After reading 11/22/63 it immediately became my favourite King book. I actually had Under the Dome sitting on my shelf since it had come out, but never got around to it. Then 11/22/63 came out, I blazed through it and then decided to read Dome. I think maybe that's why I didn't enjoy Dome as much. Just didn't compare to 63 for me.

That said, I read The Stand ages ago, but a couple of years ago I got the uncut version, and it literally has taken me three years, and I still haven't finished it. It's good, but sometimes I just start not caring and stop reading.

What really annoys me though, is I was back home in the States in November/December 2011 (when 11/22/63 was released), and as I'm browsing Facebook I see people posting pictures of a book signing King did. Turns out there was an open book signing about three hours from me at a Wal-Mart of all places, and I missed it.

That said, here's a pic of my Stephen King stuff I took back in, I think, late 2010 when I was packing everything to put into storage when I moved. All of it, aside from paperbacks and The Shining are first editions. I've got everything post Dome in first editions too, but obviously not in the picture. Plus, a few later editions of other stuff I picked up here in Oz that I'll eventually replace with legit first editions.