Russia is the biggest threat for the next president by far. Russia has been brutal in Syira recently.
Highly doubt Putin will go to war with Nato. But he will still be really dangerous. Im certain Ukraine will escalate again soon.

Hillary Clinton will be tougher but it will probably result in Vlad resorting to further thuggish atrocious behaviour in response. He despises her deeply.
The most disturbing aspect of Trumps entire presidential campaign has been his relationship with Russia...i acctually agree Nato has at points disregarded Russias point of view and maybe over stepped its agreed boundaries.
But i dont think Trump fully understands what Vladimir wants to impose on the world. Autocracy, etc.
I just think Trump is too much of a fucking plank to be able to deal with Putin.

They need to find some sort of middle ground. But i dont know if this is possible.