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Thread: Star Wars: Kylo Ren's dad, aka Han Solo movie

  1. #121
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    I saw it this morning. I liked it. It was fun and I was entertained by it. It's not on par with Rogue One or the original trilogy and the sequels but it was better than those fucking prequels.

  2. #122
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    TLJ was movie that wanted to confront or examine the flaws of this franchise, undermining outdated tropes and subverting expectations caused by tired reduncies and repetition.

    Solo comes in like "jk guys it's still the same old crap, see! We brought back a random dead "cool character" for literally no fucking reason! Have some call back lines references and Easter eggs!"

    I really hate the fandom right now.

  3. #123
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    TLJ was movie that wanted to confront or examine the flaws of this franchise, undermining outdated tropes and subverting expectations caused by tired reduncies and repetition.

    Solo comes in like "jk guys it's still the same old crap, see! We brought back a random dead "cool character" for literally no fucking reason! Have some call back lines references and Easter eggs!"

    I really hate the fandom right now.
    An idea itself is worthless without successfully realizing it. The Last Jedi switched outdated tropes with bad, borderline cynical decisions. The part where TLJ mocked its own origins and the entire fandom was top notch, it really hammered home the point that we are lame for being in love with the Star Wars trilogies, but when its turn came to prove itself, show how great this universe can be when the shackles are broken it just went poof. I really don't like how a cornerstone of loving TLJ is that it was brave. If I shit on the middle of a mall, that's also brave, yet I wouldn't expect people to romanticize me and my decisions leading up to that.

    As for Solo, I don't see how it's the same old Star Wars crap. It is a basic action-adventure movie set in a familiar universe. Why would you think anyone who loved the 8 movies in the SW trilogies should definitely dig this one? The trilogies revolve around Jesus-like protagonists, while Han is just your average, cocky womanizer. The trilogies have seemingly omnipotent, extremely dark and cruel antagonists, while Solo's main baddie is a rich guy with scars and a knife. Epic space and ground battles are merged with the Star Wars trilogies, and so did the lightsaber duels and fights. Solo has none of it, unless you think that shooting 3 Tie fighters in 2018 should make any person lose their mind, especially if you consider that Disney already showed with R1 and TLJ that they can reinvent these things, they can still make them gorgeous and interesting, without us feeling it's just another skin.

    And I could go on and on and on, but what would be the point? Rogue One is a movie where you could replace the main cast with cardboard characters (wouldn't be much of a downgrade tbh) and people would still love it more than Solo, because the last 1/3 of the movie fucking nails you to your seat. Drama, space pew-pew, ground pew-pew, red lightsaber, aaaand CUT, we've got a Star Wars movie. If that doesn't signal you that Solo is everything but the same old crap we fell in love with, I'm not sure what will.

    I hate the forced references in all off the Disney SW movies, though in R1 it wasn't too obnoxious. Prequels get a lot of shit, but the way it handled the references was miles above what Disney is doing. Why am I need to be told about the Kessel run 10 times in Solo?! I'm not retarded. I perfectly understood it the first time what it's referencing, but they just kept going and going... And the dice... No, just no.

    All in all, we should really stop with wish-washing Disney out of absolutely everything and blaming it all on the fandom. It's quite a repelling attitude that one of the richest fucking company is being defended for whatever they do, and the conclusion is always that the problem is obviously with us, the people. No one asked for a Solo movie, no one cares about a Solo movie, no one asked for the whole drama around the movie and no one asked Disney to release it in autumn/summer. The only reason Solo is getting positive vibes, even from me, is because it's decent at what it wanted to be. You watch it once and forget about it. There is nothing to really annoy you (Luke's death; Anakin's romantic lines; Ewoks) and nothing to remember for the ages (Duel of fates; Luke vs Vader on Sky City; space kamikaze with amazing cinematography). It starts then it ends.

  4. #124
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    While we debate online polls like Rotten Tomatoes and other sources that are easily influenced by online campaigns and/or trolls, here are the numbers Disney is looking at courtesy of the Solo Wikipedia page -

    "Audiences polled by CinemaScore gave the film an average grade of "A–" on an A+ to F scale, while PostTrak reported filmgoers gave it an 89% overall positive score and a 73% "definite recommend"."

