A gift from me to you "mentally sane" people living a mundane peril of a life. I am setting you goofy negros free, to stop picking cotton and get off the intellectual bovine plantation. Because even though Elon Musk is building ships to get off of this apocalyptic ecological, war stricken and over-populated planet Earth, many of you will be so damn dumb and spiritually low vibrating that you won't be able to cease the opportunity for the inter-galactic journey, instead will die off like the dinosaurs did. I am glad I can help you with your ascension. Hate me now, but thank me later. You're welcome.


To be a "witch" is not about stupid ass lotions and potions. It is nice to learn about herbalism, aromatherpy and natural healing but that just makes you a "doctor" or an educated person overall, especially in these post-modern times where there is absolutely no excuse for the...

average person to educate themselves through online media (internet). Everyone should be a "kitchen witch" with the herbs and essential oils, etc by now. Witchcraft aka magick is about studying human behavior through psychology, body language, religious ideology, philosophy, ...

and mix that with the occult, such as divination (tarot, oracle, iChing, cowrie shells, etc), psychic ability (telepathy, ESP, mediumship, astral projection, remote viewing, shamanism, etc). and even add technology to the mix using sound in the form of static (white noise) to...

contact the dead through EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomenon) at 19hz, or integrate sound frequencies to release certain chemicals in the brain in order to self-heal the body through Isochronic and Binaural tones.

Being a "witch" is not about trying to make or force someone fall in love with you, or how to get rich quick and putting hexes and spells on people, or yourself. Instead is about realizing the stupidity of mankind and how society, religion and individuals limit their growth...

having limiting belief systems where they allow others to make them think in a box (Stockholm syndrome in abusive relationship, or being a willing citizen of a tyrannical leader, or being a devout religious follower, etc), or limiting believes of low self-esteem, constant...

self-loathing and pessimism, and refusing deal with child regression disorders that will turn into mental disorders and personality disorders in one's adulthood. Your ability to witch, is to use your intellectual and highly intelligent understanding of human behavior in order...

survive and manipulate your fellow mankind in order to progress your own life the best way you can. And witching also helps you recognize and fight your own demons so you won't be nothing like your fellow mankind that you are avoiding. Witching is a personal spiritual journey...

in itself, even if you have no interest in manipulating your fellow mankind for your benefit. Witching is the next step and the only step to the Post-Human to TransHumanistic revolution of mankind, because a witch, a real witch does not have a limiting internal or external...

belief system to hold down their personal evolution, which will lead to a Post-human revolution, while the rest of the human population have a huge psychological desire to be controlled by other people, or controlled by their own negative thoughts that keeps them from...

spiritually; therefore, intellectually growing. A real witch is not concerned about fitting in the crowd, because the crowd depends the opinions of others for validation. And when you need validation, then you need a limiting belief system that your life is dependent on other...

people's small and mediocre opinions of you. To have a personal evolution and spiritual ascension is to learn that the only opinion that matters if self-opinion, because once you take control of your own mind 100% that is when you free yourself from any form of negativity...

that stumps your personal growth. To be human is to embrace spiritual, emotional, psychological and physical limitation. To be Post-human, is to purge the human existence and become completely Ubermensch (beyond mankind).

Are you ready to be part of the Post-Human (half-man) generation? Because the time is now.

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