and turned a possible great movie into a scrambled egg of flashbacks and music videos.

  25. #475
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    Did anyone else notice they took what I call the "Sharknado" approach to resolving the big bad swirling conflict? Throw an explosive device into the big swirly thing! BOOM! Gone. The other villain was dispatched in a similarly explodey fashion. Thousands of years old beings with amazing powers....done in by a bomb? Ummm....

  26. #476
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Doctor View Post

    Did anyone else notice they took what I call the "Sharknado" approach to resolving the big bad swirling conflict? Throw an explosive device into the big swirly thing! BOOM! Gone. The other villain was dispatched in a similarly explodey fashion. Thousands of years old beings with amazing powers....done in by a bomb? Ummm....
    Not to mention that there was no risk from the explosion apparently as a few of the squad were only feet away from it and suffered no harm at all! lol

  27. #477
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    Quote Originally Posted by neorev View Post
    This is exactly what I don't want The Joker associated with.
    Haha, I laugh when he says "ain't no mercy" as it sounds like "anal mercy."

    Ironically enough, I LOVE Sucker For Pain from the soundtrack and I don't like any of the other artists involved. Go figure.

    In other news, finally seeing this tomorrow.

  28. #478
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    Quote Originally Posted by cashpiles View Post
    Kevin Smith's "movie reviews" are worthless. He puts a positive spin on almost everything. He's a politician in the political arena of Hollywood.
    9 times out of 10 I'd agree with you (and I say that as a Kevin Smith fan), but I was personally shocked when he didn't like BvS, which I thought he had every reason to love. I'm guessing he'll have a similar, but more favorable, reaction to Justice League since that's Snyder in the director's chair again.

  29. #479
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    So, I just got back...

    I thoroughly enjoyed it like I knew I would but I think the main problem lies in reviewers being OVERLY critical at a movie that wasn't trying to be something it wasn't. I don't feel it acted out or tried to be something it wasn't represented by in trailers and promos. Wanna see bad ass anti-heroes and villains fighting shit and having some emotions show? You'll like it. If you're looking for a faux political and social commentary about crime and corruption (or other some other mumbo jumbo that's supposed to be witty and clever) and using villains as a service of purpose to solve issues since they're expendable, you're barking up the wrong tree. Anyways...

    Spoiler: My only main gripes are how fast the villain plot moves around with how Enchantress went from Point A to Point B in the span of 5 minutes from potential Squad member to main antagonist; I understand she can't and shouldn't be controlled by the heart relic but how fast they advanced that was a bit of a random curve ball.

    I appreciate and love the back story, origin and overall presentation of Harley Quinn and Deadshot (admitted I'm not a Deadshot characterization info bank like I am other DC characters) in the film but outside of small moments, I felt the others didn't really add much to the film or squad aspect. We learned more about El Diablo later but that was near the end. Captain Boomerang was decent but mainly in the background, up until the end of the film Killer Croc was mostly useless and served no purpose for even being there. Slipknot was a test demonstration of insubordination, nothing more. COMPLETE throwaway character and squad member. I dug Kitana though, even sans backstory minus a few minuscule mentions.

    The backstory scenes (aside from the start) were a welcome addition but occurrences of it in the plot were kinda random sometimes, like the marvelous Chemical Vat scene with Harley and Joker. It was by far my favorite scene (lame right?) and I get the placement since she looked down the stairs to the empty vat but it still was kinda out of nowhere, unless she was daydreaming in La La Land out of no where.

    The scenes with Harley Quinn and Joker stole the movie for me, it makes me hope I get to see them on screen in the next Batman film. Robbie and Leto had good on-screen chemistry. I hope there's more we'll see of the two on the unrated/rated r extended film edition when it hits blu-ray.

    I loved the style, presentation and the overall feel of the film. it had its flaws but I loved it and would watch it again now if I was invited to see it or it came out on blu-ray tomorrow. I'm DEFINITELY buying the super mega expensive version of this film when it comes out. It was my favorite DC film in a long time, probably since The Dark Knight.

    *steps off soap box of praise since most thinks its shit*
    Last edited by Space Suicide; 08-13-2016 at 05:37 PM.

  30. #480
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    The David Ayer-directed Suicide Squad added $43.8 million, a 67.3% drop from last weekend

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