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Thread: Battlefield 3

  1. #271
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    Spawn camping RU teams on Metro. Damn you all to hell.

  2. #272
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    So Armored Kill is surprisingly really good. Good offerings all around.

  3. #273
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    A lot of the BF community has been saying that Amour Kill is what BF3 should have been at launch. I can't wait to play it next week.

    Some things that keep coming up in after patch discussion:
    The M416 is currently the best all-round gun and it apparently is not affected by suppression.

    No MBT's in AK Conquest? What are the tank destroyers for? Destroying other tank destroyers? Wouldn't that make them Tank Destroyer Destroyers.

    There don't seem to be any vehicle unlocks that you bring back to the base game like DICE said there would be. (they must have seen how unbalanced this is and bailed on the idea)

    Squad leaders have been removed. You can no longer issue orders and you won't see that big Squad Leader star on the battlefield any more. (I dont know how or if this affects Hard Core)

    OH yes and the Stinger buff!! No more under radar and they now have much larger range. This combined with heli gunners having their flares removed has ended the reign of the heli pilot. (and makes Wake Island not suck ass any more)

    AND the extreme unfair advantage that the attackers get in Rush with the AC130.
    This shows how the Attackers can spawn on the AC130 right off the start and para-drop to the creates before the defenders even get there.

    I'll update this post with any more things you should watch out for post patch.

    The Mobile Arty has a self defense unlock. It will damage/kill any one (and C4) next to your Arty. It's currently glitched so it will also damage you(the driver) 99%, leaving you at 1% health.
    Last edited by PooPooMeowChow; 09-07-2012 at 02:15 PM.

  4. #274
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    Nice opening summary on patch and maps. Yes I had noted this instant Rush capture on that map but wasn't sure what was causing it. Getting rid of squad leaders?? Is this all maps?? I actually made real use of this feature. Oh well.

  5. #275
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    Amour Kill comes out today for Premium users on Xbox and PC.

    And DICE are going to release a small hotfix.
    OBS – This is a server side update, players don’t need to update anything!

    List of things we are fixing / tweaking:

    Mobile Artillery
    The Mobile artillery’s “Proximity Defense” unlock is causing players to “suicide” when being used in both vehicles with higher reprorate in the US HIMARS.
    Gunship in Rush
    Defenders have been having a hard time winning the last week and we are making tweaks to even out the battlefield =)
    The Gunship will respawn after 90 seconds instead of 60 seconds in Rush after being destroyed.
    Alborz Mountains Conquest Large (PC only)
    On conquest large there is a bug where the Russian attack helicopter doesn’t show up in the spawn menu.
    It is however spawned in so either drive down to it or use a airplane as a “spawner” closer to it.

  6. #276
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    My first play of Bandar I found I could spawn into the Pantsir fixed AA on the RU base and just continue to take out the gunship on every rotation. Seems like they have some basic design flaws. Still had fun on most of the new maps CQ.

  7. #277
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    Taking down AC130's, just like we imagined:

  8. #278
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    wooooow DICE released the new Premium EXCLUSIVE video showing off the new expansion "Aftermath"
    It's so exclusive I first saw it on Youtube, since I never check Battlelog.

    Since EA has monetized all BF3 videos, there will be less video break downs on Youtube. SO I'll provide one here!

    It comes in at a whopping 54 seconds!!
    :00 - :05 ESRB rating. This expansion is going to have "Intense Violence" I can't wait!!
    :05 - :15 oh man this expansion was made by EA !!! AND DICE!!! no fucking waaay!! shits unreal.
    :15 - :20 was all static maybe the video was uploaded wrong
    :20 - :25 OMG single player footage, yeeeesssss.
    :25 - :30 more static, man some one fucked up this upload.
    :30 - :45 camera pans across piles of rubble from action packed angles!! Looks just like Seine and Bazaar, MY FAVORITE MAPS!
    :45 - :54 Premium advertisement! I think I'll go get it later today! hey wait a second......

    I'm not gunna post the video as it is a waste of data, time and space.

  9. #279
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    ^^ well done!

  10. #280
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    Note to any one who plays this on PC.
    A BF3 files tweaker has just been dropped to the internet.
    See Here:

    Just from skipping through the thread I see you can change FOV, Projectile damage, how much you zoom in with Iron Sight, AND REMOVE THE BLUE FILTER!!
    But this is pretty much a hack and I'm sure it will be dealt with when ever DICE get around to it. From what I hear they don't do much against hacking.

  11. #281
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    Just to show what the File tweaker is capable of...

    Wake Island Normal:

    Wake Island with colour grading disabled and saturation increased to normal levels:

    Wake Island with colour grading disabled, as well as custom saturation, brightness, contrast, and exposure tweaks:

    Posting images wont work for me any more so the links will have to do.
    But the last image with the custom colours using the file tweaker is just beautiful!

