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Thread: Sexual Abuse/Assault in the News

  1. #811
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    Sexual Asshatery in the News

    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    Okay, let me try this one more time, because you're not getting it.

    "The stove is turned on, so I know I can't touch the burners."
    "The stove is turned off."

    After reading the first sentence, what does the second sentence imply?
    All it implies is that the stove is off. It does not state or imply that it’s ok to touch the burners.

    I know what you are getting at, I understand your point, but it’s logically wrong. It’s nothing but an assumption you are making.


    If you don’t study, you won’t pass yor course.

    If you study... doesn’t mean you will pass your course.

    It’s propositional logic, and the whole point of it is to rid of ambiguity or wrong assumptions in language.

    Where i come from, a looooong time ago, laws were written in a messy way in the fashion of “if you don’t steal, you won’t go to jail”. That doesn’t imply in any way that if you do steal, you will go to jail, but I do understand how it could lead to confusion.

  2. #812
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    what the fuck is happening in this thread?

  3. #813
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    Quote Originally Posted by Helpmeiaminhell View Post
    Who'd have ever guessed that an obviously incredibly unstable celebrity with a ton of money who lives with several troubled women who he calls his angels and has sing music about how great he is would ever take advantage of them? I've always been creeped out by him and his weird angel obsession.

  4. #814
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    Quote Originally Posted by aggroculture View Post
    what the fuck is happening in this thread?
    I think we brought up Andy Dick in the middle of a conversation about people being shitty sleaze bags.... which is kinda like bringing up Pennywise in the middle of a conversation about clowns...

  5. #815
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    Yeah... Trudeau's response was extremely disappointing. "I, a man, do not remember any negative interactions on the day I groped that woman.".

    He's always out here pretending like he's some champion for women's rights. If he was really in support of what he says, he would have acknowledged that he fucked up, and then stated how he used it to learn and grow. That's literally all it takes. I don't think that anyone expects every man to remember every woman that they have sexually harassed in their lives - that isn't realistic. But if you're going to frame yourself in a manner that states you are supportive of feminism, then fucking own your shit. No clue why so many people are giving him a pass. He could have set SUCH a good example here, and he majorly dropped the ball.

  6. #816
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah K View Post
    Yeah... Trudeau's response was extremely disappointing. "I, a man, do not remember any negative interactions on the day I groped that woman.".

    He's always out here pretending like he's some champion for women's rights. If he was really in support of what he says, he would have acknowledged that he fucked up, and then stated how he used it to learn and grow. That's literally all it takes. I don't think that anyone expects every man to remember every woman that they have sexually harassed in their lives - that isn't realistic. But if you're going to frame yourself in a manner that states you are supportive of feminism, then fucking own your shit. No clue why so many people are giving him a pass. He could have set SUCH a good example here, and he majorly dropped the ball.

    Or maybe he, you know, didn’t do anything wrong and didn’t grope the woman. But I guess your way works too. Every man should just admit to sexual misconduct all the time because men = bad.

  7. #817
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    Did you read the article? He copped to apologizing that day. Lol.

  8. #818
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    Yeah hate to break it to you but he did not admit to groping her.

  9. #819
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    So, now Donald pussy-grabber POTUS has weighed in on the #MeToo movement... buckle up, this is a doozy

    EDIT: huh, whenever I click that link it's taking me to the wrong thing... and I can't embed it. Think something might be up with either my computer or the net code here.
    EDITEDIT: There, fixed it with some editing. Strange though
    Last edited by Jinsai; 07-05-2018 at 10:54 PM.

  10. #820
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    Holy shit. That entire thing reads like an Onion article.

  11. #821
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    It's absolutely bonkers. I think he's testing the waters, trying to see how insane he can get, trying to see what nick names make the crowd guffaw, what movements draw the most groans and derision from his base.

    I'm mentally preparing myself to hear the president of the United States say something shitty about "SJWs"

  12. #822
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    He’ll be on Alex Jones next

  13. #823
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    Quote Originally Posted by WorzelG View Post
    He’ll be on Alex Jones next
    For an encore? He's already jumped that shark.

  14. #824
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    For an encore? He's already jumped that shark.
    I was surprised, although I don't know why. Nothing should surprise me anymore about Trump

  15. #825
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah K View Post
    Yeah... Trudeau's response was extremely disappointing. "I, a man, do not remember any negative interactions on the day I groped that woman.".

