I don't necessarily agree that an inflatable Obama punching bag is WORSE than Joker-boy Shooter-tard.

DEFINITELY dig Hathaway's catsuit, however.

And I LOVE the illustration of Batman the Billionaire.

But that article was a piece of shit.

This is coming from a fan of Taibbi's, mind you. I always look forward to his "Rolling Stone" articles and enjoy them a great deal, but he dropped the ball here. I think it's safe to say that whoever writes the "Rolling Stone" sports column and the magazine's financial exposés should probably STFU about comics and art.

I appreciated his attempt at an angle and all, but it just reminds me of the "Wall Street Journal" review of The Dark Knight that interpreted it as a vindication of Bush's wiretapping. The key difference being that BATMAN knew it was wrong, used it when he HAD to, and then DESTROYED the device and gave us BACK our privacy. How's BUSH feel about THAT?!?

Batman's exile isn't an "Atlas Shrugged-ian strike," he's willfully taken the fall for Dent's crimes to support the greater good, rather than to withhold his awesomeness from an undeserving populace in the John Galt tradition. He isn't "refusing to leave his mansion until we stop blaming him for all of our problems," he WANTS us to blame him. It was HIS idea, ffs. He doesn't "resent the very idea" that he's "one of us," he in fact believes in the goodness of people perhaps almost to a fault. And exactly how anti-99% can a guy be when he's basically dating a working girl who's made an entire career out of robbing the 1%?

I appreciate Taibbi's politics and journalism but reading this piece he sincerely comes across as just another troll with an ax to grind who never bothered to learn wtf he was talking about.