  12. #282
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    October 11th server update change list

    Gunship balance tweak in Rush mode
    The Armored Kill gunship received major tweaks already in the last server update. We are now further tweaking it based on community feedback. It now only respawns after the attackers have destroyed an M-COM in Rush.

    Rationale: The gunship has been a bit overpowered and spawning too fast in Rush, especially on servers running modified vehicle spawn times. This tweak makes the gunship only spawn for the attackers after each crate, except the initial spawn on round start. In effect, this means that after the gunship is destroyed, a new M-COM needs to be destroyed before the gunship can respawn at all.

    Gunship balance tweak in Conquest mode
    The gunship will always have a 60 second spawn delay in Conquest no matter the server spawn delay setting.

    Rationale: The gunship has been spawning too fast on servers running modified vehicle spawn times, making it hard to regain control of the flag controlling the gunship. This tweak will make the gunship spawn every 60 seconds independent of server settings.

    Option to remove minimap in Hardcore mode
    We now allow disabling the minimap in Hardcore mode.

    Rationale: It’s been a requested feature from the community to be able to remove the minimap in hardcore mode. We are now adding a new preset on consoles for server admins to use called “Hardcore no map” which disables the minimap and keeps the rest of the Hardcore settings intact. On PC, you disable the minimap with the server command “vars.minimap false” that is now permitted on Hardcore servers. Enjoy!

    Improved server stability
    Improved connectivity between game servers and the back end, significantly reducing the number of times a server times out and kicks players.

    Knife takedown fix
    Fixed so that there can be multiple knife kills at the same time on a server.

    Rationale: We had a bug where only one knife takedown could take place at any one time on one server. If you attempted a knife takedown at the exact same time as someone else on the server, the takedown animation wouldn’t play, and your opponent wouldn’t take any damage. This has now been fixed.

    MVP Premium member score fix
    Fixed so that MVP and best team is calculated using normalized score (removing the advantage Premium members sometimes received in obtaining these ribbons)

    Rationale: Earlier, Premium members would get an inflated chance of becoming MVP/best team during Premium exclusive double XP events, since these ribbons were calculated based on total score. Using base values all across the board now removes this artificial advantage.

    Kill list fix
    Fixed the bug where a kill was listed as a vehicle kill when the player actually killed someone with a mine or similar weapon. Another where this would occur was if you fired a Javelin, then entered a vehicle before the Javelin hit its target.

    Radio beacon exploit fix
    Fixed the radio beacon exploit where you could place it above the roof and then spawn on it to access areas that are not meant to be accessible. This glitch was reported on Operation Métro and has been removed.

    Ladder/vehicle entry fix
    Fixed so that players can no longer enter vehicles while climbing a ladder.

    Crash fix
    Fixed a rare potential crash issue when loading a new map.

    Let us know in the comments section below what you think about these tweaks and fixes.

  13. #283
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    Approaching new FPS titles...I can't wait to leave BF3.

    I'm in my prime, in a way, but I am tired. Tired of the bullshit, and having to make up for it.

    Biggest love/hate feeling towards anything I can think of.

  14. #284
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    I just played for a couple hours and had some sweet matches. I can understand the love/hate thing but I don't really have any issues. FUCK YEAH!

  15. #285
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    ^ Very nice... Keep on breaking down those barriers.

    Lately I can't stop playing Canals TDM 300-500%. Again...

    I got burnt out on Armored Kill unexpectedly fast.

  16. #286
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magrăo View Post
    ^ Very nice... Keep on breaking down those barriers.

    Lately I can't stop playing Canals TDM 300-500%. Again...

    I got burnt out on Armored Kill unexpectedly fast.
    Hence why I've yet to buy it. Really looks dull after while. Not a huge vehicular war fan.

  17. #287
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    Hence why I've yet to buy it. Really looks dull after while. Not a huge vehicular war fan.
    Honestly, I'm just not a patient player with this game any more. But the AK maps are at least pretty cool in TDM. There's always that to consider.

  18. #288
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magrăo View Post
    Honestly, I'm just not a patient player with this game any more. But the AK maps are at least pretty cool in TDM. There's always that to consider.
    I'll get it sometime on sale.

    I'm bored of the game too. I haven't played since mid-September or so.

  19. #289
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    First Look at aftermath with NEW trailer

  20. #290
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    I love how they originally advertised Aftermath to come with 10 new weapons but then changed their minds.
    Premium member get pissed to the point of filing lawsuits for false advertising against DICE/EA. (there are two that I know of)
    So Dice announces (on Reddit, not Battlelog or any actual community sites) "there will be a new weapon in Aftermath unlike any weapon featured in Battlefield multiplayer history." Sounds bad ass right?
    It turns out to be.... da da a Crossbow attachment. Which was in BF2 Special ops. (couldn't kill with it though) So much for "Unlike any weapon in BF history."

