Its been two years out for me, we broke up two years ago from a seven year relationship. It was a bad break up we said a lot of horrible shit to each other but I thought she would come back but I guess I was wrong. I felt betrayed by her. I have always felt that Valentines Day is a cruel trick on society because if you are in a relationship there is all this pressure to make it very special and you can't possibly live up to the hype and it is a perfect set up for an argument. However if you are not in a relationship it is designed to make you feel like a loser because you don't have anybody. To me its a lose/lose situation.

The older I get though relationships just don't seem that important to me anymore, when I was younger it was so important now it feels like relationships are so much work, only to end up broken hearted and missing somebody who doesn't want you in their life anymore. I think with age you begin to just not give a fuck about anything, I use to worry about what people thought of me, now I really don't give a fuck.

I think that is the key to life as you get older you just stop caring about stupid shit. I'm perfectly fine being a hermit with two cats and a tarantula.