    Let's compare it to The Last Jedi -

    "Audiences randomly polled by CinemaScore on opening day gave the film an average grade of "A" on an A+ to F scale. Surveys from SurveyMonkey and comScore's PostTrak found that 89% of audience members graded the film positively, including a rare five-star rating."

    So that's the audience reaction. They're going to make more of these. Now for the opening weekend numbers and any of the reasons Disney could use below -

    1. A troubled production that resulted in the firing and hiring of a new director that had to reshoot over 70% of the film dominated websites and fueled speculation that the movie was a potential trainwreck.
    2. The consistent rumors that an acting coach had to be hired to help the lead since producers were not thrilled with his performance and the websites that reported on it.
    3. Lack of enthusiasm around Ron Howard directing as he is seen as a safe pick and as someone with a spotty film history.
    4. Concern that a young Han Solo story that replaces one of the main three actors for the first time in over 40 years had audiences wary and waiting to see.
    5. Deadpool 2 opened last weekend and had a $40mil+ second weekend, thus siphoning some of the potential audience for Solo.
    6. Solo opens one month after Avengers, which was the #3 movie this weekend.
    7. To that point, Solo is a tentpole film surrounded by other giant films in a crowded summer movie season as opposed to the other 3 Disney Star Wars films which all opened around Christmas with virtually minimal other competition.


    The point is, audiences who DID see this movie seemed to like it and there is potential for it to be recommended and have legs via word of mouth. I fall into this category because I've told people that yes, I enjoyed Solo and yes, it's a fun time at the movies.

    Let's talk about the cameo.

    Spoiler: A lot of talk from folks complaining about Maul showing up and not making any sense is fucking rich to me as a lot of these same complainers bemoaned the demise of the original expanded universe. Maul was a HUGE character on the Clone Wars cartoon which took place PRE-Disney. You can easily find which episodes of Clone Wars have Maul in them to see how his story continued post-TPM. Rebels, IMO, is must-see Star Wars, especially with the episodes around Maul. With all of that said, do not be surprised to see a movie accounting the "resurrection" of Maul since TPM as you have to avoid alienating your main movie-going audience. As a fan of the current expanded works outside of the movies, I was shocked, and as a fan of the movies themselves, I'm intrigued to see how they move his story forward.

    I'm personally predicting that we'll have a follow-up to this in the form of a title similar to "Crimson Dawn: A Star Wars Story" or with featuring around another character from this film. The principals have multi-picture deals, so expect to see them again even if they aren't the main attraction going forward.

  5. #125
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    my wife and i were out for drinks on saturday night, the day after solo came out, and these two fucking dudes at the table next to us (who were both on a date with the same girl because they're all poly; at one point when she drunkenly ran across the street because "her song" was playing at hamburger mary's, i heard the two of them discussing whether or not they had each slept with her...they haven't yet...but i digress!) were talking about all of these current things, very very loudly (game of thrones, westworld, etc.) and they fucking spoiled a surprise in this movie for me. lucky for my wife, she managed to not hear it. curse my good hearing.

    anyway, i'm not going to spoil it for anyone else because i'm not an asshole. why on earth they thought it was a good idea to be talking about this so loudly the day after it came out in a public place just baffles me.

    hopefully we're seeing it tonight.

  6. #126
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lt. Randazzo View Post
    5. Deadpool 2 opened last weekend and had a $40mil+ second weekend, thus siphoning some of the potential audience for Solo.
    Ugh, not even in parallel universes can an R-rated movie be even part of the reason why a triple A blockbuster produced terrifyingly low numbers. It's like blaming Goliath's defeat on David's "huge" size.

