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Thread: How fucked was your day?

  1. #751
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    Quote Originally Posted by Microwave Jellyfish View Post
    Moderately fucked, in the "Hey guys, could someone help me out with some cash, please?" way.

    I have to apologize for the mere existence of this post - yes, I'm desperate enough to contribute with shameful E-begging. Admins and mods, sorry for being this cheeky, if general board rules were broken by it, I won't question my punishment.

    Here's the short version: a generally crappy financial situation mixed with some confusion about an important deadline lead to me and my flatmates being a good 100 pounds (around $155) short on the rent money we are supposed to deliver tomorrow (Tuesday the 26th). No awesome goal or heroic cause here, and I know it's a long shot, but if someone reading this is feeling generous, any amount of PayPal donations would help us in some trouble-dodging. About a month and a half from now we should be able to pay them back, so it's more like E-borrowing, I guess.

    I can't give you any proof or references about me being someone you can trust, I'm mostly just a random background face in the ETS crowd (maybe one about to get banned because of this very post's content), but if you would be willing to give us a hand, please contact me via PM or Skype. We can talk, you can hear all the juicy details on the backstory about how we ended up here, even a sneak peak of our impressive bill collection, and then it will be still up to you to decide if it's a good idea to start throwing banknotes into our... uh, never mind.

    Spoiler: For those who live by faith, not sight: mrlydecker[at]gmail[dot]com

    In any case, thanks for reading/tolerating/considering this.

    If you did.

    Take care, guys.
    say fool, take your ass to church.
    i got into this situation when i was shooting heroi...i mean...having a rough time one summer.
    SURELY you and your mates don't drink or take drugs though, right? the states churches will give you some bread to pay your rent.
    there are people who are REALLY serious about christianity that do things like this.
    if you were here in texas i could give you a number, but you are in the uk so....
    you can figure it out.

    i can almost guarantee you that a church will help you.

    if not then move into a weekly motel or something and experience the hood life for awhile. or go to a sober living house and convince them that you have a serious drug or alcohol problem. i DID have an alcohol problem and stayed in a place like that but it wasnt because i was trying to quit drinking at the time.

    as a matter of fact, i don't recall ever asking anyone for SHIT. ive lived in garage apartments and detox centers and all kinds of shit.
    so i'm not trying to bust your balls, but, goddamn son. you'll be alright

    edit: and dude don't get me wrong. if i had the money i would fucking give it to you post-haste.
    but you WILL be alright. go into motherfucking survival mode. you know, beast mode.
    my 20s were FULL of shit like this. and i'm serious about the church thing, man. but don't GO to the church. you need to find a directory of churches/charities that do rent assistance. get on top of that shit RIGHT NOW.
    @Microwave Jellyfish , did you find the help you needed?
    here is this link if you didn't
    Last edited by elevenism; 05-26-2015 at 04:54 AM.

  2. #752
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    Cool stuff, thanks.

    Our skins have been saved this time by friends and (kinda humiliating) family, but I saved both the link and the encouragement for future reference.

    Don't worry, your intentions were not misunderstood, and even the original reply was very much appreciated :]

  3. #753
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    Someone from work was killed last night. Still shocked. Shot five times.
    Last edited by Piko; 05-27-2015 at 03:21 PM.

  4. #754
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    a friend of mine is in the hospital on life support with no brain activity. She had an asthma attack. I can't understand this.

  5. #755
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    Yikes, sending positive thoughts

  6. #756
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    @Piko I'm sorry about your co-worker. How awful!
    @Jinsai My thoughts are with you and your friend. I can't comprehend how something like this can happen.

  7. #757
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    Quote Originally Posted by marodi View Post
    @Piko I'm sorry about your co-worker. How awful!
    @Jinsai My thoughts are with you and your friend. I can't comprehend how something like this can happen.
    Thanks. He was a pretty cool guy. Never once had a fuss with him, ever. Thankfully, they caught the guy. Now, they just need to catch the one who set the whole thing up (his ex lured him outside). The guy who shot him is taking all of the blame. Feels very weird going to work now because of it.

  8. #758
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piko View Post
    Thanks. He was a pretty cool guy. Never once had a fuss with him, ever. Thankfully, they caught the guy. Now, they just need to catch the one who set the whole thing up (his ex lured him outside). The guy who shot him is taking all of the blame. Feels very weird going to work now because of it.
    That's all sorts of fucked up.

  9. #759
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    my friend is still on life support with no brain activity. I don't know how to approach it or how to feel... Some people are implying that she has died, and others are holding out hope that she'll pull through. I don't know enough to tell if it's possible for her to wake from it. I want to hold out hope for her, but I don't want to hang clinging to false hope.

    When people are in a coma and they pull through, isn't there some brain activity? Isn't a complete lack of activity in the brain equivalent to brain death?

  10. #760
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    my friend is still on life support with no brain activity. I don't know how to approach it or how to feel... Some people are implying that she has died, and others are holding out hope that she'll pull through. I don't know enough to tell if it's possible for her to wake from it. I want to hold out hope for her, but I don't want to hang clinging to false hope.

