Women DO make unsolicited sexual advances, especially when they are in groups or drunk (or both). Watching women behave in that kind of setting (in groups + alcohol) is very eye-opening. A good buddy of mine used to work at a strip club for ladies and he had the marks to prove it: lots of scratches and some bruises, when it was supposed to be just dancing and maybe feeling up.

The difference is how men/women react to it.

For a straight man, having a random woman grabbing your dick, pinching your ass, or trying to kiss you out of the blue is more or less the equivalent of a woman being given a new pair of shoes by a random stranger. Sure, it might not be your favourite pair of shoes, or you might not even like those shoes at all, but it doesn’t hurt and it’s not that big of a deal.

Let’s stop portraying women like their shit doesn’t smell. They are as much of an asshole as men are, it just shows in different ways, but they are just as human, just as good, just as bad.