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Thread: The Feminist Thread

  1. #91
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    The Feminism Thread

    @allegro Hmmm I'll have to test it out.

  2. #92
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    Let's stop referring to bullshit like that as "complimenting" someone. GTFO.

  3. #93
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    Quote Originally Posted by telee.kom View Post
    You're basically saying that women are allowed to be assholes because they are women. Is this the equality we are all fighting for?
    Help, help, the straight white man is being repressed.

  4. #94
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    Well I wasn't there so I wouldn't know, but if somebody told you that you're the most beautiful women, isn't that a compliment or something?
    @slave2thewage why? this isn't about gender at all, just don't act like an asshole. period

  5. #95
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    Well she was there. Maybe go back and read what happened to her...

    I don't think that you're an authority on not acting like an asshole.

  6. #96
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    Well tell me Sarah, where was I acting like an asshole? Because I always refrained of any personal attacks, which can't be really said about lot of people in this thread towards me. When you say about someone that he/she's arrogant, that's hardly even insult, that's just description or depiction of things.

  7. #97
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    I fail to see how saying politely saying "no" to some asshat pestering you for a date (which will inevitably be him trying to get his cock out at every available opportunity and then he will never call again) makes her some kind of "asshole".

  8. #98
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    Saying "no" is not. Talking about the guy as fuckboy and dumbass (or asshat for that matter) is.

  9. #99
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    Quote Originally Posted by telee.kom View Post
    Saying "no" is not. Talking about the guy as fuckboy and dumbass (or asshat for that matter) is.
    I don't think you're quite grasping the subject. Orestes was at work, ergo she had to maintain some politeness for this guy being all up in her face. This is her personal time, so she can call this anonymous fucker whatever she wants.

  10. #100
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    You're an asshole because you continually troll this thread. Just like you did in the other one, to the point of it getting shut down and a new one started.

    Yes, we know that you are very oppressed and life would be so much easier if these dumb cunts would just respond to your "compliments".

    If someone is acting like a fuckboy, there is no harm in pointing that out. Not responding the way you want her to doesn't mean she is responding wrong. You don't get to tell her how to feel about it, or how to respond to it. It isn't your place. And she can respond, or ignore him, however she wants. He isn't entitled to her time, attention, or even a response.

  11. #101
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    @telee.kom I'm going to be brief because I'm not used to this stifling heat down here off my pedestal. Also, this view sucks, oh my god.

    I'm done with you. I'm done with your faux intellectualism, devil's advocate bullshit that you try to spin as discussion. I'm done with trying to engage with someone who only wants to hear themselves rage against the machine. I'm done with you creating a toxic space, in what should be a safe haven for discussion.

    So with that in mind, take your trash attitude and get the fuck off my board. Your attitude and behavior are better suited on a MRA board or 4chan.

  12. #102
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah K

    Target is removing gender based labeling in the toy aisles. For now, it will remain on the website, though.
    Hey, did you hear about the guy who pretended to be Target on Facebook in order to troll idiots who were pissed off about this?

    Some of the funniest shit I've read in forever. "We at Target believe the socialist agenda is a righteous cause and we fully support it!"...."Sherry we at Target apologize for nothing. NOTHING."


  13. #103
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    Quote Originally Posted by orestes View Post

    So with that in mind, take your trash attitude and get the fuck off my board. Your attitude and behavior are better suited on a MRA board or 4chan.

  14. #104
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    Matt McGorry is so wonderful:

    Last edited by playwithfire; 08-16-2015 at 12:56 AM.

  15. #105
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    wow, McCringy. Is he a fuckboy?

  16. #106
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    Uh, no. Do you know what a fuckboy is?

    "Fuckboys are mostly heterosexual young men who use sexist language, throw around homophobic slurs, think all girls are either sluts or objects, thinks rape jokes are funny,believes the friend zone is real,usually are quite misogynistic and embody ignorance on every level."

  17. #107
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    This is very very good and something I post occasionally.

    Schrodinger's Rapist

  18. #108
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    Quote Originally Posted by playwithfire View Post
    This is very very good and something I post occasionally.

    Schrodinger's Rapist
    What i got from that article is this, ugly/socially awkward men please don't approach women. When a woman approaches a good looking man she's not worried about him being a schrodinger's rapists and when women get approached by charismatic men, like Ted Bundy, they're not thinking about them as schrodinger's rapist either.

    Meanwhile most men, if they want to have any sucess dating, they need to approach, i've met probably about 5 or 6 girlfriends in the train,metro, beach or shopping mall, if i had read that article i probably wouldn't approach women at all. Then again, where i come from women are not as scared to get get raped or murdered. Most women i've approached either showed interest, through eye contact or other signal telling me they would be receptive to my approaching.

    What i would suggest to men though, instead of reading that article, would be to improve themselves as individuals.

    Also, us men also have an equivalent to schrodinger's rapist, the psycho girlfriend, but that doesn't stop us from approaching women, though we do need to be wary of much red flags, some of which would be considered mysoginistic.

    What im trying to say is that the realtionship and sex dynamics (also race/religion/guns/etc.) in the US seemed to be awfully connected to fear. Not just that but in the US fear is probably the best selling tactic, mastered by politicians and media alike. And it seems most people fall for it. For instance the 1 in 4 (or 3/5/6) statiscit is widely used, even though if im not mistaked was proven to be quite unreliable, even the folks who conducted the study said it's being wrongfully used and quoted.

