Age: 33
Where you at?: Memphis, TN
Where've you been?: Denver, St. Louis, I've traveled all over the country following NIN and doing other general travel.
What do you do?: Branch Manager for a small regional bank.
How do you identify?: Male. Bi-leanings but 90% straight.
What are your preferred pronouns?: Dude.
Are you partnered?: Yep, for almost six years.
Political leanings?: Hard left. Vote Democratic and do what I can to get the party to lean as left as I do. That usually means everyone gets a fair chance and their government works hardest for the average person and not the super rich.
Faith or nah?: Atheist, but I am a confirmed Catholic so that means I'm likely going to Hell.
Zodiac?: Cancer.
Do you think Zodiac signs mean anything?: Nah.
Heroes?: My mother.