    These guys really have no idea what they're doing.

  21. #291
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    Quote Originally Posted by PooPooMeowChow View Post
    I love how they originally advertised Aftermath to come with 10 new weapons but then changed their minds.
    Premium member get pissed to the point of filing lawsuits for false advertising against DICE/EA. (there are two that I know of)
    So Dice announces (on Reddit, not Battlelog or any actual community sites) "there will be a new weapon in Aftermath unlike any weapon featured in Battlefield multiplayer history." Sounds bad ass right?
    It turns out to be.... da da a Crossbow attachment. Which was in BF2 Special ops. (couldn't kill with it though) So much for "Unlike any weapon in BF history."

    These guys really have no idea what they're doing.
    I'm not heartbroken at all by the lack of guns as there's already a TON but I'm glad I didn't buy Premium after all this that they've done.

  22. #292
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    Aftermath is pretty goddamn great. Best DLC yet. The maps, bro...

  23. #293
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    That's what I've been hearing from PS3 users.
    The maps actually look good. on par with B2K

    For those using the ps3, the latest patch seems to have fixed input lag for 720p but now 576p has it, lol DICE. Fix one thing, break another.

  24. #294
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    The Xbow is fun to kill with.

  25. #295
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    yeah if used right it can be a one hit silent death machine.
    Its fucking stupid that it doesn't even replace your primary or side arms though. It replaces your equipment slot which arguably removes one of the few "team play" aspects from this game. (aka good luck getting health or ammo from any one who has AM)

    and now for some more DICE ridiculousness....

    They've changed the description of yet another DLC pack.
    End Game was going to have new weapons and vehicles as seen here,

    Now the new weapons and vehicles have been removed.
    It now says "4 new maps - Motorcycle -New assignments"

    This wouldn't be such a big deal but remember way back during BFBC DICE said something like this "we are committed to never charging for map packs."
    When asked about having to pay for the upcoming BF3 DLC the CM at the time responded with something like this "these are not map packs, they are expansion packs" presumably because they include things other than maps. much for that.
    This is the 3rd time they've pulled this shit.

    Be back later to post more....

  26. #296
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    Quote Originally Posted by PooPooMeowChow View Post
    yeah if used right it can be a one hit silent death machine.
    Its fucking stupid that it doesn't even replace your primary or side arms though. It replaces your equipment slot which arguably removes one of the few "team play" aspects from this game. (aka good luck getting health or ammo from any one who has AM)
    Well to be fair if my memory serves correctly when you're the Assault class and have the M320 Underslung Grenade Launcher equipped it disabled your medkit? This matches it.

  27. #297
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    Well to be fair if my memory serves correctly when you're the Assault class and have the M320 Underslung Grenade Launcher equipped it disabled your medkit? This matches it.
    I am opposed to that as well.
    This is why BF2 had a Medic class, spec ops and Engineer classes.
    The Assault class got Assault Rifle with the Grenade launcher.
    The Medic had a Carbine, the defib and health. You didn't pick Medic unless you were going to play that role specifically.

    Just to run through the rest for you guys.
    Spec Ops had a SMG and C4.
    Support had a LMG and dished out ammo.
    Engineer had a shotty or a PDW, mines and repair tool.
    Anti-Tank had a SMG and rockets.
    Sniper Class obviously had a Rifle and they also had Claymore, Which were horribly OP in BF2.

    This whole play your way mentality with the class system has really muddied the team play water so to say.

  28. #298
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    In other words BF3 largely fucked up team play focus by comparison?

  29. #299
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magrăo View Post
    In other words BF3 largely fucked up team play focus by comparison?

    I haven't been playing BF3. (back at BF2 mods) But on the off chance some of you still are End Game is coming up.

    - 4 new maps.
    - Dirt Bikes, a Drop Ship and Humvee with AA.
    - Capture the Flag! & Air Superiority (BF 1943) Modes
    That's all I've cared to pay attention to.

  30. #300
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    Looks good, but the whole chase scene there was highly orchestrated. I can still imagine having some insanely fun times with the new mode though.

    A few days ago I hooked my ps3 again and played some BF for the first time in four months. Still got it. Joined a server and played 4 or 5 matches, the last was finally set in one of the new maps, my first taste of Aftermath. Not exactly sure what to think yet... It was the map with the 4 story mall or whatever. I always find it confusing and so hectic playing new maps, this was no exception. Still got Killing Machine and 2nd MVP though

    One thing that's going to annoy me is the narrow roads and crazy debris. I never was the greatest tank driver, especially when driving and gunning at the same time and damn those aftermath streets are tough to navigate.

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