They have sugar free chocolate syrup now. I've seen it before, but only one brand had it, and I had tried that brand's sugar free BBQ sauce and it was wretched, so I wasn't going near their damn chocolate syrup. But now apparently Hershey's offers it, too. And right next to it on the shelf was the generic Wal-Mart brand.
So, I bought the generic brand (hey, I'm poor and it was cheaper) and tried a little taste when I got home and it was AWFUL. I mean, bloody fucking awful. Didn't taste a thing like chocolate. Tasted like bitter medicine. Still, because I had just bought milk and haven't had chocolate milk in forever, I decided to try it anyway and, lo and behold, when mixed with milk the bitterness completely goes away and it actually, seriously, almost tastes exactly like chocolate milk. Close enough, anyway.
And yes, I know that milk has sugar, but it's not too bad as long as you don't drink too much of it, but putting regular chocolate syrup in it would officially be too much, so this works perfectly. Take that, diabetes!
TL;DR- Hey, I can have chocolate milk again!
I'm a little bit in love with Tim Gunn.
^^Yeah, there's a pretty decent amount of sugar in there. The nutrition label on the bottle I bought says it has 12 grams of sugar per cup. And 12 grams of carbs, which just turns straight into sugar, too.
Anyway, they're starting to come out with a lot more sugar free, or almost sugar free, stuff. Which is great. There's some pretty good almost sugar free pink lemonade I'll buy on occasion (it has so few carbs and so little sugar it's not even worth worrying about). And "diet" cranberry juice, which is the same way. And I even found, in one store only, a "diet" apple juice. It has almost no carbs or sugar and actually, honest to God, tastes pretty damn close to apple juice. I believe it's made with real juice, too. Though they call it "diet apple drink" or some such nonsense, but it's got all the vitamins and good stuff in it, I believe. Not as good as the real thing, but since I can't really have the real thing, it's a good alternative.
Last edited by theruiner; 09-23-2012 at 02:22 PM.
Not being locked up anymore.
Prison, or handcuffed to a bed?
When my parents come by to visit, and buy me $184 in groceries, then write me a check for my rent, THEN leave me an extra bit of cash, and take me out to eat at this awesome Asian place downtown.
I love my parents.
Last edited by Pillfred; 09-24-2012 at 01:26 PM.
Warm flannel sheets.
Bought myself a TV, work is going well, I'm happy... Nothing major is going on in my life right now but I still feel really good, in spite of a few people who would try to bring me down.
Moved inwith the girlfriend about a month ago. No problems. So far. Were talking about adopting 2 kittens. Then we started looking and fod a brand new baby pair of kittens named Deisel & Octane. Will know on saturdy if we get to adpot them.
One time, my parents loaned me the money to buy a used car. I made monthly payments back to them for like a year, and then they forgave the balance.
Now that they are older, they send checks with no strings attached. I seriously love my parents and I think they seriously love me back.
Teaching was great today. I really love teaching: it's a unique feeling after having taught classes that went well. I really hope I can make a career out of this.
So I called my landlord and complained about my oven, shower and toilet and within 2 weeks I have everything replaced with brand new shit.
Last edited by hobochic; 09-28-2012 at 11:28 AM. Reason: bewbs
BRACKETING. Autofocus? The three lenses I have are all manual, gotta bracket like crazy.
Yeah, I sucked at focusing your camera.
Gave blood today and didn't pass out!
Got my room cleaned up, got some time set aside to do some homework tomorrow...Now I'm gonna hop on the bus for a bit and see who I meet around town tonight! But I'm probably gonna crash early. I'm gonna sleep like a baby after donating.
Friday night, very tired, but new homework turned in, got 9/10 and 35/40 in my previous homework proofs for my graduate courses Topology and Real Analysis; not bad considering 21 months ago I had to re-begin at the beginning, reviewing calculus on my own time.
Saw this cute cat today sitting outside the RSPCA shop this morning, he was so chilled and relaxed!. Didn't know he was waiting to start work!
The cat seems to have a better work ethic than most people!
Last edited by miss k bee; 09-30-2012 at 06:08 AM.
Everything is close to my new place. To go from living in a town where the nearest movie theater was 15 miles away to being, literally, about half a mile from anything I could possibly want is pretty sweet. Hell, I've got a movie theater literally one exit away from me on the freeway. And it's right off the freeway exit and I'm right off the freeway exit, so I just jump on right next to my apartment and get off at the next exit and it's right there. Maybe a mile and a half.
But what really continues to amaze me is how, every time I look to see if a specific store is close to me, not only is it close, but it's ridiculously close. I was looking for a Radioshack about a week back...turns out there's one about half a mile from my place. Dollar store? Same parking lot as the Radioshack. Then today I go searching for a Payless because my shoes are falling apart, and I'm thinking, well, this one I'm sure I'm going to have to drive for. Nope. Half a mile away. Unbelievable.
Last edited by theruiner; 09-30-2012 at 02:39 PM.
It's my birthday and I got my kitty paw tattoo, finally :3
Got to spend time with a friend who's been in Morocco for over a year. :3