I need more DBZ in my life. I have so many great memories with it. I remember towards the end of the sixth grade it was a big transitional period in my life: I was moving into a new house with a new family (my dad was about to get married, and my stepmom had three kids), and I was changing school districts and leaving all my friends after seven years. One of my fondest memories is borrowing the VHS tapes of the Saiyan Saga, the first episodes where Raditz and Vegeta come to earth, and watching the whole thing in one day while I packed my room. I didn't really understand it at the time but it's like I was saying goodbye to my childhood, and DBZ is so firmly entwined with that feeling that I always think fondly of it even now.

This can hopefully generate some conversation between nerds of yesteryear? I'm not much into the shows now but I respect them and find the best nostalgia in them. I also, shamefully, own seasons 1, 2 and 3 on DVD.
Never be ashamed!! I'll nerd out with you.