Quote Originally Posted by TheBang View Post
For IEMs, the biggest issue is that it's an internal sound feed meant for a specific band member only. The mix is not what you hear coming out of the PA; certain elements may be over or under emphasized depending on that band member's requirements. There may be internal production chatter. There may be a click track. In short, it's not something that's meant to be heard by the general public and is not a flattering representation of the performance.

ALDs, on the other hand, is there a stigma associated with those? Unlike IEMs, ALDs are intended to be heard by the audience. So, I'm not sure if there's a problem with recording and sharing those. I haven't heard many of them, but one I can recall was not very impressive quality.

Edit: I listened to a few ALDs on Dime, and they can sound pretty good, if a bit dry. I think a lot of it is dependent on the venue's transmission quality and your device's reception, so it can be a crap shoot.
The Issue with ALD recordings is unless your a taper with a disability and need the ALD for the concert to actually hear it your taking a device that may be needed for a person with a disability and if they don't have enough devices you are therefore denying someone with a disability the opportunity to hear the show they paid for by using a device they need but you took to bootleg a show its a moral issue and one most people should realize is wrong.