I need more by iggy pop is pretty good, very brief and informal. Some great stories.

The dirt and mansons book are good but obviously pretty liberal with the truth.

John Lydon's rotten : no irish no blacks no dogs is really good, but if you hate how he comes across in interviews, you will throw it on the fire.

Everything : a book about manic street preachers is a great rags to riches book with a car crash element to it (but it ends with the. Scoring a #1, so bittersweet if not a total bummer).

i liked heavier than heaven by charles cross (cobain bio) but a bit melodramatic. Journals is interesting but a bit wrong. The azerrad book is ok but the hand of management is detectable (as i recall)

All time worst are poppy z brite's sickeningly sycophantic courtney love bio and the pumpkins book "tales of a scorched earth" - which is hilariously fawning and cod poetic. Actually it is so bad i would recommend it for a good laugh

Wreckers of civilsation is amazing. All industrial, throbbing gristle, coil and punk fans should check it out

What I really want is bowie and reznors autobiographies!!!