Quote Originally Posted by Piko View Post
Stealth is the way to go. I can't imagine someone being able to gun through it.
Sometimes the game feels like a healthy mix of MGS levels of stealth with Uncharted gameplay and scenery from a National Geographic documentary from 20 years into the future. The best part of the stealth was genuinely feeling fear for being caught, not just thinking "Oh, shit, my dude died. Oh well, restart." I really felt like I was IN the game, and flipped out any time I was getting chased down. And the environments were really awesome, too, especially all the empty but equally-attended-to (in terms of design) rooms. They could have saved themselves time and just skipped all the mostly-empty buildings, but that's aprt of what made it feel so dire. Going out of you way to explore an area with the possibility of dying for a couple tools and a can of food, if anything at all, felt pretty...I dunno, real.

Also, Spoiler: the fight with Ellie and David was probably the peak moment of excitement/fear for me. I've never had my heart racing so fast as it was when I was trying to find/attack that fucker. That entire snow sequence was a rush from start to finish, and the way that chapter ended was perfect.

All in all, I think this is a zombie apocalypse story the way it should be told. I thought it was brilliant. The ending was perfect, and if they decided against doing a sequel, I'd be totally fine with that. But if they do, I'd want them to take their time with it. Seriously, I wouldn't want it until, like....early 2016. Polish that baby.