    When people are in a coma and they pull through, isn't there some brain activity? Isn't a complete lack of activity in the brain equivalent to brain death?
    Sadly, no brain activity means that her brain has died and she is being kept alive by machines.

    See this. I'm sorry for your loss :-(

  11. #761
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    Thank you allegro.

    It was what I was expecting, but I didn't want it to be true.
    I'm really worried about her son, and I don't know who is going to be taking care of him. She was so young... This is so awful.

    edit: the power has been pulled, and my friend is dead. She was beautiful and talented... she loved music and was a better musician than I'd ever be. She made the room and discussion feel alive when she jumped into it, and she was always so wonderful to people. I never saw her take a mean spirited jab at anyone who didn't deserve it, but she was real and wouldn't put up with dumb shit. People like her make the world a brighter, more pleasant place than people like I do, and I don't understand why people like me get to keep being miserable jerks while gracious and thoughtful, caring people like her get taken away in such meaningless ways.

    I miss her and I hate how stupid life can be.
    Last edited by Jinsai; 06-02-2015 at 05:19 AM.

  12. #762
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    I am so sorry for your loss, Jinsai.

  13. #763
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    I had to kill a kitten with a fucking shovel a few days ago. It was fucking horrible.

    It was a little black one about 4 weeks old from the looks of it. My wife accidentally backed over it on the way out, my kid was in the car. My wife pulled slightly out of view while debating ways to fix the animal. There was absolutely no way it would survive, but the front end was flailing around in pain. I got out. I did what I could to end it quickly. Cleaned up. Put on the straight face like it didn't impact me. And carried on. Shit is going to be permanently seared into my brain.

  14. #764
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    I had to kill a kitten with a fucking shovel a few days ago. It was fucking horrible.

    It was a little black one about 4 weeks old from the looks of it. My wife accidentally backed over it on the way out, my kid was in the car. My wife pulled slightly out of view while debating ways to fix the animal. There was absolutely no way it would survive, but the front end was flailing around in pain. I got out. I did what I could to end it quickly. Cleaned up. Put on the straight face like it didn't impact me. And carried on. Shit is going to be permanently seared into my brain.
    Ooooh, that's rough. That's like when I was a kid and I watched my cat walk out on the window ledge 14 stories up. He turned to come back in and slipped and fell to the street. My saint mother actually went downstairs and scraped him off the street. Give it time, maybe your senses will resync and you'll be ok with doing the right thing - cycle of life man. uuuuuggghhhhhh.

  15. #765
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    I would have taken the kitten to the vet to be euthanized instead of going all Rambo on it, but whatever. Personally, I wish hadn't read that entry.

  16. #766
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    You remind me of intro scene to . (featuring unlucky dog)

  17. #767
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    How fucked was your day?

    20min ride to the vet would have been very cruel to the animal just so I didn't have to feel bad. The cat literally was missing everything from the mid ribcage down. It couldn't even make noise due to the damage and most certainly would have died on the way there. Sure would have traumatized the fuck out of my 5yo kid and wife to see the mangled animal in the car gasping for its last breaths too.
    Fuck that.

    I don't want to include the more gruesome info, but I promise this was the best course of action for the cat and my family. I'm fine taking the shitty work if it's better for others.

    Don't get me wrong. There have been several times I have cared for injured animals and brought them to a vet. Even a cat that has its abdomen ripped open and shit hanging out. I picked up on that from my parents who worked the ER and have helped out at random traffic emergencies for both human and animal. This just wasn't a possibility this time.
    Last edited by DigitalChaos; 06-03-2015 at 02:39 AM.

  18. #768
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    I've rescued many animals in terrible shape, too, some I knew wouldn't make it, but the one thing you know from experience is that shock sets in and that benefits them. The worst time, which I shall not describe, I drove 30 minutes to the only clinic open at 9 pm.

    Look, one time, ages ago, one of my cats, an indoor-outdoor cat at the time, did a number on a poor mouse and left it there to suffer and die. Domestic cats can be like that. So I begged my uncle to do what you did, only because we couldn't drive the mouse to the vet and shooting it wasn't an option. But leaving it to suffer and die would have been worse. And no other options were available.

    But, sorry, I'm just not going to agree with your particular method, instead of letting the wife watch the kid at home while you took the kitten to the vet. And I'll never understand what made you come in here and share this with people, other than to unload your guilt on a bunch of people online and fuck them up, too.

    My friend's husband was a Chicago cop for over 35 years and he saw all kinds of terrible stuff, including one time when a guy was hit by a train and the train was on top of him and he was really fucked up and they knew that when they got him out he'd die but he was conscious so instead of hitting him on the head with a shovel they summoned his family so they could say goodbye to him.

    I'm not going to think about or respond to this, anymore, and will attempt to wash this out of my brain while I wish you learn the delete function. Ultimately, I'm still wishing you would not have unloaded this in here. It's somewhat understandable that you're in a terrible moment, an animal is suffering terribly, you have to make an instant decision, you don't know what to do, etc. But it's worse to come in here and actually share this shit in a forum that has a "Share Pictures of Your Pets" thread. It never ceases to amaze me what people choose to share online. This should have been one of those "and this will go with me as a secret to the grave" moments.
    Last edited by allegro; 06-03-2015 at 10:52 AM.

