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Thread: Academy Awards

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Academy Awards

    Bummed that Trent and Atticus didn't get nominated for an Oscar this year?

    Why not relive their incredible win last year?

    I pulled this off the DVR last year, but never had a chance to post it. From the HD broadcast, Trent and Atticus accepting their Oscars for TSN:


  2. #2
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    Nominated for a BAFTA though I don't think they will win tonight.

  3. #3
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    Thank you very much, TheBang! Not only is it great to see the entire speech in HD, as opposed to an ultra-crude "I'm filming the TV with a Flip camera" rip, but did the broadcast edit some of their speech? I don't remember Trent thanking Mariqueen or TR & AR hugging for some reason. Also, I don't think the audio has ever been good enough for me to notice that the orchestra was playing "Hand Covers Bruise"! So cool. It's a very moving moment for a few reasons. Also cool to see little things like Steven Spielberg watch as they walk to the stage, or seeing Jackman shake their hands as they walk off-stage. Surreal and awesome. Still so happy they got this award, and it's great to have a good-quality document of the event at long last. Thanks again!

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deadpool View Post
    Thank you very much, TheBang! Not only is it great to see the entire speech in HD, as opposed to an ultra-crude "I'm filming the TV with a Flip camera" rip, but did the broadcast edit some of their speech? I don't remember Trent thanking Mariqueen or TR & AR hugging for some reason. Also, I don't think the audio has ever been good enough for me to notice that the orchestra was playing "Hand Covers Bruise"! So cool. It's a very moving moment for a few reasons. Also cool to see little things like Steven Spielberg watch as they walk to the stage, or seeing Jackman shake their hands as they walk off-stage. Surreal and awesome. Still so happy they got this award, and it's great to have a good-quality document of the event at long last. Thanks again!
    Your TV must have really screwed you that night.

    EDIT: Hans is in the clip too!
    Last edited by GoodSoldier333; 02-13-2012 at 11:42 PM.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by GoodSoldier333 View Post
    Your TV must have really screwed you that night.
    Goes to show how long it's been since I've seen the acceptance speech! Seriously though, I started watching the awards late that year, and sadly the first time I watched the speech was via a barely passable YouTube link - you'd think that we'd be beyond filming our TVs at this point, but I guess being the first link online is more important.

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