    As for the Spoiler: cameo, it was probably the bravest decision made for the movie. You absolutely can not expect casual fans to be aware of Darth Maul being alive. Based on numerous video game examples, even if something is literally spoon-fed to the audience, there will be many of them who will miss it. Just look at TFA and how J.J. showed us at least THREE FUCKING TIMES that Chewie's Bowcaster hits like a motherfucker, yet when he shot Kylo, people were like "WHY IS HE WEAKER THAN REY????????????". I blame that one on the ignorant audience, but including Maul in the movie was entirely the writer's boldness. I'm happy for it, but I wouldn't call anyone out on not being aware of this.

  7. #127
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    Quote Originally Posted by Volband View Post
    Ugh, not even in parallel universes can an R-rated movie be even part of the reason why a triple A blockbuster produced terrifyingly low numbers. It's like blaming Goliath's defeat on David's "huge" size.
    But this is an R-rated movie series that had two $125+ million debut weekends, the latter of which finally dethroned Infinity War, and in convincing fashion. It made $40+ million the debut weekend for Solo - if half of that peels off and sees Solo instead, Solo debuts at $100+ million. Compare this to the opening weekends for the other three Disney Star Wars movies and their competition and it's completely different story.

    Again, this isn't the only reason, but one of the contributing factors. Dismissing the competition solely due to their R-rating is short-sighted.

  8. #128
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    I guess, in my tired state, I was saying that we knew what we were getting with Solo, and we've had a lot of it. It's competing with Deadpool, which is a little bit fresher, and Infinity War, which is a lot bigger.

    I felt like I had seen Solo a thousand times the second I knew they making a Han Solo movie.

  9. #129
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    Here's a link about that spoiler cameo that folks should check out.

  10. #130
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    Half In The Bag review makes me want to go see it.

    You honestly cannot trust Rotten Tomatoes scores. You got an angry mob who didn't see this movie going and writing negative reviews. It's not the first time either. I'm honestly done with the Star Wars snowflake mob.

  11. #131
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    I finally saw it yesterday (damn moving and IKEA trips and birthday bollocks!)...and i really enjoyed it. Granted i've really enjoyed all the 'Disney' films they've put out, more so then the prequels, but that shouldn't take away that this film is far better then it had any right to be given the behind the scenes shenanigans.

    And why are people getting riled up by the cameo? I thought it was great...then again i go to the movies with an open mind to be entertained and surprised

  12. #132
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    Wait, are people actually mad about that? I can totally understand being out of the loop, and that it might come off to them as silly, but once you get the lore behind it - if you are bothered at all -, I don't see how anyone can be mad about it.

    I should probably check back at that boycotting dude's youtube, there may be a video already titled "I didn't see Solo, because I'm too cool, but here's 8 reasons why that cameo was absolutely terrible."

  13. #133
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    Was pleasantly surprised by this film. With all the director issues I thought this would be a mess but thankfully it was not! The cameo was AWESOME, I don't care what everyone else thinks, it was exciting to see that character and hope we actually get a movie based around them.

    *SIDE NOTE* Did anyone manage to pick up a collector's ticket? I didn't see any at the theater I went to

  14. #134
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    this movie was so much fun and also managed to make me cry a couple times. it felt like it really belonged in the star wars universe, despite not having anything about the force, or the jedi, and only a little bit about the empire.

    there were so many little references that didn't feel shoe-horned in and didn't feel like they were beating you over the head. just fun little easter eggs for those of us nerdy enough to pick up on them.

    donald glover as lando is so fucking good and so fucking attractive i felt like i was gonna break my retainer like that girl who broke hers watching michael b. jordan in black panther (and i don't have a retainer). also, love that he's canonically pansexual.

    i can't wait to see this again

  15. #135
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    Very enjoyable film. So-So plot, but as an origin movie, it delivered the goods. Some great fan-service that didn't come off as too ham-fisted and I loved the cast. I liked R1 better, but this was a solid 3/4.

  16. #136
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    Some things i didn't expect (which kinda blew my mind) and some things i did but all in all dare i say that i enjoyed it more than The Last Jedi? I wasn't even really that excited for this one either as Han isn't really a character that i go crazy for but hell they did a damn good job with this movie. Chewie and Lando were fucking awesome, amazing to see the Falcon as always, loved all the weird creatures and aliens, generally nice to see a movie featuring all kinds of criminal underworld riff raff from the SW universe. If i have anything bad to say it's that Thandie Newton was completely wasted in this movie!