  19. #769
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    Seems the most appropriate thread for such a post, especially going back through the post history. Despite being very pro-privacy, I am very open. Fuck, I posted this shit on facebook where many of my friends/family/coworkers are.

    I wasn't going to post any more, but then reddit decided that roadkill with a "get well" balloon tied to it needed to be on the front page... and it reminded me of your suggestion :P

  20. #770
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    Next time, just use the kitten stomper please:

  21. #771
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    @Jinsai very sorry for your loss. Nearly five years ago a friend of mine, also a musician who lit up the room - and his friends' lives - with his presence, got hit by a car while on his bike, and his brain died, and then they turned him off. Labor Day weekend will from now on always be the weekend my friend died. Hopefully you can find new bonds and friendships among your mutual friends: that is what happened in my case. It might not seem much consolation right now, but it's something positive that can come out of the tragedy, and it keeps the person's memory alive.

  22. #772
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    Thank you allegro.

    It was what I was expecting, but I didn't want it to be true.
    I'm really worried about her son, and I don't know who is going to be taking care of him. She was so young... This is so awful.

    edit: the power has been pulled, and my friend is dead. She was beautiful and talented... she loved music and was a better musician than I'd ever be. She made the room and discussion feel alive when she jumped into it, and she was always so wonderful to people. I never saw her take a mean spirited jab at anyone who didn't deserve it, but she was real and wouldn't put up with dumb shit. People like her make the world a brighter, more pleasant place than people like I do, and I don't understand why people like me get to keep being miserable jerks while gracious and thoughtful, caring people like her get taken away in such meaningless ways.

    I miss her and I hate how stupid life can be.
    So sorry to hear about your friend. Same thing happened to my cousin 16 years ago, left a young daughter.

  23. #773
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    hi guys, i don't know if I posted this but I had a stoke in dec of last year thanks to O'care i have Kaiser now who have been Awesome! I pretty much lost the left side of my body and job but woking hard with my P.T. and O.T. joined a gym and have a great personal trainer working hard everyday. It's long hard road out of hell. I will be back!!
    might not be the place to post this but don't give up the fight!! So today isn't fucked but it has been, Don't Give Up, Please Don't Give Up!

  24. #774
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    Quote Originally Posted by Louie_Cypher View Post
    hi guys, i don't know if I posted this but I had a stoke in dec of last year thanks to O'care i have Kaiser now who have been Awesome! I pretty much lost the left side of my body and job but woking hard with my P.T. and O.T. joined a gym and have a great personal trainer working hard everyday. It's long hard road out of hell. I will be back!!
    might not be the place to post this but don't give up the fight!! So today isn't fucked but it has been, Don't Give Up, Please Don't Give Up!
    Holy crap, I'm sorry to hear this, Louie! But I'm glad to hear you are still among the living and are doing so good! BETTER, actually! You are an inspiration, dude! Awesome!

  25. #775
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    thanks kids every new day is challenge. got myself dressed today and got buttoned my shirt ed up should go little things that cheer you up. everyday in every way i get get stronger.
    the best you can ever be is when your face is on the pavement and your only choice is to get up!

  26. #776
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    A main limb from a 100+-year-old tree just fell across my front yard and driveway, missing both my house and car by only inches. That's either a really awesome cap to my birthday, or a really shitty one. I haven't decided yet.

    Edit: No longer shitty! I realized the end of the enormo-limb was blocking the city's sidewalk. Crews came and removed it with their gigantic claw truck -- and even blew my driveway clean of leftover debris. A++
    Last edited by jessamineny; 06-10-2015 at 11:18 PM.

  27. #777
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    Well, not this day, but during the night between the 10th and the 11th, both my uncle and great-aunt died. Both were sick, so it wasn't such a surprise, but it's been terrible for my grandmother, who in one night lost two persons dear to her heart... And seeing her so lost and confused is so saddening and worrying...

  28. #778
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khrz View Post
    Well, not this day, but during the night between the 10th and the 11th, both my uncle and great-aunt died. Both were sick, so it wasn't such a surprise, but it's been terrible for my grandmother, who in one night lost two persons dear to her heart... And seeing her so lost and confused is so saddening and worrying...
    Sorry for your losses, @Khrz :-(

  29. #779
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khrz View Post
    Well, not this day, but during the night between the 10th and the 11th, both my uncle and great-aunt died. Both were sick, so it wasn't such a surprise, but it's been terrible for my grandmother, who in one night lost two persons dear to her heart... And seeing her so lost and confused is so saddening and worrying...
    That sucks, sorry man.

  30. #780
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    My condolences on your losses, @Khrz . As for your grandmother, if you can, just be there for her. Sit with her; no need to say anything. Listen to her if she feels like talking. Your presence will say to her that she's not alone in this. *hugs*

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