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Thread: Mr Robot

  1. #151
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    All that Wellick stuff was happening in the past right? While last season's events were taking place?

  2. #152
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobbie solo View Post
    All that Wellick stuff was happening in the past right? While last season's events were taking place?
    Yes. All of the cabin/beard stuff took place while Tyrell was missing in between the s1 finale and the warehouse scene when he shoots Elliot.

  3. #153
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    Probably one of my favorite episodes from the show so far, because it did SO many things I love in a show/episode - Huge plot dump to fill in some of the blanks of the story in a very interesting way, completely turned me around on what I think about a character. This is one of the few shows I've seen that makes me want to rewatch the entire series with each episode that comes out.

    Spoiler: I'm hoping that the next episode will elaborate a little more on any communication Tyrell and Mr. Robot have had since the finale. That last frame was an awesome little mini cliffhanger.

  4. #154
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    Quote Originally Posted by fillow View Post

    Call me nitpicky, but here goes: https://www.amazon.com/Robot-Vol-Ori.../dp/B01F9W8WU8

    1.0_8-whatsyourask.m4p sounds a lot like An Itch
    1.1_3-oneor0.wma sounds a lot like Technically, Missing
    1.3_3-betterthanm0rphine.aac sounds a whole fucking lot like Clue Two (and it's still my favorite track)

    The whole thing also borrows heavily from Portal 2 sound design.
    Late to the party, but I'm listening to Vol. 2. 1.5_6-veraliber4ted.aiff is Consummation's lost twin (in fact, I thought it was Consummation when I watched the actual episode) and 1.6_2-a-way-out.wav is Hand Covers Bruise. Yet another case of TRAR's scores being used as temp tracks, I presume.

  5. #155
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    Any one else rooting for team Angela/Tyrell/MrRobot over team Elliot/Darlene?

  6. #156
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    Quote Originally Posted by mfte View Post
    Any one else rooting for team Angela/Tyrell/MrRobot over team Elliot/Darlene?
    Elliot/Darlene are barely a team, after all, since she's forced to work with Dom.

  7. #157
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    I don't know whether I already know what the big deal with this episode is, or if this is just an incredibly-filmed opening.

    (Not a spoiler if you've watched the first 15 minutes of the new episode.)

    Spoiler: Nearly 10 minutes and I haven't seen a single cut. Edit: Yep. This is impressive as fuck, alright.
    Last edited by ImTheWiseJanitor; 11-08-2017 at 09:16 PM.

  8. #158
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    Well that was one of the best hours of television I have ever seen. That somehow topped the Bob Origins episode from Twin Peaks this summer. Just massively massively great filmmaking. It blows my mind that this show is on fucking USA and not like HBO or something.

  9. #159
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    Well that was a tense episode from beginning to end.

  10. #160
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    That was incredible. Of course it wasn't actualy one long shot, but still.

    Questions: Why does the Dark Army/White Rose want to blow up the building & eliminate those E Corp records? Why does Wellick? Why did E Corps hire Elliot again? I feel like that last one really strains believability.

    Also, what are some loose strands from past seasons that haven't been addressed? I feel like this season has been super narrowly focused on only the stage 2 plot, but this show had so much more going on in the past.

  11. #161
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    I think this season is narrowly focused on purpose. I honestly feel like stage 2 is just a distraction and there's something more sinister happening. Keep Elliot occupied with this while White Rose has something bigger up his sleeve.

    Quote Originally Posted by bobbie solo View Post
    Questions: Why does the Dark Army/White Rose want to blow up the building & eliminate those E Corp records? Why does Wellick? Why did E Corps hire Elliot again?
    It's under the guise of destroying any financial records that could fix 5/9 and get E Corp back on track, but I think White Rose is looking to get rid of some evidence connecting whatever mysterious project he's working on.

    E Corp fired Wellick and ruined his plans of moving up. I think it's more to do with his wife. It seemed like he always wanted to impress her and make her proud. I believe it's part revenge for his firing and part wanting to be the powerful man for his wife. He wants to be a God. Plus he's pretty much a psychopath. Anything that undermines his God-status drives him insane, even pushes himto murder.

    Elliot was hired by Angela at E Corp to be watched over and handled. I believe they thought they could keep him under their eye and avoid him screwing up stage 2, but Elliot was able to thwart them. I think it also shows that Angela bit off more than she can chew and that she really is not prepared for what it takes to pull this all off. She now has blood on her hands.
    Last edited by neorev; 11-09-2017 at 09:22 AM.

  12. #162
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    One thing really bothered me, in Season 2 when Angela hooked up the fem2cell, she had to be spoonfed instructions by Darlene. Now suddenly she's carried out a hack that Elliot was supposed to do? Seems like a stretch. We haven't been given any reason to be believe she's been developing her hacking skills, but she somehow pulls this off?

  13. #163
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    Quote Originally Posted by eskimo View Post
    One thing really bothered me, in Season 2 when Angela hooked up the fem2cell, she had to be spoonfed instructions by Darlene. Now suddenly she's carried out a hack that Elliot was supposed to do? Seems like a stretch. We haven't been given any reason to be believe she's been developing her hacking skills, but she somehow pulls this off?
    Well she did have a walkthrough/cheat sheet that told her what to hook up and what command to enter. The fem2cell hack seemed a lot more in depth than this one, especially with someone speaking your ear throughout. A cheat sheet would be much easier. In the end, she was still spoonfed instructions. Don't forget that she has been spending time with Tyrell and Mr. Robot. I also think this scene was to show the change and/or growth in Angela as she went from the freaking out, forced into a situation with the fem2cell hack to the now calm and cool Angela who took it on her own to do the hack herself even as a riot is going on and sprayed with mace. But once completed, you can see Angela was starting to unravel.
    Last edited by neorev; 11-09-2017 at 01:02 PM.