  17. #137
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    It's really a shame the Star Wars snowflakes are out to sabotage this movie. They're obviously using Rotten Tomatoes to write bullshit reviews and pull this movie's rating down as a boycott. It's a shame they're boycotting the good Star Wars movie.

  18. #138
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    Quote Originally Posted by sonic_discord View Post
    I thought it was actually pretty good. I'd heard that there was going to be a secret surprise cameo appearance, but I did not expect it to be who it turned out to be. Spoiler: I assumed it would be either Jabba the Hut (who I'm surprised was only referred to, not even mentioned by name) or Boba Fett (especially given his movie was just announced/confirmed to be coming. The complete absence of Jabba (and a few other things like @valiantsteed was saying) really make it feel like they could make a sequel to this movie. Seeing Darth Maul show up very unexpectedly was actually a big surprise to me and yet another example of why this movie feels like a sequel is impending. )

    I think what would be a pretty cool idea actually - not sure if they would have the vision to pull this off - is to take the three stand alone films - and make them a sort of interconnected trilogy of independant movies.

    End of Solo leads directly into Boba Fett with the Jabba job. Han and Lando could have cameos there, explain the backstory of both of them and their history of competition with Fett. As they wrap on Tatooine with Fett winning the bounty or whatever the plot would be there, it somehow crosses paths or sets up the Obi Wan film. You could actually use Ki'Ra, an interesting character, as the connective tissue between all three. In the third, it ties up the DM crimson dawn storyline with some more clone wars history and ends very similarly to a recent episode of Rebels (which would be tricky since its also cannon but it could still be done), thus bridging a further gap between the prequel trilogy and Rogue One. Maybe the final sequence here to wrap everything up is a digitally aged Han and Chewie hanging out at the Cantina with Boshek walking over and tells them someone wants to speak with them about a flight to Alderaan.

    So you would have the following;
    Prequel Trilogy
    Crimson Dawn Trilogy
    Rogue One
    Original Trilogy
    Sequel Trilogy

    I think that would give something that appears a bit aimless a lot more direction, focus, and connectivity. While also using actors you've invested in and actually seem to have done a great job in Solo like Glover, Clarke, etc.

  19. #139
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    Quote Originally Posted by neorev View Post
    It's really a shame the Star Wars snowflakes are out to sabotage this movie. They're obviously using Rotten Tomatoes to write bullshit reviews and pull this movie's rating down as a boycott. It's a shame they're boycotting the good Star Wars movie.
    I don't think their little sabotage matters at all to be honest. The most vocal and most nerdy people of anything (music fans, video game fans, movie fans) are in the vast minority. There are so many music bands, whose real fans are giving them shit for as long as decades now, yet said bands still play in front of fully filled arenas or festivals.

    In terms of revenue, these manchilds in their 30s or so doesn't matter at all. It doesn't matter if you are some neckbeard who goes to 20 cosplays a year and can recite the entire lore of the expanded universe, or if you are a 6 year old child, who wants to see Kylo Ren, because he's cool; your tickets sells the same. Well, not exactly, as it costs a little less for a child, but they require at least one more person to be with them, so all in all they pay more. The problem is that no 6 or 8 or 10 year old children thinks Solo is so cool, and there is absolutely no replay value for them whatsoever. Subtle references won't sell a movie, when your audience is at best in their late 20s, but even them were never excited for this movie to begin with.

    Even Disney abandoned Solo. When I told my mother that I'll buy tickets for her too, her response was "A new Star Wars movie?! Aren't they in the winter?" Deadpool 2, IW, boycotts.... by and large they are just cheap excuses for Disney dooming Solo for a financial failure upon realizing that if it were to bomb in December, that would be an even bigger blunder, so they cut their losses and saved face. Sure, it's tragically ironic that the movie itself is actually quite presentable.