    He's always out here pretending like he's some champion for women's rights. If he was really in support of what he says, he would have acknowledged that he fucked up, and then stated how he used it to learn and grow. That's literally all it takes. I don't think that anyone expects every man to remember every woman that they have sexually harassed in their lives - that isn't realistic. But if you're going to frame yourself in a manner that states you are supportive of feminism, then fucking own your shit. No clue why so many people are giving him a pass. He could have set SUCH a good example here, and he majorly dropped the ball.
    Don’t expect anything else from this case.

    Trudeau is a politician, a high-profile one: the Prime Minister of Canada. Admitting he did something like that would be political suicide.

    What I find insane is the double standards, how nothing but an accusation was enough to get other 2 politicians fired, even before a proper investigantion, but the same doesn’t apply to Trudeau.

    I don’t know if he is guilty or not, but I have a strong dislike for the man, I’ve always found him void of substance and a total fake with very good PR.

    I’m sorry, but it’s not gonna happen.

  16. #826
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    Quote Originally Posted by tremolo View Post
    What I find insane is the double standards, how nothing but an accusation was enough to get other 2 politicians fired, even before a proper investigantion, but the same doesn’t apply to Trudeau.
    Respectfully, there is nothing similar about this case. It's entirely about Trudeau's political rivals digging up an old report that might have merit, just to make themselves look morally superior (FUCKING L. O. L.), but the alleged complainant has not pressed the issue themselves, and clearly wants to put it behind them and not be dragged into this after-the-fact dogpile. There were actual formal complaints in the other cases, where the complainants came forward to report workplace sexual misconduct to their supervisors who acted as they saw fit. Do you see why that's vastly different from the report being dredged up here?

    The Globe and Mail has corresponded with the woman, who said she does not want to be identified, does not want to be contacted by media and does not want to comment on the allegations made 18 years ago.
    Last edited by botley; 07-06-2018 at 10:41 AM.

  17. #827
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    Quote Originally Posted by botley View Post
    Respectfully, there is nothing similar about this case. It's entirely about Trudeau's political rivals digging up an old report that might have merit, just to make themselves look morally superior (FUCKING L. O. L.), but the alleged complainant has not pressed the issue themselves, and clearly wants to put it behind them and not be dragged into this after-the-fact dogpile. There were actual formal complaints in the other cases, where the complainants came forward to report workplace sexual misconduct to their supervisors who acted as they saw fit. Do you see why that's vastly different from the report being dredged up here?

    True, I see the difference in how there is a difference in how both cases were brought up. Thanks for pointing that out.

    Still, the reaction from the public is interesting.

    Quote Originally Posted by RightWing View Post
    But, but but.....

    Trudeau thinks he knows better than me, and that makes me feel bad. He treats people better than I do, and that makes me feel bad. He cares about people other than himself, and I don't, which makes me feel bad.

    Clearly, the liberals are attacking me, and have double-standards, and are hypocrites.

    Vote Ford/Trump/whoever.
    What was that?

  18. #828
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    Taeler Hendrix accusing Jay Lethal of sexual harassment:

    If this is true then this really sucks. I like Jay Lethal as he's one of my favorite wrestlers and I love his Black Machismo gimmick. I also like Taeler Hendrix a lot which now explains why I haven't seen or heard from her for some time. This really sucks.

  19. #829
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    According to what looks like her email address, the reporter who alleged that Justin Trudeau had groped her released a statement to the press to confirm what had happened and that he had apologized the next day. She also is quoted saying that she "did not pursue the incident at the time and will not be pursuing the incident further" and “The debate, if it continues, will continue without my involvement,”

    I don't think there's enough information to go off of here as far as painting JT as some kind of pussy grabbing monster, not in the way that his opponents want to at least. JT raised the point about perspective from both sides which i think is important, maybe he had a few drinks at the time and his view on the experience isn't as credible? who knows and if he did I'm not saying it would have excused what happened, knowing these things does inform a state of mind outside of one's norm though. So she feels she was groped and says as much in the editorial but she doesn't describe how, she was also distressed according to her publisher but people can be dramatic (not the victim, what the publisher had accounted)

    What I'm curious about is when she uses that word, what exactly does she mean?..could there be an issue of semantics here like did he grab her tits or her ass and fondle her in a sexual manner or was he just a bit too friendly or "forward" like he said and put his arm around her and squeezed her shoulder? You can say that's just as inappropriate as well, doesn't mean that he was being sexually malicious toward her. He acknowledges the incident as being harmless but apologized anyways due to noticing her discomfort.

    Moral of the story? Don't touch people you don't know without asking, don't assume they'll be happy about it if you do.

    Moving on.

  20. #830
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    This woman is being used as a pawn and wants to be left the fuck alone. Maybe LISTEN TO WOMEN is the moral of the story and the other shit should just go without saying?