  14. #164
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    Exactly. I was a little surprised too, but she really has grown as a character since season 1, and like you said, she HAS been spending a whole lotta time with hackers since then - maybe she knows a few new tricks, or even just feels more confident in herself with what little computer education she might have.

    And if I recall, she DID skip a step or something that isn't specified, too, no? I'll have to watch it again (maybe tonight!), but I remember Irving asking her whether she neglected to do something on the cheat sheet that wasn't specified. GOD WHAT THE FUCK DID WHITEROSE SHOW HER. Side note to that - I did catch Sam Esmail briefly on the aftershow discussing that there's still a major reveal that no one has managed to predict yet, but the more he reads online the more he notices that people have started to pick up on some clues, and that it was for sure coming later this season. HYPE.

    The older woman Elliot tries to trick was a great little interaction, too. "Shit. I feel like I might have picked the wrong person."

    I did have another thought while I was watching, though, and it may have been the weed, but it fits with the themes of the show too well to be completely off, I think. Probably the coolest/most meta bullshit going on with last night's episode was the fact that for a night, it really felt like this show, which touches on societal slavery to technology, briefly managed to pull everybody watching right up to their screens and hold them right there, without even commercials to interrupt the experience. It really made the fans into temporary slaves to television for nearly an hour. Cool shit, for real.

  15. #165
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    Watching this episode felt like getting my ass kicked for 49 minutes straight.

    Good stuff.

  16. #166
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    I noticed in the news ticker a story about water being found on Mars surface. I wonder if that is relevant.

  17. #167
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    Quote Originally Posted by mfte View Post
    I noticed in the news ticker a story about water being found on Mars surface. I wonder if that is relevant.
    It also appears earlier, when Elliot uses Nick's computer.

  18. #168
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    I thought it was about defining the series' chronology, but the Martian water story came out in 2015, and the Trump election victory indicates that the season's up to late 2016 at the earliest.

    :Edit: Show's definitely still set in 2015, the Trump footage must have been from his running rather than victory.
    Last edited by Vertigo; 12-03-2017 at 01:05 PM.

  19. #169
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    Tonight's episode was the MOST Fight Club this show has ever been. Holy shit. Talk about dropping a bomb.

    Spoiler: REALLY HOPE ALL THE BACK TO THE FUTURE REFERENCES DON'T MEAN WHAT I THINK THEY MEAN. But they probably do. Too many arrows are pointing to certain things for them to not be going a certain direction.

  20. #170
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alrea View Post
    Tonight's episode was the MOST Fight Club this show has ever been. Holy shit. Talk about dropping a bomb.

    Spoiler: REALLY HOPE ALL THE BACK TO THE FUTURE REFERENCES DON'T MEAN WHAT I THINK THEY MEAN. But they probably do. Too many arrows are pointing to certain things for them to not be going a certain direction.
    I think it explains why Angela is willing to believe Whiterose's crap about being able to bring back her mother. I don't think it's something that'll really happen in the show, just what Angela was told to get her to buy into Whiterose's plan. The only worry I have now, is that it's exceptionally clear now that the same actress who played young Angela is also the same actress who questioned her in the weird fish room with Whiterose. That's concerning.

  21. #171
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    Quote Originally Posted by eskimo View Post
    I think it explains why Angela is willing to believe Whiterose's crap about being able to bring back her mother. I don't think it's something that'll really happen in the show, just what Angela was told to get her to buy into Whiterose's plan. The only worry I have now, is that it's exceptionally clear now that the same actress who played young Angela is also the same actress who questioned her in the weird fish room with Whiterose. That's concerning.
    Whoa, I didn't even catch that. Good eye! I thought she looked familiar but just shrugged it off as "oh I probably just saw her in another show or something." That lends WAY more credance to that theory now.

  22. #172
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    "The Martian has 92% on Rotten Tomatoes."
    "That's because critics have shitty tastes."

  23. #173
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    Comcast already gearing up, vultures robbing you of everything leave nothing but chains: https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/...et-fast-lanes/

  24. #174
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    God - the last few weeks, this show has been so goddamn amazing. The continuous-shot episode was one of the most impressive pieces of TV I've ever seen, and it's kept the quality sky high since then too. So many feels in Don't Delete Me.

    ^ This song, which closed the episode, was written for the Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure soundtrack, and plays when they visit the future and see what effect they've had on the world. Interesting that the same episode references two 1989 films about time travel (both with an element of travelling into the future, and meddling with destiny), along with the more overt nod to Back To The Future Part 2. Could be a metaphor, with how time travel stories are usually about going back to fix your mistakes.

  25. #175
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    This episode is getting...

  26. #176
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  27. #177
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    Anyone know if the ambient music from the show is available anywhere? Not the actual songs from the OST, but I'm loving the subtle ambient stuff mixed in here and there...

    edit: Found the Mac Quayle OST which I think is it...
    Last edited by october_midnight; 12-07-2017 at 06:43 PM.

  28. #178
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    "World catastrophes like this, they aren't caused by lone wolves like you.
    They occur because men like me allow them."

    ^ Amazing. Not a spoiler I hope?

    Btw, I confess I can't remember which episode was in "one take", and that's quite strange because I'm keen on things like that, starting years ago with beginning of the movie Player (1992), or more recently in Gravity.

  29. #179
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    If that Dark Army guy knew Elliot was full of shit why did he take his laptop.
    Seems like these elite hackers would be able to see this coming.

  30. #180
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    I was thinking about two passwords, one the real one, and the other to use when in emergency, opening just some honeypot fake part of OS and disk drives.

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