Nethack is the best game ever. Has anyone actually sat down and invested time in the Dungeon of Doom? It's immense. Everything that could ever happen to you in a game actually will happen in Nethack. Forget Skyrim, Dark Souls, et al- Nethack is a proper hardcore RPG.

Everybody has stories- I entered the Gnomish mines, and fought off some wee wizard things, before being bitten by a wererat. 5 moves later I transformed into a wererat myself, and had to drop all my items. I was near death when it occured to me to pray- my god then healed me of my Lycanthropy. Then I drank water from a nearby fountain, which killed me instantly. Because that's what happens in Nethack.

30 years development time, and no second chances. I play it on the iPhone and it looks like this:

However, I'm reliably informed that old school is the place to be: