I got some water stuck in my ear in the shower. I figured it would just go away when the water popped out, as usual. Water didn't pop out, and several days later I have an infection and a fever caused by said infection. The area around the ear hurts, the ear itself feels like there is a fucking baseball lodged in it, I can't hear shit out of it(temporary), and it hurts to chew food. The pain was so bad I missed work for a couple days, and I almost never miss work. I saw an ENT, which is a kind of ear specialist and now I'm taking oral and eardrop antibiotics and painkillers. Its feeling better, but its still a motherfucker.

I guess it isn't really a stupid thing I did, more like a freak "shit happens" thing. I mean, the water usually pops out eventually. This has been my year for freak "shit happens" things, along with the motorcycle calf burn.