First time seeing NIN live outside of North America, and it pains me to say this but I was expecting a lot more out of the crowd. As a basis of reference, the last time I saw them live in a non-festival setting was a town 4 hours by bus away from a major city. I couldn't get GA tickets but I figured at least I'd be in a section with other fans (who would have bought tickets from itself) equally excited to be there. Props to the people on the floor who did react on some sort of visceral level past Closer/THTF/Hurt, but being in the presale seated area, asides from a few people the next section over, it was all pretty sedate. Everyone sat the entire time being pretty non-responsive to external stimuli, (Came Back Haunted? ever even heard of that song before?), and I was actually asked to sit back down by a mid 20s male during March of the Pigs. Meanwhile, in the same section for Depeche Mode a few months back and everyone stood up the moment the band took the stage and stayed there until the end of the encore.

Anyways, great to meet a fellow ETSer, and I genuinely hope everyone else had a great time. Enjoy the rest of your night