Marriage was the entire goal of my life. It goddamn sure hasn't "lost its meaning" for us. It WAS and IS the next level of our relationship.
Kids, though, i wanted one bad but always knew that i would be doing the kid a serious disservice because i'm my own baby. Someone has to watch over ME or i will fuck up. So how in the hell could i watch over someone else long term?

So it just so happens that my wife got her tubes tied before we met.
I'm fucking hell bent on us staying together for the long haul, which ain't really that fucking long. Time seems to be speeding up. We've been living as married for 5 years and actually married for 3, and it feels like we just met.
i'm 37 now. ("i'm already five years older" and so forth.)

I have 5 year old niece and i am like the light of her life, like a magical superhero.
And i have a 2 year old nephew who i hope will feel the same.

When they come to visit, my niece basically kicks it with me the entire time. She's even come by herself. So i do some parenting, but i can always give the kids back to their mom and dad if shit gets hectic.

I'm going to teach them to smoke when they are like ten. Not really. PROBABLY not really.