Figured it'd be worth starting a thread on all things trip hop, downtempo, etc. etc.

I'm a massive fan of this type of music. Anything from Tricky to Massive Attack to Lamb to Halou, to even ambient stuff, doesn't have to be the dark stuff (though I tend to dig that a bit more)....but I love it all.

Feel free to link to vids, info, or news about any artists you dig, or to list off recommendations.

I'll kick it off with some amazing news. The Sundance Festival is moving this year to London, and one of the announcements is Tricky performing 'Maxinquaye' in its entirety with Martina Topley-Bird for the first time together in 15 years. I'd kill a man to see that.

Also, if anyone wants to recommend anything...I'm on a big kick of ambient, trip hop kinda stuff with female vocals if anyone wants to shoot me some artists to look in to. Other than the well known stuff, that is. Anyone hear of Blu Mar Ten? Great stuff.

Oh, also my friend Jeremy's band CircleSquare (originally from Vancouver, now in Berlin...though sadly mostly defunct now as he's moved on to art and video installations)...this shit is fantastic in your car at night, loud as fuck.