Quote Originally Posted by Prettybrokenspiral View Post
Vietnam War is an unsung masterpiece in their oeuvre. Much like Gone Girl, you have to spend some time with it before the layers peel back and the whole thing reveals itself. It certainly rivals TGWTDT as their darkest score work. If you only listen to it a few times or the month it comes out and no further, well, of course it's not going to leave an impression. All of their scores require intensive listening. That's what makes them so awesome..
I couldn't agree with you more. With all the soundtracks, they do seem, to use a description that has been given, "blend together" and all tend to sound alike at first/second/third listen. But like trent has said, good music will reward you after time.
I've been giving each soundtrack about a two-week listening time-frame over the past month or so ( I have an hour drive to and from work) so I have been able to really give it a good listen. Each soundtrack is so distinct and rewarding in its own way.