    Last edited by botley; 07-06-2018 at 10:24 PM.

  21. #831
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    At this point, Trudeau’s responses are the worst of it. As Sarah best detailed originally. He also issued another statement after the woman release this. It was basically a rambling “women just experience things differently than men. But i should remind you that I’m an ally!” and I cringed so hard. The dude really doesn’t deserve to use feminism as something to prop himself up with.
    The fuck do you care, holmes?

  22. #832
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    I made the answer to this pretty clear. But it’s good to know just about everyone seems to have a line where they will put women in the back seat in the name of men who have used feminism to advance their careers and public standing.
    Oh, so the post where I centered this woman's request to be left alone was not clear to you? I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt.

  23. #833
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    Good thing what you quoted had nothing to do with the woman and was about Trudeau. But go ahead and use “leave the woman alone” as a thinly veiled surrogate for “leave Trudeau alone”. Wouldn’t want Super Feminist Trudeau to suffer any criticism about his Super Feminist Words. Words that were given as generalist statements about women, not even his specific situation, which means we get to use them in all kinds of situations now.

    “Look, Louis CK may have jerked off in front of women, but the reality is that women just experience these situations and contexts differently than men”
    Wow, so you have missed the point I've repeatedly tried to make, here. This is now an enormous media shitstorm, centering on Trudeau's response, what label he wears, how he is behaving now, how he might have behaved then. Most of which is speculative. You have misconstrued my words as having contributed to that discussion, which I have no interest in. Never defended Trudeau before, and I never will.

    You are evidently not interested in the woman whose words I quoted, either, because they are a clear articulation that she wants nothing to do with this so-called debate. You are interested in Trudeau and care what happens to him now... but your opinion really doesn't matter. The woman isn't interested in pursuing it. I do not have the power to make her change her mind and neither do you. Of course it's bad he did this, and I realize he's my fucking Prime Minister and I agree it is horrendous how often women deal with this.

    Please listen to what the woman's said. Read it again:

    "I did not persue the Incident at the time and will not persue the Incident further."

    "I will not be providing further details or information."

    Pretty clear. No complainant, no investigation. Complaints warrant investigation and consequences. Right now that's not an option.

  24. #834
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    Because the answers Trudeau is giving are in response to media attempts to tie this specific incident to other ones, against her wishes. That's what he is — quite clumsily, perhaps even badly — attempting to navigate. If there are any other women involved with misconduct in his past behaviours, I'm interested in hearing from them too.

    But all of the media calling him hypocritical/undeserving of this or that because of his response to these questions, dragging a tenuous connection between this and his policy of handling legitimate grievance and misconduct complaints — it's disingenuous in the extreme. Hold him to whatever standard you wish. Don't dunk on him by co-opting support for women to grab moral high ground.
    Last edited by botley; 07-07-2018 at 02:24 PM.

  25. #835
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    Quote Originally Posted by botley View Post
    Don't dunk on him by co-opting support for women to grab moral high ground.
    Reminds me of the whole fake outrage over "civility" from the GOP and Trump's base.

  26. #836
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  27. #837
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    I read about that. He's got some serious mental issues or something. I hope he goes to prison one of these days. I may not like Ivanka but Dick is much worse.

  28. #838
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    I made the answer to this pretty clear. But it’s good to know just about everyone seems to have a line where they will put women in the back seat in the name of men who have used feminism to advance their careers and public standing.
    Not me, True Dope looks like the asshat he is.

    And she DID complain, back in 2000, and he did apologize, and now he can't remember it, oh wait he can remember it and now remembers that he didn't do anything wrong, oh and what's more is men and women remember stuff differently.

    Fucking hypocrite.

    Also, the woman CONFIRMED that the incident happened, just last week.

    "I enjoyed my career as a reporter, but it ended a long time ago. I avoided issuing a statement earlier out of concern for my and my family's privacy. The incident referred to in the editorial did occur as reported. Mr. Trudeau did apologize the next day."
    Last edited by dobyblue; 07-10-2018 at 08:36 AM.

  29. #839
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    Quote Originally Posted by dobyblue View Post

    Fucking hypocrite.
    Uh, it's nice to meet you I guess, but who the fuck are you? Seems you signed up here a while ago, and your username is familiar to me (did you have an account on the old ETS?), but this is apparently your first post and it's a bit... odd... to start out by posting in such a combative manner. Just sayin'.
    Last edited by botley; 07-10-2018 at 08:59 AM.

  30. #840
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    I read the quote before I read the post and I thought it was a tool fan doing xxtra poignant lyric quotes

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