Quote Originally Posted by Trains View Post
I've managed to get along just fine for 24 years as a human being, yet for the last six months I haven't been myself at all. I've gone from a pretty well-rounded, fairly confident, extremely laid-back person to an anxious mess that can't handle anything. I don't understand what the problem is; things with my girlfriend are fantastic, I have just about enough money to get by, I do a job I know I'm good at, things with my family are better than they ever have been. But despite this, I'm still getting panicky and nervous all the time, completely overreacting about things and acting irrationally about the smallest things. I'm finding it hard to talk to people and to have a conversation, I generally just mutter inaudibly and put no effort into speaking. I rarely feel comfortable. And for some reason I'm freaking out over the tiniest health scares and magnifying them to the extreme (a prolonged headache becomes a blood clot an upset stomach becomes cancer etc). It's doing my head in to be honest, because I can't identify a single thing that's brought this on. I don't know what the matter with me is.
Sounds like you need to speak to someone about how you are feeling.