  19. #109
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    This is a troll game; each time we post something we know as truth for us, they attempt to refute it as garbage, hence calling us hysterical females easily swayed by media because they falsely assume that nothing has ever actually happened to us. They project each posted article onto themselves, instead of using empathy to understand us (because they fear disrupting the status quo).

    It's just more trolling.

    Also, there is a HUGE cultural difference in some countries vs. the U.S.

    That being said, I don't advocate name-calling as a positive mature feminist motive ("fuckboy"). I can't bristle at being called a "bitch" or a "cunt" by males, and then turn around and do the same stupid shit. It backfires. Watch out.
    Last edited by allegro; 08-16-2015 at 08:47 AM.

  20. #110
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    I just keep thinking I can like discuss it and share our perspective and progress and yeah. Hell @Volband has been pretty cool in the thread's new incarnation.

    I think it is 100% reasonable to call someone who hits on you when you have told them you aren't interested and/or harasses you a fuckboy. They are being a fuckboy.
    Last edited by playwithfire; 08-16-2015 at 08:54 AM.

  21. #111
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sallos View Post
    Most women i've approached either showed interest, through eye contact or other signal telling me they would be receptive to my approaching.
    This is the thing, though, they're showing you that they're receptive! The article says that is fine/I don't think any of us care about that. You're not making them take their headphones off or approaching them when they're walking alone at night or (I'd assume) ignoring them when they tell you they aren't interested/they have a boyfriend/etc.

  22. #112
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    Quote Originally Posted by playwithfire View Post
    .I think it is 100% reasonable to call someone who hits on you when you have told them you aren't interested and/or harasses you a fuckboy.
    I think it was been defined here way beyond that, using a derogatory term that does not involve fucking any boys. And I am sure that many males can compose an essay defending their use of "cunt." Just sayin'. Maybe calling these guys "jerks" (as has been typical in history) "predators," "misogynists," etc., but beyond that is kinda high school. It sounds like something somebody made up while they were drunk.

    I agree about @Volband , he is pretty cool. As are the other (not-troll) guys in this thread, many of whom live outside the U.S.
    Last edited by allegro; 08-16-2015 at 09:01 AM.

  23. #113
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    I hear you, but nope, I love the word. Fuck (making shit all sexual) boy (immature). It's this perfect catchall word for the kind of behavior you see on (which I keep bringing up because it's perfect) more so than any other word.

    Calling a woman bitch/cunt (tbh I love the word cunt) is punching down. Calling a fuckboy a fuckboy? Not punching down.
    Last edited by playwithfire; 08-16-2015 at 09:08 AM. Reason: heeheeehee yes, it's a Tumblr word <3

  24. #114
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    Ugh, it's a Tumblr word, ok. Nevermind.

    You also said "fuckboys" make homophobic slurs, which is just more defending the het status quo. If I said "fuckboy" to anybody else outside a small internet presence, the Oxford English Dictionary would cough.

    Cunt is okay when we take the word back and use it ourselves. I have the book, "Cunt." LOL.
    Last edited by allegro; 08-16-2015 at 09:11 AM.

  25. #115
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    You also said "fuckboys" make homophobic slurs, which is just more defending the het status quo. If I said "fuckboy" to anybody else outside a small internet presence, the Oxford English Dictionary would cough
    Well, it's an understood phrase among my echochamber friend group, but sure. Many fuckboys use homophobic slurs. A thing I quoted did say that. Not sure if you mean that I'm defending the het status quo or the fuckboys are, though.

  26. #116
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    The only good thing Germaine Greer ever said was that cunt, in its insultingness, was empowering.

    I do agree with @Sallos that men should work on improving themselves to get better at dating rather than projecting insecurities, and I think he has a point about the American culture of fear. There's a lot of dumb shit I feel safe doing here that I don't think I would in America. I've read that the reason for a lot of gender strength differences in the US and UK is that we're used to having females in positions of power (queens, prime ministers). It's not perfect of course, but female dominance/power is a demonstrated thing here more than there.

  27. #117
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    Quote Originally Posted by playwithfire View Post
    Not sure if you mean that I'm defending the het status quo or the fuckboys are, though.
    No, you aren't; homophobes are. Homophobes being a term that people outside of Tumblr can comprehend.

  28. #118
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    Quote Originally Posted by icklekitty View Post
    The only good thing Germaine Greer ever said was that cunt, in its insultingness, was empowering.

    I do agree with @Sallos that men should work on improving themselves to get better at dating rather than projecting insecurities, and I think he has a point about the American culture of fear. There's a lot of dumb shit I feel safe doing here that I don't think I would in America. I've read that the reason for a lot of gender strength differences in the US and UK is that we're used to having females in positions of power (queens, prime ministers). It's not perfect of course, but female dominance/power is a demonstrated thing here more than there.
    Same thing with bitch. Whenever someone has called me one, I shoot back with a "thank you".

  29. #119
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    Man, something about "fuckboy" being used outside of AAVE makes me really uncomfortable. It's originally an AAVE term, no? I'm willing to be corrected on this.

  30. #120
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aladdinsanity View Post
    Man, something about "fuckboy" being used outside of AAVE makes me really uncomfortable. It's originally an AAVE term, no? I'm willing to be corrected on this.
    Yeah, I guess it is an old AAVE word.
    Last edited by allegro; 08-17-2015 at 04:55 PM.

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