  20. #140
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    My updated Star Wars ranking:

    10. AOTC
    9. TPM
    8. ROTS
    7. Solo
    6. ROTJ
    5. TFA
    4. R1
    3. TLJ
    2. ANH
    1. ESB

  21. #141
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    I just came back from seeing the movie, and boy I did not care for it at all!

    It was enjoyable enough, but this was a story that did not need to be told, Han's "origin story" didn't need to be explored. What made The New Hope so brilliant was that the world felt lived in, and that the characters existed before the movie started, Han and Chewy were partners, and yes, the Kessel Run was just some cool shit they did back then.

    Some people talk about superhero fatigue, or even Star Wars fatigue... I have prequel fatigue, where a franchise gets a new installment that neatly ties into the opening of a beloved film. R1 had a big eyeroll moment at the end, but at least that was somewhat justified by the story. Prometheus and the whole Alien prequel shit is the worst, I know we're going to end the next movie with the alien ship sending out the distress signal for the Nostromo to pick up.
    To me, this is the most anemic form of filmmaking. These movies cheapen the originals, and seeing the Kessel Run wasn't as cool as just hearing the anecdote. Finding out how Han got his last name was embarrassing.

    The highlight of the movie was the weird head in the jar that was singing at the bar, he was cool!

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    This article blames the films poor performance on lack of marketing.

    There is probably some truth here, but I still believe it has more to do with franchise fatigue than anything else.

  23. #143
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    Nobody wanted to see this movie. No one cared.

    That being said, im seeing here in a few hours out of respect for Ron Howard and the fact that it makes me fee bad that a star wars movie is tanking. Im going to keep an open mind when I see it and not take it seriously nor put it to cannon.

  24. #144
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    Quote Originally Posted by Conan The Barbarian View Post
    Nobody wanted to see this movie. No one cared.

    That being said, im seeing here in a few hours out of respect for Ron Howard and the fact that it makes me fee bad that a star wars movie is tanking. Im going to keep an open mind when I see it and not take it seriously nor put it to cannon.
    The rollout should have looked something like this:

    2016-Rogue One
    2017- TLJ
    2019- Episode XI
    2022- Solo
    2025-2027--Start of new trilogy, with a two/three year gap between films, with an anthology film every 5-10 years.

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    I’ll tell you what, episode 9 better be something really special. This movie wont be relying on nostalgia and now we can really see how these characters work on their own.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Conan The Barbarian View Post
    I’ll tell you what, episode 9 better be something really special. This movie wont be relying on nostalgia and now we can really see how these characters work on their own.
    I really liked TFA and TLJ and am looking forward to seeing how they wrap up this trilogy, but wish J.J. wasn't involved; he got the ball rolling but isn't the best writer or the most creative guy.

    I wouldn't be surprised if the big climax of IX has Rey throwing Kylo Ren down the reactor shaft of Starkiller Base 2.0.

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    I loved tfa but fell off TLJ, no matter how many forced watches I put myself through. So im hoping this next one makes me care about these new characters outside of kylo ren again.

  28. #148
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    Quote Originally Posted by Conan The Barbarian View Post
    Nobody wanted to see this movie. No one cared.

    That being said, im seeing here in a few hours out of respect for Ron Howard and the fact that it makes me fee bad that a star wars movie is tanking. Im going to keep an open mind when I see it and not take it seriously nor put it to cannon.
    Yeah, gonna be honest. It's been out for over a week and I still haven't seen it. Every Stars Wars film since Phantom Menace I've seen it the opening weekend. This is the first i haven't and I'm not pining to see it, although I will at one point along with buying it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    Yeah, gonna be honest. It's been out for over a week and I still haven't seen it. Every Stars Wars film since Phantom Menace I've seen it the opening weekend. This is the first i haven't and I'm not pining to see it, although I will at one point along with buying it.
    That's probably the sentiment with a lot of fans. It's franchise fatigue. Four movies is 2.5 years is not a good idea.

  30. #150
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    Quote Originally Posted by RhettButler View Post
    That's probably the sentiment with a lot of fans. It's franchise fatigue. Four movies is 2.5 years is not a good idea.
    This is how I'm starting to feel with Marvel

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