Well, hot damn. I'm 25% into Blood Communion, and, so far, it's 100% better than Realms of Atlantis.

There was a pretty big fan backlash against the whole "replimoid" space alien thing, apparently , and perhaps she is changing course a little bit.

It blows my mind that she's been writing this series longer than I've been alive- Interview came out in 76, and I'm 39. And, I've read ALL of her books, religiously, for 25 years.

It's amazing, now, just to spend time with these characters at all, as long as it's well written- she doesn't have to come up with some drastically new direction at this point.
It sort of seems like that's what's going on here, with Blood Communion.

Did any of you guys read it? @redshoewearer , @GibbonBlack